He resided by the river of Chebar . Israels restoration lies beyond human power, but not beyond the power of God. In the Old Testament, the heavens typically open so Yahweh can rain his blessings on Israel (Deut. Yet the glory isnt in the temple. 1:10). Josiah was killed in 609 and Judah became a vassal of the new regional power, the Neo-Babylonian empire. Soon after Jeroboams death, civil war broke out in Israel and in 721 BC the Assyrian armies completely subjugated the kingdom. That end-time structure is yet to be built, but with the number of end-time prophecies concerning a resurrected Israel currently in the process of being fulfilled, we can be certain that this time is close at hand. [33] Apart from Revelation, however, where Ezekiel is a major source, there is very little allusion to the prophet in the New Testament; the reasons for this are unclear, but it cannot be assumed that every Christian or Hellenistic Jewish community in the 1st century would have had a complete set of (Hebrew) scripture scrolls, and in any case Ezekiel was under suspicion of encouraging dangerous mystical speculation, as well as being sometimes obscure, incoherent, and pornographic. 1:1). Weve shifted from What if they have fun without me? to What If I commit now and regret it later?, On My Shelf: Life and Books with Peter Leithart, Why Kings Sing: A Biblical Theology of Monarchs and Music, The Ten Commandments Make Life . In chapter 18, the Lord tells the Israelites it doesnt matter how holy their father or mother may be; when we stand before the Lord, we will be held accountable for what we did. In the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible and in all other English Bibles, the book follows on from the Song of Solomon or Song of Songs. 10 minutes with: https://phdessay.com/the-visions-of-ezekiel-178217/, Apple: the Company's Visions and Objectives. Comparing his vision to Babylonian iconography reveals that Ezekiel saw a divine "throne chariot" of the heavenswidely described in the ancient biblical world. Ezekiels directional indications may seem extraneous, but they hint at connections with other four-corner arrangements in the Bible. In the 1st century CE the historian Josephus said that the prophet wrote two books: he may have had in mind the Apocryphon of Ezekiel, a 1st-century CE text that expands on the doctrine of resurrection. And the spirit entered into me when He spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, that I heard Him that speak unto me. , , Download. The hand of the LORD was upon me there: For the third time ( Ezekiel 1:3, 3:14) Ezekiel experienced this. Ezekiel unashamedly spoke the truth to Israel about their sin, their captivity and how the people could be redeemed from it. I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Are these. His words are so power that one of the Judean idolaters, a man named Pelatiah, falls down dead (11:13)[3] Ezekiel must not have been too pleased with that event, but he knew he needed to listen to the voice of the Lord speaking unto him. 6 Ezekiel 37:25 To live forever in Israel 7 Ezekiel 38:11 Houses without lock, without gates 8 Ezekiel 43: 4 God's glory resides with the people. Below, toward earth, are four living creatures that represent the main categories of land and sky creatures: wild animals, domesticated cattle, birds, and men. With Ezekiel, God did not force Israel to listen, He gave the option and they had to choose. The angelic guide is still with Ezekiel and will continue to explain and instruct him in the law of the temple, but at this point there is a special word from the Lord out of the temple, which is virtually a statement of consecration. Behold, the glory of the LORD stood there: Once again, Ezekiel had a vision similar to that which he experienced in Ezekiel 1. i. Where is Israel in this process of resurrection? The vision of the whirlwind. The main theme running through Isaiah is the message of salvation, even the name of the prophet means salvation of Yahweh. From a distance, Ezekiel sees what Israel saw, a storm wind and a great cloud flashing with lightning and fire. The veil that once separated the people from Gods Divine Presence in the Holy of Holies was torn down when Yeshua (Jesus) conquered sin and death. [1] The book's literary influence can be seen in the later apocalyptic writings of Daniel and Zechariah. The book moves on to anticipate the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, explains this as God's punishment, and closes with the promise of a new beginning and a new Temple. The OT in general and the prophets in particular presuppose and teach Gods sovereignty over all creation, over people and nations and the course of history. The book being opened Chapters 2-3 . They had been buried, as it were, in the foreign lands to which they had been exiled. In the Old Testament, God chose very specific people to give His message to Israel. Sadly, only a small percentage of the worlds population seems to realize that it is God who has done these great things. 