Public Notices are also published in the print edition of the Business Observer and on the statewide Legal Notice website, January 13, 2023 23-00035T FIRST INSERTION Notice to Creditors IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR The Business Observer is the weekly newspaper for business leaders on the Gulf Coast of Florida. 0000003475 00000 n Browse Charlotte local obituaries on 0000025569 00000 n Public notices are a crucial part of the legal process, notifying taxpayers and citizens of proposed or pending actions by government entities, or of the courts, that . Return to Search Results 23-00224W. make additional changes to your subscription including billing or Need help with something else such as logging into your account or to make additional changes to your subscription including billing or cancelations, please contact the customer service team: By. Hillsborough %PDF-1.4 % Charlotte Post, The (NC) content is available from 2006 to current. l[0]='>';l[1]='a';l[2]='/';l[3]='<';l[4]=' 114';l[5]=' 101';l[6]=' 116';l[7]=' 114';l[8]=' 111';l[9]=' 112';l[10]=' 101';l[11]=' 82';l[12]=' 32';l[13]=' 97';l[14]=' 32';l[15]=' 108';l[16]=' 105';l[17]=' 97';l[18]=' 109';l[19]=' 69';l[20]='>';l[21]='\"';l[22]=' 109';l[23]=' 111';l[24]=' 99';l[25]=' 46';l[26]=' 76';l[27]=' 70';l[28]=' 114';l[29]=' 101';l[30]=' 118';l[31]=' 114';l[32]=' 101';l[33]=' 115';l[34]=' 98';l[35]=' 79';l[36]=' 115';l[37]=' 115';l[38]=' 101';l[39]=' 110';l[40]=' 105';l[41]=' 115';l[42]=' 117';l[43]=' 66';l[44]=' 64';l[45]=' 110';l[46]=' 111';l[47]=' 100';l[48]=' 114';l[49]=' 111';l[50]=' 103';l[51]=' 109';l[52]=':';l[53]='o';l[54]='t';l[55]='l';l[56]='i';l[57]='a';l[58]='m';l[59]='\"';l[60]='=';l[61]='f';l[62]='e';l[63]='r';l[64]='h';l[65]='a ';l[66]='<'; County: Pinellas NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No. . Port Charlotte, Florida 33948 Telephone: (941) 625-4158 Fax: (941) 625-5460 E-Mail: Dec. 23, 30, 2022 22-01319T 22-01310T NOTICE OF ACTION - CONSTRUCTIVE SERVICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO. [CDATA[ required at the (line of the sale Ttie property to be ottered pursuant to this Notice ot Sale is being ottered tor sate transfer and conveyance "As ts Where Is' The Crossings Community Association Inc does not make any representation or warranty relating to Ihe title or any physical environ-mental health or safety conditions existing in on at or relating to Ihe profiefty being ottered tor sate and any and all responsibilities or liatelitios arising out ot or in any way relating to any such conditions are expressly disclaimed The property Will tie sold subiect to restrictions and easements ot record any unpaid taxes prior lions and special assessments any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure and any tax required to be paid by N CGS 7A-308(h)(1) The solo will be held open lor fen days for upsel bids us required by law That An order tor possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to N C G S 45-21 29 In favor ot the purchaser and against the party or parties In possession by the clerk of superior court ol county in which ttie property is soid Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or atter October t 2007 may atter receiving Notice ot Sate terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord Upon termination of a rental agreement the tenant rs liable tor rent due under ttie rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination This the 19th day ot August 2010 POSTED: Sellers Hinshaw Ayers Dortch 8 Lyons PA Attorneys tor the Association By Charles E Lyons to Posting EXHIBIT A Being known as 12304 Ridge Cove Circle City ot Charlotte Steote Creek Township Mecklenburg County and being all of Lot No 24 LAUREL RIDGE AT THE CROSSINGS Subdivision according lo a plat ot survey entitled "Laurel Ridge At The Crossings Phase 3 Map V drawn 10 July 1996 by Robert E Rembort NCRLS and duly recorded in the Mecktenburq County Registry at Plat Book 27 al Page 831 Being the same property described In the deed ded in Deed Book 10399 at Page 56B of the Mecklenburg County PubNc Registry LP6496895 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER CLAIM OF LIEN HE 10-SP-6307 UNDER AN0 BY VIRTUE of fhe power granted tn the recorded Declarations and North Carolina low (including NCGS Section 47C-3-1 16) winch authorize the lorectosure of the Claim of Lien Hied against Binh Le and Hoa Thi Thu Le by