My son is currently incarcerated for felony drug conviction in Wa state. Its been 10 years since the DUI. I still have copies of my arrest and court records. Its sounding like anything more than one minor offense within the last ten years is not even worth applying. I have not heard of a letter of disposition from DOJ. It wasnt even my interview when this happened and I had been approved already. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the dispositions for these incidents. Hopefully, the CBP officer reviewing your case will approve. Interview talked about it was not a big deal and I was granted Global Pass. I have NEVER had any incident at the border in regards to tickets, fines, or anything otherwise. I hate to pay if he would be denied. a juvenile detention, that would not be considered an adult criminal conviction. Is it worth waiting another 7 years to reapply? Yes. What are my chances and should I risk it? Will that help my chances of getting approval for global entry? This time when going back, did the photo and prints update. Applicant is not eligible for the Trusted Traveler Program due to criminal record, However my disposition was placed on file w/o finding no conviction. 10 years from the initial charge or 10 years from my expulsion. Do you think my global entry application will be denied? I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the dispositions for these incidents. Thoughts on ever getting it TT back? I also have a DUI which was expunged from my record. had to go to court, pled nolo, paid the $100 fine. The Global Entry kiosk asks if you have exceeded your duty-free allowance with a simple yes-or-no question, but theres a catch: youre only allowed a duty-free exemption every 30 days. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. Whey to I do now? You may receive an initial denial as the program can reject for any criminal incidents. I do not know if this would arise in a global entry interview or not. I have never been questioned or fined or anything. What would you recommend I do? I have nothing else on my record. This has only happened once in my long international travel history. Is that cause for denial. When asked about conviction, I truthfully said I was convicted of a minor misdemeanor 14 years ago, unauthorized use of property, and I provided the date and name of the court. If this was your only law enforcement/CBP incident, you might have a good reinstatement possibility. CBP generally likes to see the passage of time with no further negative incidents before reinstating an applicant. Appreciate your thoughts. It states due to immigration violation. Declare all arrests. Unfortunately, customs or agricultural violations seem to stay on a persons record forever. I had a Reckless in 2009 and in 2013. Should I apply for renewal? If it gets denied, do you think it can be reconsidered? I applied for global entry in 2018 and was denied (You have been convicted and/or arrested for a criminal offense 2. Eight years later in 2015, Ive applied for NEXUS and was approved. There was never a ticket or follow up investigation. I have a sentry, days ago my son received a DUI. A friend of mine applied two days after I did and he was approved two days later. YUP! I got a sentri lane violation ticket for accidentally going in the wrong lane and I was fined $5,000. Otherwise, I would talk to my local congressional representative for assistance. Applied for GE and disclosed underage drinking in college was expunged not thinking much of it. I was sent to secondary because my son did not activate his new sentri the official said that I have one strike, can that strike be erased? I have had no traffic tickets or any brushes with the law since., I was denied and they kept giving me excuses so I went to court and got my records for 13 years ago disposition for 2 misdemeanor and even then with a copy from the court I had to go back and get the head clerk to write a letter it was amazing an official court document and still gave me a hard time. Unfortunately when have been convicted of "any criminal offense" - misdemeanor or not - they will in all likelihood refuse to issue you I was arrested 30 years ago (in 1991). That person NEVER LIVED in that house, but we are screwed with cbp records and of course sentri, we applied for reconsideration and explained that we have nothing to do with the inmate but we were denied again. I filed for a waiver and it was approved. My kids and i were revoked from sentry program and denial for reconsideration, i have no convition of any kind, on the time of denials was when i when to get the card for my son he was just 3months old, the officer that did the interview said she was removing my cards because i was hidding my husband at my house, he lives in Tijuana, i told her that but she only said i already put it on the computer you would have to do a reconsideration onlineand i got denial like 4 times 3 reconsidarations and 1 reaply, can i do something about this? Y completed all programs required by the law back then. CBP generally likes to see the passage of time with no further negative incidents before reinstating an applicant. Thanks so much. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. I had found a CBP violation on my record from 2010, which originally denied my SENTRI application back in 2014. I have a conviction in 2005 for a class 3 misdemeanor assault which I fought as I did not touch anyone. Got a reject letter from the district attorney stating that I wasnt charged with anything and the case was dismissed back in 2004. HI, I got a DUI in 2011 applied for global entry in 2020 and was denied at my interview. But, if you plead to something, you likely had a criminal violation, regardless of whether or not you expunged the incident later. As I understand, CBP is focused on criminal, customs, and immigration violations. Similar to customs violations, immigration violations seem to remain in a persons file. They can run an index-based search of your name and date of birth. I take my dogs often across the border to the vet. My mom and dad are citizens of Canada and my father had a heart attack making going to Canada a constant trip. I have GE since 2017. Years later, I applied and was granted a SENTRI card. I stupidly tried to order a controlled drug from what I thought was a legitimate international pharmacy. Should I ask for a review or reinstaement and supply the docs to the Ombudsman? I just did a blog for Think Immigration where I discussed this issue. If Im in AA would any indicator of that, or my sponsor offering to speak with someone help at all? Mistake the sentri card for my daughters Ive been arrested and case was dismissed and then expunged. I have a GE card that expires in August 2022 and is up for renewal. Would u be able to reapply? There is no need for node identification in the CAN network, so it becomes very easy to insert or delete it from the network. Contact me directly if you want me to prepare that for you. Any tips for the interview for an approval? The Policy Still Has the Border in Its Grip appeared first on Immigration Impact. Do you think this will pose any issues when applying for global entry? I completely spaced that while in Louisiana at the age of 19 (1994) I did get a DUI that I was charged with. You may have a good argument for reinstatement, however. Only legal issue ever in her life. I paid a $50 fine and was given 2 years probation. Hi, my husband had the sentri pass, it was revoked because he unknowingly was used as a mule. Or should i just try my luck as disclosing it would that disqualify me anyway? You might have a good reconsideration argument. I was arrested for DUI in Sept 2020. I tried to get reinstatemnt but was denied last year. Is this a case I should complain about or do a reapply as my original GE ends in about a year. I am still on probation, Is there any chance I could be approved for Global Entry? I have not tried to re-apply and figure that this event was the only thing that caused the revokation as I had no personal issues nor any criminal or law enforcement issues, personally. I had been to the UK twice that year, so they suspected I was working, although they never actually made that accusation. Although any type of criminal conviction could disqualify you from being eligible for Global Entry, it is still possible that your application could be approved, despite your criminal conviction. Thoughts? You can ask for a detention only letter from the police. One possible example of a minor customs incident could include a failure to declare a shopping item which should have been declared. Generally, any convictions for Is that right? About 8 months after this happened, my GE was revoked. CBP will look at the facts and circumstances. I have never been in trouble since the age of 15 and have 34 years with a spot free record and I was denied. canned; canning transitive verb 1 a : to put in a can : preserve by sealing in airtight cans or jars can tomatoes b : to hit (a golf shot) into the cup c : to hit (a shot) in basketball 2 : to discharge from employment got canned for being late so often 3 slang : to put a stop or end to were told to can the chatter canner noun can 4 of 5 My husband is British and we are hoping he can apply for global entry. Speeding is not a civil rather than criminal issue unless it turned into a criminal misdemeanor. or will this affect my passport eligibility? We have traveled out of the country with no issues. Do I have a chance at getting Global Entry? Juvenile incidents are usually not charged as adult offenses. I have never been convicted of a crime but did have a plea and obeyance for assault. I had three midsminors. I had received approval for GE even after this incident. I have never been in trouble since the age of 15 and have 34 years with a spot free record and I was denied. I was convicted by court martial for fraternization back in 2008. Should I immediately declare it when I go to my interview or wait to see if they ask about it during the interview? Came back to haunt me last year when I intervieweddenied. I told them that it is sealed and no longer appears on my FBI background check. I have had Nexus for 6 years and I submitted my renewal during covid. It took 11 months for a response. I do not believe such incidents expire on a persons record. Declare all relevant facts and addresses when you re-apply. I obtained global entry in 2018 and used it with success up until recently and went to renew in 2022 and i was denied and global entry revoked. The Policy Still Has the Border in Its Grip. Youve mentioned two convictions is a no go with GE. My guess is that two years is not long enough of a wait for CBP. i dont have any convections or violations. If they only really go back 10 years Im fine but if not, from what Im reading on this site, Im probably going to lose my GOES and TSA PreCheck memberships. It was only today, when I printed the application to add to my file for my interview that I noticed the follow-up question asking if I had any expunged records. 3 years ago had a domestic assault incident which was dismissed (it just wasnt true). I have not had any other incidents since thenand just to confirm if I had missed anything else I ran a DOJ background check through my state and did a FBI fingerprint background check as well. I believe a felony conviction would automatically disqualify you. Should I? I knew I was drunk, so I asked a bartender for a ride home. I understand that it isnt possible to apply while under probation with withheld adjudication, but is withheld adjudication really treated as a conviction by the CBP even if the charge has been dismissed? I applied for Global Entry last week. Would I be better off waiting to apply after April of 2023 or has it been long enough since it is more than 11 years since the arrest date. My interview is next month. Also, do I need to declare the violation in my new application. Any thoughts? CBP generally likes to see the passage of time with no further negative incidents before reinstating an applicant. a bucket, pail, or other I am unfamiliar with the Act you mention. Hello i have a question i was denied the sentri pass due criminal record. That said sounds like I will not be getting my sentri application approved at all. If you had a case, which it sounds like you did, I would contact the courthouse to obtain a certified copy of the disposition/minutes. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. That may have been the issue here. If this was the only negative incident, you probably have a good argument for reinstatement. CBP generally likes to see the passage of time with no further negative incidents before approving or reinstating an applicant. The FBI fingerprint check doesnt even show it. I was asked during the interview if I had any convictions during the last ten years for which I responded no. If you are being questioned about it, obtain the court documentation on the incident. Im in the process of filing out the paperwork but don;t want to waste money on a denial. A wet reckless is a misdemeanor. Feel free to call me and I might be able to issue spot with you. I did. They did file a report though and my passport was flagged for 7 years every time i was going into Canada. My family and I have always taken care of ourselves in this type of thing, so it wasnt us. The expungement is not particularly relevant. That could prove problematic, especially if you were attempting to cross with that person. They expunge records of minors when they become adults, but who knows whether it will still hit during a background check or whether the TSA cares. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. You can find the official CBP policy for the Trusted Traveler program HERE. I do. I do not believe such incidents expire on a persons record. I applied and was granted SENTRI in 2014 with two previous misdemeanors. Maybe I should try to cancel and reapply? My guess is that three years is not long enough of a wait for CBP. I have my expungement letter, but they GE has requested initial court documents. Should I reapply or ask for reconsideration? I have appealed several times, but keep getting denied. Unfortunately, customs or agricultural violations seem to stay on a persons record forever. I answered the question about ever being arrested the exact same way I did on the initial app and thats the only conviction I have. Ive obtained the disposition documents, which I will upload with a letter to explain. Travelers must be pre-approved for the Global Entry program. My husband got approved global entry yesterday and a few hours later the status went from approved to revoked. Not sure how to go about this as it seems like the second you request a review they always respond matter stands. You likely should wait a certain period before re-applying as CBP generally likes to see the passage of time without any negative events. Ive never had any trouble with the law or had any issues at the border ever. I was convicted of a petty theft misdemeanor 17/18 years ago. If you were never charged, you would not have had a case at all. I paid the fine on the spot ($400NZ ouch). They put me under driver, I applied in 2015 for the sentri and the denied it. I disclosed 3 misdemeanor convictions for DUI on my application. OR at the time of renewal does the questionnaire about crime etc. Do you know if they allow Payment Plans? It happened during a green light and I was not going over the speed limit. Any violation of the The border agent said that I would have a 6 month ban on return, but as I didnt have to return within 6 months, I never knew if the ban was officially placed and registered. I was arrested for unlawful possession of marijuana in the fifth degree (NYS PL 221.10) in NYC more than 10 years ago. At the interview, they requested the disposition for the incident in 1990 and once they scanned and reviewed, I was notified that same day via email that I was denied because I didnt qualify due to having 2 misdemeanors. I'm also applying for naturalization and the process for that clearly stated I don't have to put traffic citations, I thought the same would apply to GE. The case was dismissed. It was over ten years ago, so they should take that into consideration. I have a public intox from 2018. Is it normal for arrest records to show up at the Global Entry interview as soon as you are fingerprinted? If the case was thrown out in trial, you likely do not have a criminal violation over the incident. U.S. citizens, U.S. lawful permanent residents, and citizens of select countries are eligible to apply for Global Entry. i did community service and completed it I have long suspected that the CBP Ombudsman might have an unofficial policy relating to one-time minor violations. I share your frustrations. Do you think that I have a chance to get OKd for the Global Entry pass? Do you think I would be wasting my time and money by applying for a Global Entry application? I have seen cases of people with Trusted Traveler program denials getting approved for TSA PreCheck. No one was injured and no deaths. I would take in certified copies of your court disposition. Does a pretrial diversion count against you? I plead guilty to making a false statement (18 usc 1001) and got sentenced to probation in 2016. But, if you plead to something, you likely had a criminal violation, regardless of whether or not you expunged the incident later. Criminal, customs or agricultural violations seem to stay on a persons file happened... Can ask for a review or reinstaement and supply the docs to the Ombudsman would automatically disqualify.... A domestic assault incident which was expunged not thinking much of it of Canada and my father had a i! He would be wasting my time and money by applying for a ride.. Should i just did a blog for think immigration where i discussed this issue on! 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