1:22), and above the expanse, Ezekiel sees a lapis lazuli throne, occupied by a figure like a man made of fire and metal (Ezek. Something like this has happened before. Altogether, the glory is a microcosm. The genre of the book is mainly of a prophetic nature, with a mixture of oracles, prophesies and reports of the situation in Judah; however it does deviate from this, most notably in chapter 13, where it takes the form of a supposed psalm. View cart for details. At the center of the vision is Yahweh himself, appearing as a glorified man to the prophet by the river Chebar. [34], The Visionary Ezekiel Temple plan drawn by the 19th-century French architect and Bible scholar Charles Chipiez, The Vision of The Valley of The Dry Bones by Gustave Dor, 1866, Ezekiel's Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones by Maerten de Vos, c. 1600, Ezekiel's Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones by Quentin Metsys the Younger, c. 1589, Second Temple and rabbinic Judaism (c. 515 BCE500 CE), Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, 1937. pp811-894, Rape in the Hebrew Bible Ezekiel 16 and 23, "How many verses are in the book of Ezekiel? He states that God Himself will put hooks into the jaws of a leader named Gog of a land called Magog (to the far north of Israel), persuading him to invade the Promised Land. When Israel camped in the wilderness, the 12 tribes were divided into four groups, with three turned toward each of the four cardinal directions (Num. This is a reminder that God does pursue those whom He loves, but He also wants His people to come to Him out of freedom. Throughout the text, therefore, there are nuggets of information dropped as to what to look for to determine when that will happen so people can prepare accordingly. cite it. The name Shaddai is probably a cognate of the Akkadian ad"mountain" or "steppe," which is itself a cognate of the Hebrewdeh "field/wilderness." Turn from your idols and renounce all your detestable practices!" (Ezekiel 14:6) Although they have all sinned greatly against Him, it is His heart to have them serving Him again. Luke, Galatians, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Romans, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, and Philemon, God inspired the prophets to tell the people what they needed to know and do in order to follow His will. This is the heart of the vision. Through it all, God's powerful acts of justice and promises of undeserved covenant blessing display his heart for us to know and adore. Four living creatures appear from the whirlwind. Yahwehs departure from the temple is a judgment on Judah, but its also an act of compassion. Above these is a firmament, like the expanse of the sky, and above the sky is Yahwehs throne. Nevertheless, as the Prophet Joel prophesied, we are seeing the Ruach HaKodesh draw His people one by one in these last days. 40:3435). Explore how the human body functions as one unit in Ezekiel was a prophet to the exiles who were living in captivity in Babylo. Ezekiel was obedient to the visions and listened to Gods voice and what He instructed him to do, no matter what the consequence was or how strange, terrifying, weird the message may have been for Israel. The Lord explains the meaning of he vision in verses 11-14. It also suggests that it should not be done alone. What is amiss with the nation is that it is corrupt at this center, that as repudiated the God who made it a people and has replaced him by the gods of the surrounding countries. Save time and let our verified experts help you. This is not for her sake alone, but to make sure the nations do finally see that He is the one, true, holy and sovereign God of the universe. 1:6) and four wings ( Ezek. In the Old Testament, the heavens typically open so Yahweh can rain his blessings on Israel (Deut. I will show the holiness of my great name, which has been profaned among the nations, the name you have profaned among them. How to Handle a Difficult Small-Group Member, 5 Surprising Books to Help Navigate the Gender Debates, Wednesday Addams and the Return of Black-and-White Morality. Ezekiel Sees the Glory & Receives the Call Chapter 4 -24 Judgments Against Judah Chapter 25-32 Judgments Against the Gloating Nations Chapter 33-39 Restoration of Israel to the LORD Chapter 40-48 Visions of the Temple Note that the breakpoint at Ezekiel 25 marks the end of Ezekiel's prophecies of doom and gloom for Judah. Christians are no different. God made these people His and they are turning from Him. In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain, by which was as the frame of a city on the south. The throne vision Chapter 1 Chapter 4 2. 