Hunting Ridge Homeowners Association Ltd (hereinafter "Association") Hied June 1 2010 and tiled In Case Number 10-M 6761 in tho Office ol the Clerk of Superior Court tor Mecklenburg County and because of a failure to make Hmely payment ot assessments and other charges levied by the Association and pursuant to an Order entered by the Clerk ot ttie Supenor Court and pursuant to demand of the Association the undersiqned will expose tor sale at public auction to Ihe highest tedder for cash at the usual place ol sale in Ihe Courthouse of Mecklenburg County In the City of Charlotte North Carolina at 11:30 am on the 23rd day ot September 2010 all that certain parcel ol real estate including any undivided interest In common area and all Improvements and fixtures located Ihereon In Mecklenburg County North Carolina more particularly described in Exhibit A and identified as follows ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 5816-F Hunting Ridge Lane Charlotte NC 28212 PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S) Binh Le (unmarried) and Hoa Thl Thu Le (unmarried) BEING THE SAME PROPERTY described tn the deed recorded In Deed Book 11276 Page 380 Mecklenburg County Public Registry The terms of the sale are that the property will be sold for cash to ttie highest bidder and a cash deposit not lo exceed the greater of live ercent (5) of the amount of the bid or Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750) may be required at the time of the sate The property to be ottered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being ottered for sale transfer and conveyance As Is Where ts" The Hunting Ridge Homeowners' Association Ltd does not makfe any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical environmental health or safety conditions existing in on at or relating to the property being offered for sale and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising oul of or in any way relating to any such conditions are expressly disclaimed The properiy will be sold subject to restrictions and easements of record any unpaid taxes prior liens and special assessments any transfer lax associated wtth the foreclosure and any tax required to be paid by NC G S 7A 308(a)(1) The sale will be hetd open for ten days tor upset bids as required by taw That An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to N C G S 45-21 29 in lavor ot the purchaser and against ttie party or parties in (jossessioi by the clerk ot superior court ot the county in which Ihe property is sold Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or atter October 1 2007 may atter receiving Notice ot Safe terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord Upon termination ol a rental agreement the tenant is liable tor rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective dale ot the termination This the 19th day of August 2010 POSTED: Sellers Hinshaw Ayers Dortch 8 Lyons PA Attorneys lor the Association By: Christa F Ackerman Witness to Posting EXHIBIT A TRACT 1- BEING all ot Unit 5816-F of HUNTING RIDGE CONDOMINIUM as referred to in the Declaration of Condominium under the North Carolina Unit Ownership Act covering said condominium recorded in Book 4345 Page 749 Mecklenburg County Hegistry and any amendments of supplemental declarations thereto recorded m Unit Ownership File No 94 In said Registry which are Incorporated herein by reference TRACT 2- An uhdlvlded percentage Interest as tenant In common in and to tho common areas and laciH-tios as referred to in ttie Declaration Being the same property described In the deed recorded tn Deed Book 1 1 276 at Page 380 of the Mecklenburg County Public Registry LP6497716 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER CLAIM OF UEN HE 10-SP-4876 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power qranted In the rwnrded Declarations and North Carolina law (including NCGS Section 4 7F-3-1 1 6) which authorize the forectosur e ol the Claim ol Lien filed against Donnie Fogle by Lions Gate Homeowners Association trip (hereinafter Association") Hind March 15 2010 and tiled in Case Number 10-M-3590 in the Office of Ihe Clerk of Snjierior Court tor Mecklenburg County and because of a failure to make timely payment of assessments and other charges levied tiy the Association and pursuant lo an Order entered by the Clerk-of the Superior Court and pursuant to demand of the Association the undersigned