While the rest of the team had been surprised at how quickly Natasha had taken Peter under her wing, Tony had just smirked and waited until it was just the two of them to mention it. Hi Im looking for a story where Darcy go away from the tower (with Jane I think) because Bucky leaves her forcant remember the reasoning but I assume its something about him not wanting to get attached to her or the new freedom to choose what he wants and starting seeing What if Captain America had never been found in the ice and therefore Nick Fury, in need of a leader for his Avenger Initiative, called the person that inspired him to create this team, his old friend Carol Danvers, to be the sixth member. She and Tony had been in a relationship for a while now, and he would probably expect sex very soon. With a team and family at her back, she works to massage those discordant pieces into a coherent narrative while confronting the changes in her relationships, new and old. Natasha asked for the third time. Over the course of ten years, she faces numerous enemies and trials that prove herself worth of the title "Avenger".This story is a prequel to the Natasha and Wanda series, starting in 2006 with Natasha's rescue, to the end of Age of Ultron. Aunt. This sets the Avengers on a different path. 14 year old y/n living in an abusive orphanage accidently texts the wrong number will they have a Just a classic wrong number story But only a little. What happens when S.H.E.I.L.D want to recrute her for the Avengers? She doesnt even believe it was a moment, an hour, a day, a month, or even a year. Bucky gives Steve a look as if to say: Why Ohio?. you yell Instead of killing me he ended up helping me defect. But that was before the Avengers. ", Turns out the Black Widow kept a diary. And Natasha would go to the ends of the earth and fight any monster to protect her daughter but even she might not be up to the task of protecting her baby girl. Weve known each other since I was three. Coming to terms with death is difficult, particularly when that death is your own. Let other people give those bullshit emotional speeches filled with flowery adjectives and action verbs to the memory of a man that they screen-print on shirts instead of listening to what he had to say. "It's only fair." " You embarrassed yourself, if I remember correctly." Date of birth: 5 June 1980. "Get on up there, Nat," Clint grinned. enjoy~ Kira is her Father's unwilling sidekick, raised to be the perfect assassin, trained to see people as targets and threats. Okay, is anybody else confused? They're all here! This is not the end of her story; it is a new beginning. Natasha tells the team about her past. Will everything go back to normal? If you don't like,don't read! Steve sees that Nat is also holding a gun. Basically this is something I wanted to write for the fluff, I hope you enjoy. Written in Natasha was excited. Great. Edit: What was once a one shot On Archive Of Our own, is now a full blown story. Instead, she just peered into the door windows. *This story will not make sense without reading Parts 1-4*Not CACW compliant, Sometimes she thought she might be going insane. Lightning (Bucky X Child Reader) !Not Romantic! Clint its nice to see you again, avengers it is nice to meet you, Lena set the table. Melina orders. Sirius never finds Pettigrew, and he come back for Harry. Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff are dating, but they keep it as a secret. I kidnapped him tonight.. Who reader just can't seem to take her mind off. who knew tony would fall for the bright, blued-eyed kid with his soft smile and tousled blonde hair and dusted pink cheeks and who always seemed to get into more trouble than it was worth ? I have been looking for this fanfic for like 2 days now , i remember reading it ages ago but i cant find it again ????? That makes Yelena your sister, and Alexei your father. Tony practically screeches. He had a tendency to do that. Natasha tells the team about her past. "But I'm talking to the principal and the kid that was punching you. Wanda is studying at an Ivy League school with her aunt just up the road, and Natasha is going on missions with her partner and boyfriend. They are a great team, often making up their own rules. That's when she saw the fire. Natasha, Steve, Tony and Clint have been captured.Their captor is smug, sadistic, and he seems to be one step ahead all the time.Between torture that brings out their weaknesses more than any supervillain did before, and time threatening to run out, escape is necessary, yet seems impossible. "The rest of us embarrassed ourselves," Bruce added. Trapped under rubble together, well nothing builds bonds like shared trauma. Steve and Sam were poking and nudging her. Natasha asks to defect, on the provisor that Shield helps her kill General Dreykov. left kudos on this work! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. When Steve asked her to look for Bucky, she didnt expect to find him. Young, scared, alone, and pregnant; Natasha did what she thought was best and left the newborn at the front steps o. Marvel: The One Above All. Peter grinned, but she wasn't finished. He calls himself the Red Guardian. , , ? We cant go to Clints farm again because its also been exposed this time and I highly doubt the rest of you have any secret families up your sleeves. Tony exclaims. Other that being female, this one-shot takes place before Age of Ultron. That's when he saw Natasha sitting down by the counter filling out a report. They, Clint and herself, had just arrived back from a mission. While the rest of the team had been surprised at how quickly Natasha had taken Peter under her wing, Tony had just smirked and waited until it was just the two of them to mention it. That is, until someone wakes him up for real. The Avengers need a safe house. If there was one thing Peter loved most about getting rides from Natasha was how cool it made him look in her sleek corvette, not as cool as her but still pretty cool. this is role reversal between tony stark , Natasha Romanoff and pepper . Age: 28. Yeah, lets go Natasha quickly signed her name on the last file and put in back in the manilla folder. Bad news: he never fixed the problem where it fried all our kit, not just the bad guys., Good news, Natasha said, found out what Hammer and Sterns were after., Bad news, Steve said, it was the Project Rebirth files.. I'll upload in small parts, not regularly though since I'm primarily working on another project right now. He offered a beer to Bruce, who sat beside him on another couch. Can be read as a sequel to "The Spy and the Assassin", though admittedly a bit of an unnecessary one.As a standalone it works well enough, and if you want to know more about this version of Nat, well, I've written like a full series for her. She has the power to control metal. The Avengers Adoption Scheme was a pain in Furys AAS. Quickly putting that thought out of her head, Natasha went to start wiping away the blood around his wound. From the outside it looked perfect, and it had been, at the beginning. *Iron-Man stans and pro-Accords folks are advised to stay away*. She just didn't know that that would leave her stuck in a cell being babysat by an agent with a piercing stare and no-nonsense attitude. After everyone has left, she leans towards Steve Do not let my husband scare you, his bark is much worse than his bite.. This is just a story of different ships for Tony Stark. Wait up, shes your mother! About an hour away from Kent, Ohio. Nat answers. (See the end of the work for more notes.). Youve got two 100 year old super idiots, a former KGB spy, a guy who cosplays Robin Hood for a living, modern-day Icarus, and a billionaire funding all their crazy. Natasha gives him the look and he just smirks. The Winter Soldier doesn't remember much at all. Dumbledore's mistake was forgetting that Sirius is still a Black, a Black who was trained as a pure-blood heir to one of the most ruthless and ancient families in the wizard world. Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff are dating, but they keep it as a secret. NATASHA ROMANOV X MILF! Avengers Fanfiction Natasha Family Avengers Oc Harem Fanfiction Founded in 2004, Games for Change is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that empowers game creators and social innovators to drive real-world impact through games and immersive media Avengers Oc Harem Fanfiction. "YOU, YOU ARE MY PROBLEM!" + You get dropped off by your pimp? Now everyone who was about to enter the school were all focused on Peter and Flash, waiting for Peter to respond. Natasha was pardoned after the events of Civil War and the Black Widow movie. Him and Natasha have gotten quite close almost like mother and son or older sister and younger brother. *Part 5 of the Natasha and Wanda Series*For nearly three years, Natasha and Wanda have been establishing their home and family. Me and Yelena were separated, and I continued my training. She has lived many lives, inhabited many covers, been many womenand now she is all of them. But what happens when Steve finds out her darkest secrets? Although the remaining kids in the hallway stared at them as they passed, Natasha didn't seem to notice as she searched the school for Peter. Natasha and Tony, post a Civil War that went a little differently, speak. ThisIsMi, RogueishDreamer, thewordworshipper, writingasahobby, Mira_Lotta, captainperaltiago, SpideyHina, ciaraalice, HellisRising, Appik157, Clara84217, Lived_life, Amoureuse_tbh, inconspicyous, Z3R0_B1TCH_B0Y, shunaya12, sc_scarlet05, malatresnjica, Imdyinginsideandout, Christel_Bi_Amazing, DorkyInvisibleOutcast, jayiin, OnlythebraveTA, dyhgfyunfddghk, russiasnatalia, AdaisyforDaisy, USWNTFAN1, Asliing, Spideydolls, Valetudinarian, Melody21, a_gay_frog, aoi7jie, yellowdinosaur1, honk_h0nk, RafeShadow, Amo_shippear_romanogers, Kween_Of_Kookies, regvlvsblvck, iWantsZehCheese, Fate_wolf, Doppelganger_gemini, Red_Hood16851, Fjmff30, arespendragon, Topher98, AstroCAM, fruit1208, Youngsmonsta, FherNando1996, and 344 more users If you want to make fan art for the chapters be free to do so! Natasha is here! Melina rushes into the living room to give her daughter a big hug. Alright, alright! and i think in this one tony heals faster cause super soldier blood. In Russian: Why wont you call them Mama and Papa?. What time will they be home? Asked Natasha. She hadn't seen Peter in a long time due to taking longer missions and Peter being gone on vacation for the one time she was in town. Natasha's job was to keep him there, and to feel like she had her shit together because she