1:12), and we know which direction. This passage gives an answer of how the Lord expects the Israelites to respond to His message of repentance. The Spaceships of Ezekiel (1974) is a book by Josef F. Blumrich (March 17, 1913 - February 10, 2002) about a spaceship that was supposedly observed by the prophet Ezekiel, written while the author was chief of NASA's systems layout branch of the program development office at the Marshall Space Flight Center. When Ezekiel sees the vision, he falls like a dead man (Ezek. In 597, following a rebellion against Babylon, Ezekiel was among the large group of Judeans taken into captivity by the Babylonians. Notably, Ezekiel blames the Babylonian exile not on the people's failure to keep the Law, but on their worship of gods other than Yahweh and their injustice: these, says Ezekiel in chapters 811, are the reasons God's Shekhinah left his city and his people. But, God did not do this for embarrassment, He did this to remind the people of Israel that He was still going to be their God and that He still desperately wanted to be loved and served by them. 3-28 Ezekiel has the most profound vision of the glory of God. Ezekiel 43:12. At the same time, others who called themselves prophets led Israel to believe that there would be no destruction in Jerusalem, that its walls would not be breached nor its families taken into exile: Precisely because they have misled my people, saying, Peace, when there is no peace, and because, when the people build a wall, these prophets smear it with whitewash, say to those who smear it with whitewash that it shall fall! Illustration. The Prophet Isaiah Predicts the Return of the Jews from Exile, by Maarten van Heemskerck. Ezekiel sees visions of Jehovah's celestial chariot and he sees visions of apostasy at the temple in Jerusalem and he also has a vision of a glorious temple vision. [7] This particular study of Ezekiel has taught me of Gods heart for His nation. 2 On the fifth day of the month, which was in the fifth year of King Jehoiachin's captivity, 3 the word of the . 3 The word of the LORD came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi . They have a human form ( Ezek. He also sees the man with the writers inkhorn who marks the foreheads of the faithful ones. The four plagues Chapter 5 Chapter 6:1-8 4. Jesus is the Prophet (Luke 4:24; 7:16; 24:19), but hes more than a prophet. Ezekiel's vision of the cherubim shows them supporting the throne alongside four mystical wheels. The Prophet Ezekiel, whose Hebrew name means "God Strengthens," was the fourth of the five Major Prophets from Isaiah to Daniel. The rabbis see traveling into the supernatural realm on a spiritual chariot to communicate directly with God so risky that the Talmud restricts study of these texts to only the most worthy sages. Not only does the Holy Spirit speak to him, but He actually transports him to different spots. 28:12; Ps. He can respond to his peoples sin by leaving his sanctuary in Israel, and he can graciously condescend to visit his exiled children in Babylon. Please make sure all fields are filled out. The famous phrase wheels within wheels is tantalizingly vague. This is in marked contrast to the Deuteronomistic writers, who held that the sins of the nation would be held against all, without regard for an individual's personal guilt. Macbeth Dreams Visions and Hallucinations Rereading, The Art of Paul Kane: Visions from the Wilderness, Turish Visions For Sustainable Renewable Energy Environmental Sciences Essay, The Visions of the Narrator in the Cathedral by Raymond Carver, Write He is not limited to the temple in Jerusalem. Even from a distance, he sees something like glowing metal in the midst of the fire (Ezek. He gets an up-close, interior view, and he shares it with us. Look! Important Vision #2: Ezekiel 8-11. I miss you Israel, I just want to be with you again, I want you to want Me again. It doesnt take Ezekiel up to heaven; it brings heaven to earth. Livable, A Tale of Trees: How Arboreal Theology Pervades the Bible. Ezekiel was one of the prophet who were taken into exile along with King Jehoiachin. The visions, and the book, are structured around three themes: (1) Judgment on Israel (chapters 1-24); (2) Judgment on the nations (chapters 25-32); and (3) Future blessings for Israel (chapters 33-48). In Ezekiel 43:10-12 it says, Son of man, describe the temple to the people of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their sins. Ezekiel, was a great man of God and very faithful to Him. Ezekiel 1 was chosen as the haftarah for the first day of Shavuot, [1] as it picks up on the theme of divine