writ expose tor sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale in the Courthouse ot Mecklenburg County In the City of Chartotte North Carolina at 11:30 a m on the 23rd day of September 2010 all that certain parcel ol real estate including any undivided interest in common area and all improvements and fixtures located thereon in Mecklenburg County North Carolina mote particularly described in Exhibit A and identified as follows: ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 14709 Uons Pride Court Chartotte NC 2B273 PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Donnie Fogle BEING THE SAME PROPERTY described in the deed recorded tn Deed Book 20679 Page 482 Mecklenburg County Public Registry The terms of the sale are that the property will be sokt for cash to the highest bidder and a cash deposit not to exceed the qrenter ol five ixircent (5) of the amount of the bid or Seven Hundred and Fitly Dollars ($750) may be required al ttie time ot the sale The property to be ottered pursuant to this Notice of Sale Is bemq ottered tor sale transfer and conveyance As Is Where Is The Lions Gate Homeowners Association Inc does nof make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical environmental health or satoly conditions existing In on at or relating to ttie property being ottered lor sate and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out ot or in ariy way relating to any such conditions are expressly disclaimed The property will be sold subject to restrictions and easements ot record any unpaid taxes pnor lions and special assessments any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure and any tax required to be paid by N C GS 7A 308(a)(1) the sate will be held open for ten days lor upset bids as required try taw That An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to NCGS 45-2129 In favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of supenor court ol the county In which the property Is sold Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or atter Oclolrer 1 2007 may after receiving Notice of Safe terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written nolice to the landlord Upon termination of a rental agreement the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective dale of the termination This the 1 9h day of August 20 1 0 POSTED- Sellers Hinshaw Ayers Dortch 8 Lyons P A Attorneys lor the Association Charles E Lyons Witness to Posting EXHIBIT A Beginning at an Iron pin lying on the common southerly comer of Lots 5 and 6 of Lions Gate Subdivision Phase 1 Map t as same Is shown on a plat thereof recorded In Map Book 36 Page 950 such pm also lying on the northwesterly boundary of the existinq 40 foot public right-of-way known as Lions Pride Court such pm marking The Point and Place of Beginning thence with ttie common boundary ot said Lots 5 and 6 ot Uons Gate Subdivision the following calls and distances- 1 ) N 56 09 34 W 20 00 tee! Public Notices; Search Public Notices; Legal Notices. The average price for a dozen large eggs at Charlotte's top four stores by market share skyrocketed 186% over the past year, according to a Charlotte Observer price comparison last month. Retail; The Charlotte Observer Classifieds The best source for local events and sales. Mecklenburg County Public Registry The terms ol tho sale are that the property wilt tie sold tor cash to the highest bidder and a cash deposit not to exceed the greater ot live percent (5) of the amount ot the bid or Seven Hundred and Filly Dollars ($750) may lie required at the time of the sate The proX!dy to tje ottered pursuant to this Notice of Sale Is being offered tor sale transfer amt conveyance As Is Where Is" The Coventry Neighborhood Association Inc does not make any representation or warranty relating to ttie title nr any physical environmental health or safely conditions existing In on at or relating to the projwiriy Iwiiig offered tor sale and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out ot nr in any way relating tn any such conditions are expressly disclaimed The property will be sold subject to restm linns and easements ot record any unpaid taxes prior liens and special assessments any transfer tax associated with the ten-closure and any tax required lo be paid by N C G S 7A-308(a(i) The sale will be hetd open for ten days tor upset bids as required by law That an order tor possession ol the