was capable of enabling this. *This story will not make sense without reading Parts 1-4*Not CACW compliant, Natasha is a fatal woman. More importantly, working with Wanda. Then when I was on the run from Ross, Yelena, who I havent had contact with since we were separated, sent me a package with twenty vials of mind control antidote. (NEW) chapter guide:Titles --> Fandom - character/character* = smut! + "Dad" a voice replied. Earth's best defender, The love of Nat's life, Peter's father, Rhodey's best friend, Iron Man. Thirty minutes later, Steve lay down on the roof of a building and looked through a scope. It was really her. TW! ? Hayden chase, a thirteen year old girl, she is a force to be recon with, everyone steers clear of her, But she has a deep dark secret, what happens when she has a run i. Ever since Aunt May went on a long term business trip in Europe, and Peter living with the avengers. I have specific fandoms listed but if you want to request something not on the list go ahead. The first chapter tells you all you need to know. Reviews would be lovely. After years of abusive settings, she finally finds a way to set herself free. Part 4 of Addicted. Ride To School Stick with it though because it should get lighter as it goes on. Natasha Romanoff has three families. The daughter of Bruce Banner is asked to join the Avengers along with her dad, when they accept what will happen. Let them stand before the empty grave and weep. HELP! KGB operative. KATENAT - I FEEL SO FREE4. After all, how could she know that he, who was literally an internationally known playboy, didn't like sex? 6. Shed had cause to curse the Red Room a thousand times over but even she hadn't seen this coming. Steve sighed and followed her into the school. Nice ride! Peter woke up extremely late. He catches sight of her hand traveling down to the base of her stomach, as an emotion passes over her face. Everyone learns what was going through her head during those five years, Before Natasha became and Avenger, before she saved the world, before she became Wanda's mom, she was the Black Widow. He did have the opportunity of getting his own personal driver but Mr.Stark didnt want him to be too spoiled because we all know where that leads and he wasnt old enough to drive so looks like the city bus was his only option. She landed on the Helicarrier making record time from Stark Towers. Peter sighed and looked up at her desperately. Lost in his own grief, hes disappeared into himself, until someone unexpectedly stumbles into his life. Natasha walks up to the door and unlocks it. sorry for the carol jumpscare just go with it! Peter shook his head quickly, looking back up with wide eyes. She took it. Besides, what does a shove into a locker and a leg stuck out to trip him really matter anyway? Natasha Romanov/Tony Stark. But she has a deep dark secret, what happens when she has a run i Six year old Percy Jackson lives with his smelly step father, Gabe. Good news, Steve said as he hauled her upright, the drones are all dead., Bad news, Natasha said, sliding her baton back into her harness, got attacked by drones., Good news, Steve said, Howard Starks bag of magic tricks still works. Today was even more crucial because it was the first day of his sophomore year in high school and he didnt want to get a late mark on his first day. Natasha was panicking. SHIELD agent. It finally burst. Nat laughed. Basically just the Og 6 avengers in an alternate universe where they were heroes at a young age and became the avengers at a young age. For Peter Parker, the answer was: everything. he yells back She huffed in annoyance but kept her eyes on the doors until they finally opened again and students began streaming out. Her memory, once shattered into pieces, has now been stitched back together. Who? Steve asks as everyone moves into the living room and makes themselves comfortable. Two days in the vents and ten days in Budpest is a story that both of them would rather forget. Fanfiction Recommendations : The Avengers theme by The Avengers Five Hangovers : Bruce/Natasha, Bruce doesn't drink very often, it makes him feel sad and fall asleep. Please consider turning it on! Suddenly a blonde steps out from the room to the left, her gun pointed directly at Nats head. Avenger. She doesn't even try to hide it much, her username being real_blackwidow. Will Y/N get more than she bargained for? Let them stand before the stupid monument thats so phallic-shaped that if she pointed it out, hed desperately try to bite down the laugh but shed know that he was thinking it, too. Civil War left them with mistrust and broken hearts. Now suddenly shes mother to a traumatised 10 year old girl more familiar with guns than hugs. I want to know every time he so much as looks at you, okay?". If Natasha is to survive, other members of the Avengers will have to settle their differences and learn to work together. Because the Red Room is still out there, and Dreykov will stop at nothing. What would you risk? Hope you liked it. She hadnt considered Dreykov would want to keep the Winter Soldiers child. Absentmindedly she tossed the stem into the trashcan and reached over to grab a full bag of red berries and dumped them into a strainer. Ooh, do we get to learn more about Nats mysterious past? Sam asks. He's a man cursed to become a monster. Adopted! Yelena quips from the hallway. "And the year before that. Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Tony Stark. With their enemies gathering, the Avengers need her whole more than they realize. A very exhausting Red Room related mission. Then we took down the red room. (I've got my eye on you), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, if Grammarly doesn't catch errors then it's in god's hands, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Justice League would be protective if they thought it would help, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Wanda Maximoff & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov & Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov & Melina Vostokoff, Clint Barton & Phil Coulson & Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton & Phil Coulson & Maria Hill & Melinda May & Natasha Romanov, taking requests on plot and character cameos, Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Wanda Maximoff & Natasha Romanov & Yelena Belova, I'm trying goddamnit but I'm mentally ill and hate myself. *Part 5 of the Natasha and Wanda Series*For nearly three years, Natasha and Wanda have been establishing their home and family. Language: English. Then Clint gave her a choice.The road to redemption is long, Natasha is desperate to erase the red from her ledger and become a better person. Those agents were Alexei and Melina and the red room plucked a three-year-old off the streets, Yelena. This is when Alexei walks in. Natasha find out about her assistant's cute little son Peter, who will make her life change from drunk Playgirl to the great spider mom, black widow. The Avengers meet Natasha's family StevieBell Summary: The Avengers need a safe house. , , , , . She discovers one day that she is more than just an Average girl. But now shes here. His only regrets when his parents died was that his mother would never know a life without abuse. Reader is having a very difficult time managing the difficulties a being a single mother who's constantly fight her ex husband and the father of her children. (If youre reading this for the Steggy, that really starts around chapter 11) (BuckyNat is sprinkled throughout! Hey Penis Parker! Harry Potter Has a Twin. "He'll make me change schools and I love it here.". during revolutions, there are three kinds of people:those who fight with their livesThose who suppress the protestersand those who light up a cigarette, lean on the balcony railing, and watch. Or if you already have it, what would you give to protect it? She trusts no one. Lyric was born with her powers but her parents kicked her t Maybe recruiting a teenager girl was one of their better ideas. He doesnt need to read it to know what it says: its been two years since Bucky passed. Today really sucked. [ Please do not copy to another site without permission. Lea Cleora is a 25 year old comic designer who has only been in one relationship (Liam her boss) and is used to a abusive household so she's not surprised when he first insulted her or when he first hit her or when it continued and is defiantly isn't surprised when he starts to call her fat Nina is a 17 year old girl who is abused by her parents, she was given a chance to live at the avengers tower by tony but she declined in fear, read her story and how one convention changed her life. General Ross has Natasha cornered. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov/Melina Vostokoff, Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov & Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov & Melina Vostokoff. Natasha eagerly watched for Peter, expecting him to be one of the first ones out. Guys, this is Yelena. She has powers or controlling electricity and Y/N is a cat who lives with an abusive father and two twin boys. Later, he would convince her not to talk to Flash, but right now he just wanted to go home. Ned nudged him as the driver stepped out of the car. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Peter Parker is everyones favorite little bro, Everyone in guy Peters school has a crush on Black Widow. This happens after Black Widow and Civil War, and the Avengers are one big family again. BLACKHILL - THE CAPTURE, (title from 'the only thing' by sufjan stevens). When sixteen year old Y/n L/n, a telekinetic orphan joins the Avengers, she is assigned as Loki's Mission partner. Including Captain America.. Barely. SELF-HARM AND SUICIDE IDEATION AND DESCRIPTIONS! Tony's barely back from Afghanistan and decidedly not over his trauma yet when he decides to house the former assassin turned SHIELD spy who's been investigating him. They didn't wait to be told twice. He looked down at the Midgardian girl, a glint of emerald shining from her neck. "I am sorry," Black Panther said to the now dea Valen has been Hydra's pet for years. OR, after an explosion brings down a building on top of them, Peter is the only thing between Tony, Natasha and certain death. Previous #1 in Fanfiction. Too bad the trouble finds them on their date. and i think one of the pairings in this was steve/tony but not sure. Nicole, a girl born in 1936, was neglected as a child, with terrible effects. This is no place for a child- and what if he rips everyt Ebony Winters. 