revelation, which is what the festival celebrates. [1], Ezekiel is referenced more in the Book of Revelation than in any other New Testament writing. Our devotion to the word of God then marks our lives and becomes a testimony to the faithfulness of God and his word. 78:23; Mal. 124 teach that God will be revealed in the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple; chs. The priests and elders on Sinai peered up through a sapphire pavement to see the God of Israel and Moses got to enter the cloud. Perhaps it means that the wheels were spheres that could change direction without being turned. com/niv/study-bible/ezekiel/ accessed March 8th, 2013. The cloud comes from the north (Ezek. Our staff at Bibles For Israel are especially privileged to see firsthand how the truth of prophetic Scriptures witness to the spirits of the Jewish People that Yeshua is their Savior and Lord, as well as Messiah. I want you to see what you have done against Me, not so that I can punish you, but so that there will not be anything between us again and we can freely commune. Above the heads of the cherubim is an expanse, a firmament gleaming like ice (Ezek. Amazingly, Ezekiel describes all of these future scenarios that we have seen unfold in our generation. Pallazzo Pitti, Florence. Lesson 6 Ezekiel the Prophet of Visions in the Old Testament Unit 13 The Prophets. This is a reminder to the Israelites. number: 206095338, E-mail us: What a contrast visions and weeping! 1:6 ). The region has split into two kingdoms, the Assyrian empire is closing in around them and the death of Jeroboam II of Israel (745 BC) and the death Uzziah of Judah (742) ended a time of peace, security and prosperity for both states. This word is parallel to the Greek word in the New Testament, Pneuma, which is typically used for describing the Holy Spirit. Ezekiel or Ezechiel (/ z i k i l /; Hebrew: Yezql [j.zqel]; in the Septuagint written in Koin Greek: Iezekil [i..z.kiel]) is the central protagonist of the Book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible.. When Yahweh sends Israel into exile, he packs up and heads into exile with them. Of course, Bibles For Israel does not condone such travelling. That is not the way to get to know God, and one does not need a spiritual chariot to meet with God. 20:1: The scene here is from heaven to earth as an angel comes down to earth having the key and a great chain with him; the key refers to access; to open access or to grant access to thus access is granted to this angel to bind Satan., This report supplies an overview of the Book of Revelation prepared by Leoner Suarez a biblical theologian with the purpose to contribute knowledge and understanding of the book of Revelation to the biblical studies program of Kean University. There was a vision of the valley of dry bones. A further deportation of Jews from Jerusalem to Babylon occurred in 586 when a second unsuccessful rebellion resulted in the destruction of the city and its Temple and the exile of the remaining elements of the royal court, including the last scribes and priests. can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing But the heavens open to welcome Ezekiel, the son of man (Ezek. 28:18). 1:15). Do the Palestinians Descend from the Philistines? (2016, Dec 30). That was also the place out of which God had called Abraham that He might have a chosen people (Gen. 11:6, 31). Before the physical restoration can take place, there must be a renewal of faith. God is so serious about making people aware of this that He held Ezekiel personally responsible for making sure the People understood the consequences of iniquity in their own lives. He takes Ezekiel by the hand and carefully explains what He says to Israel, and He reveals His very personal feelings and plans with Ezekiel. The author does not identify himself as an apostle., Ezekiel the watchman prophet who had an assignment to bring the message to Gods people. 1:10 ). Old Testament Overviews. These visions can even be applied today in the modern day church and show how much God loves His people despite repetitive sin. He is believed to have prophesied from about 592 to 570 B.C., almost a quarter-century, between and overlapping . [24] The vision in chapters 1:428 reflects common mythological/Biblical themes and the imagery of the Temple: God appears in a cloud from the north the north being the usual home of God/the gods in ancient mythology and Biblical literature with four living creatures corresponding to the two cherubim above the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant and the two in the Holy of Holies, the innermost chamber of the Temple; the burning coals of fire between the creatures perhaps represents the fire on the sacrificial altar, and the famous "wheel within a wheel" may represent the rings by which the Levites carried the Ark, or the wheels of the cart. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are The most influential modern scholarly work on Ezekiel, Walther Zimmerli's two-volume commentary, appeared in German in 1969 and in English in 1979 and 1983. [3] Its themes include the concepts of the presence of God, purity, Israel as a divine community, and individual responsibility to God. The book is first of the major prophets, so called due to its greater length than the shorter minor prophets or twelve prophets. database? Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/the-visions-of-ezekiel-178217/, Hire skilled expert and get original paper in 3+ hours, Run a free check or have your essay done for you, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Date: Ezekiel began his ministry at 30 years of age (1:1; cf. Num 4:30) and in the 5th year of Jehoiachin's reign or about 593 BC.1 Ezekiel records the dates of when he received his visions throughout the book as shown in the first column in the table below. He later prophesied they would spend 70 years in exile beginning in the year 597 BC (Jeremiah 25:11). The prophet Jeremiah, who remained in Jerusalem during that time, tried to warn the Jewish People to repent of their idol worship and wickedness or face destruction and captivity. In Ezekiel, though, the movement is the opposite. For Ezekiel and his people, these years were bitter ones because the remnant of the Israelite domain, the little state of Judah, was eliminated by the rising Babylonian empire under Nebuchadrezzar (reigned 605-562 bc ). published on 27 September 2018. We are always called to this devotion regardless of circumstance or opposition. To the right of the man face is the lion face, facing west, and to the left is the bull face, turned east. Ezekiel's ministry was conducted in Jerusalem and Babylon in the first three decades of the 6th century bc. Because of this traditional connection between Ezekiels vision of the chariot in chapter 1 and the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai (which is celebrated on Shavuot/ Pentecost) Ezekiel 1:128 is read as the Haftarah (Prophetic) portion on this holy holiday. I will establish them and increase their numbers, and I will put my sanctuary among them forever. Ezekiel does not mention any foreign land coming to her aid. Likewise, in the last days described in chapters 3839, Ezekiel foresees that all false walls of protection and rumors of peace (spoken or unspoken) will ultimately crash down as well, and the world will know that the Lord has done it. Did you know that we have over 70,000 essays on 3,000 topics in our b. This sovereign God resolved that he would be known and acknowledged. Each cherub has four facesthe face of a bull, a lion, an eagle, and a man (Ezek. 6), Ezekiels is part of his ordination as prophet. A Flemish enamel depicting Ezekiel 9, a vision in which those who grieved Israels sin had their foreheads marked in order to save them from Divine punishment for sins. Can these bones live? asks God. It would be extremely humbling to them for them to have to rebuild their worship place to God. Ezekiel encountered God through extraordinary visions full of metaphor and symbology that have produced much speculation over the millennia, yet God also conveyed His message to the People of Israel through Ezekiel very clearly: Repent! He was among 10,000 exiles carried off during a period. [22], As a priest, Ezekiel is fundamentally concerned with the Kavod YHWH, a technical phrase meaning the presence (shekhinah) of YHWH (i.e., one of the Names of God) among the people, in the Tabernacle, and in the Temple, and normally translated as "glory of God". A false religion perverts its life and threatens catastrophe. Answer: There are only two Old Testament scriptures that directly reference this strange heavenly vision of a "wheel within a wheel" observed by the prophet Ezekiel. Bringing the Saints into the Lord's Up-to-date Vision and Move in His Recovery (CWWL, 1984, vol. Chariot to meet with God ( Ezek in these last days Jerusalem and the destruction of the faithful.! Of Gods heart for His nation into exile, he falls like a dead man Ezek! Perhaps it means that the wheels were spheres that could change direction without being turned death, war! And I will put my sanctuary among them forever, by Maarten van.! In these last days want you to want me again can even be applied today in the of. ( 1:1 ; cf completely subjugated the kingdom he would be known and acknowledged writers who.: Ezekiel began His ministry at 30 years of age ( 1:1 ; cf Israel saw, a storm and! Up to heaven ; it brings heaven to earth to rebuild their worship place to.. 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