property may be Issued pursuant to NCOS 45 2129 in lavor ot the purchaser and againsl the party or parties in possession by tho clerk ot superior court ol Ihe county tn wtucli the projxirty fe sold Any person who occupies the projierty pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October t 2907 may alter receiving Notice ol Sale terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice fe Ihe landlord Upon termination ol a rertlalagreernent (tie tenant is liable fer rent due under Ihe rental agreement prorated to the effective dale of the termination Tfils Ihe 19th day of September 2010 POSTED: Sorters Hlnahnw Ayers Dortch 8 Lyons P A Attorneys fer Ihe Association By Charles E Lyons Witness lo Posting EXHIBIT A Being all of Lot 21 B ot Coventry ill Phase 1 Map 2 Subdivision as same Is shown on map thereof recorded In Map Book 41 at Page 67 in tho Mecklenburg County Public Registry Being Hie same property descntied in the deed recorded In Deed Book 22236 at Page 49 ol Ihe Mecklenburg County Putrtc Registry LP6496894 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER CLAIM OF LIEN RE )0-SP-6()02 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ol the power grunted in the record nd Declarations and North Carolina law' (including NCGS Section 47F 3-1 1 6) which authorize ttie foreclosure ol tne Claim of Lien Hied against Jaime Urey by Covington at Providence Homeowners Association Inc (hereinafter "Association ) tiled May 4 20t()nnrf filed m Case Number 10-M 5506 in Ihe Office ot ttie Clerk of Superior Court fer Mecklenburg County and because of a laikire to make timely payment ot assessments and other charges levied by tho Association end pursuant to an Order entered tiv the Clerk nl Hie Suiwnor Court and pursuant to demand of ttie Association Ihe undersigned will expose lor sain at public auction to the highest tedder for cash at the usual place ot sale in the Courthouse of Mecklenburg County in the City ol Charlotte North Carolina a(-11:30 am on the 16th day of September 2010 all that certain parcel of real estate including any undivided interest in common area and all improvements and fixtures located thereon In Mecklenburg County North Carolina more particularly described in Exhibit A and Identified ns follows ADDRESS OF PROPERTY 4621 Grier Farm Lane Charlotte NC 28270 PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S) Jaime Urey BEING THE SAME PROPERTY desrntexi in the deed recorded In Deed Book 21934 Page 729 Mecklenburg County Public Registry The terms of the sale are that the property will be sold lor cash lo the higlmst (udder and a cash cfeiosit not lo exceed the greater of live ixjrcent (D'k-) nt the amount of Ihe bid or Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750) may lx? Submitted and . When you submit your ad we will confirm the ad cost and contact you for payment. 0000006009 00000 n For an exact match, enclose your keyword(s) in quotes. var l=new Array(); Please enable scripts and reload this page. file no. Get this The Charlotte Observer page for free from Sunday, August 9, 2009 arlotteobservercom I The Charlotte Observer WAXHAW WEDDINGTON INDIAN TRAIL MONROE AND MORE OUR NEIGHBORHOOD MARKETPLACE i . 0000005520 00000 n 0000021733 00000 n Neither HB 35 or HB 51 would affect the Charlotte Observer or News & Observer of Raleigh, but they would have an impact on the revenue of smaller newspapers, which have been disappearing across the country in a harsh financial landscape. document.getElementById('eeEncEmail_P3sOv8Unh3').innerHTML = output; Local Charlotte NC & City Politics News | Charlotte Observer Sunday, January 15, 2023 Today's eEdition 29F 45 26 Local News Sports Arts/Culture Business Personal Finance Detour Obituaries. Flagler (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). "Grabbing a bite at a picnic table on one of our outdoor patios is a big part of the Brown Bag experience, so the Charlotte climate fits our brand perfectly," Brown Bag Seafood founder and CEO. Charlotte Observer: The Blogs (NC) is a text database** that includes all the blogs published by the Charlotte Observer from 2005 to current. Obituaries Search. Search. 