1 page April 1, 2016 Chels Malfoy. Within three minutes she had made it to the Director's office. Just a Hayden chase, a thirteen year old girl, she is a force to be recon with, everyone steers clear of her, Isn't it lovely, all aloneHeart made of glass, my mind of stoneTear me to pieces, skin to boneHello, welcome home. Steve just shrugs. Thats when he saw Natasha sitting down by the counter filling out a report. They should be Yelena glances at the clock hanging above the fireplace About an hour. However, th Book 1 Completed shield budapest notageofultroncompliant +19 more # 2 Clintasha 5v1 by BeccaBartonRomanoff 15.5K 311 6 Ezra and Luca. Natasha smirked No problem, let me know if you need a ride home kay? Peter nodded she kissed his cheek and told him to have a good day at school, even playfully winking at Ned whos face turned beet red. Like, someday, she would snap completely and destroy everything and everyone around her.. For once in his life, hes surrounded(mostly) by people he cares about, and he has Steve by his side once again. How does Melina know Bucky? Steve asks. She opens the door and gestures for the others to follow her inside. Years later Clint was sent on a mission, the missions objective is to kill me. Alright, well stay! Nat exclaims giving into Yelenas puppy eyes. Design & Developed by Pixel Values Technolabs, My Supply Guy - Open Monday-Friday - 09:00-16:00. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (239), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (199), Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark Friendship (655), Good Friend Natasha Romanov (Marvel) (196), Protective Natasha Romanov (Marvel) (185), Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship (128), Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Bruce Banner & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, AU in which everyone lives unless you're may parker, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Harry Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin Raise Harry Potter, Bucky Barnes & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Natasha Romanov is Called Natalia (Marvel), Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Black, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, One I will break, the others I will tear apart, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Adopted Child, Canon Divergence - Post-Movie: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), peter refuses to lose another father figure, Adventures in Irondad-ing: A One-Shot Collection, Natasha Romanov Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, product of lockdown and teen midlife crisis, James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s), James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship. When Steve asked her to look for Bucky, she didnt expect to find him. Natasha scooted towards Peter, her eyes on the rebar that she could now see gruesomely sticking out of his leg, blood coating the pole and pooled on the ground below him. They are also a bunch of lonely, mentally fucked up, misunderstood, assholes. She spun around to face the men. Natalia Alianovna Romanova, better known as the Black Widow or Natasha Romanoff.Daughter. Mama missed you. Melina says giving Natasha a kiss on her head. Natasha exclaimed. Tony Stark grows a liking to the kid, but he doesn't actually know about what's truly happening in the kids life as he slowly takes a liking to the kid. A term that Natasha was fairly certain Stark stole from another movie. He made his way over to his best friend Ned who was shocked to see Peter in such an awesome car. He may not be able to escape his destiny, but he would give his everything until he was no longer breathing. character: natasha romanov character: obadiah stane character: peggy carter character: pepper potts character: peter parker character: phil coulson character: pietro maximoff character: sam wilson character: sif character: stephen strange character: steve rogers character: t'challa character: thanos character: thor character: tony stark Some quiet murmurs starting to form all around them, How did Parker manage to get a ride from her?, You think her and Captain America are dating?, Just the shoes? Ok. They continue eating.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Tony's task was to focus on her and nothing but her, to anchor himself in the present. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Hooray! Wanda is studying at an Ivy League school with her aunt just up the road, and Natasha is going on missions with her partner and boyfriend. She likes to imagine that all of this wouldnt happen. With the way it runs hed be lucky to reach the end of 2nd period. Homecoming (part 2). I hope you enjoy it! 5. Where is here, the middle of nowhere? Asks Bucky. It hurts Tony's bones, all the way down into the warm gushy center that the world is convinced he doesn't have. But only a little. Clint should've known something was up with Natasha when they got assigned to a mission in Moscow, but now after facing off with a figure in Natasha's past he's left with her gravely injured in the process. Out the Black Widow movie this for the Avengers up to the door.... The Red room is still out there, Nat, & quot ; on. 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