0000000016 00000 n Legal ads are done in 6 point type. 601 Welcome to WordPress. Please email your notice to or call 520-432-7254. Real-time updates and all local stories you want right in the palm of your hand. She was born in Charlotte July 29, 1934, daughter of Mable Helms Hannon and the late Clifford G. Hannon. Charlotte Messenger 1883-1883 NOTICE OF ACTION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO. Classifieds in the The Charlotte Observer list real estate, auctions, pets, products and services for sale and much more. Municipal Records Retention and Disposition Schedule. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA - CHAPEL HILL in CHAPEL HILL, NC. A consistent advocate of economic progress in Charlotte and the surrounding region, the paper, in the mid-twentieth century, also became a strong voice for racial and gender equality in the South. 0000001348 00000 n Sarasota. 0000024981 00000 n . 0000002650 00000 n division probate. The Charlotte Observer and Raleigh News & Observer editorial boards combined in 2019 to provide fuller and more diverse North Carolina opinion content to our readers. in the circuit court for . Official Lee County Clerk Website. We support measures that would force all North Carolina newspapers to run public and legal notices online as well as in print, at no extra charge. for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){ 0000047213 00000 n Legal Hotline ; Member Services Guide . Ads notifying residents about public hearings and other matters would be allowed to appear on local government websites, as would legal notices that attorneys are required to provide in estate settlements and other matters. 03-12-10 Pinellas Legal Notices. County: Orange. 0000036716 00000 n There are also legal notices and personal sections available. As the News & Observers Colin Campbell reports, Republicans might want to wait on celebrating the DOJ probe of Biden | Opinion, The Kraken COVID variant is in Charlotte. to Chat. Legislators know it, and they should stop trying to skirt the law. USPS Periodicals Permit County: Pinellas. These sites, however, are not administered by the City, and may not reflect the most up-to-date inclusive legal advertisements and/or public notices listings as appear in print versions of the publications. To view weekly PDFs for the current month, use the links below. Edit your account profile and update your information, Sign up for EZPay / Update your credit card, By Email:, Prefer to Chat? Public announcements in newspapers respond to these important steps . editorial: (813) 321-4052, Ext. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. 0000014140 00000 n 0000004899 00000 n Now Republicans want to do the same for dozens more counties using a sneaky legislative maneuver. Pasco Colin Campbell For more than a. To claim tax-exempt status, original RESALE certificates for each space purchased is required. required at Hie time of ttx? 0000005483 00000 n The Business Observer is the weekly newspaper for business leaders on the Gulf Coast of Florida. 50.011 Houston has a 7-23 record against opponents over .500. 0000004942 00000 n Lee To view specific notices, use the search bar to the right. N., #D-100 0000001809 00000 n 0000028845 00000 n Alex Murdaugh, the prominent lawyer who called 911 after his younger son, Paul, and wife, Maggie, were killed on their Colleton County estate and who recently was charged in his own shooting, is. Need help with something else such as logging into your account or to make additional changes to your subscription including billing or cancelations, please contact the customer service team: By. (818) 244-8080. What to know, A new seafood restaurant surfaces in uptown Charlotte with third NC location, A person in Charlotte won part of the Mega Millions jackpot. Tampa, FL 33629 0000003174 00000 n Allowing counties to take notices out of newspapers accomplishes the opposite, and its not the best way to ensure that a government acts openly and transparently. The combined board is led by N.C. Opinion Editor Peter St. Onge, who is joined in Raleigh by deputy Opinion editor Ned Barnett and opinion writer Sara Pequeo and in Charlotte by Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Kevin Siers and opinion writer Paige Masten. 0000000996 00000 n Read today's latest news headlines from Charlotte and North Carolina. OK. Browse by category. Recruitment Advertising National Sales Manager, Race, Culture and Community Engagement Editor. The Charlotte Observer Archives Explore the The Charlotte Observer online newspaper archive. Yes, doing so also would hurt newspapers. Click here Want to write a letter to the editor? notice to creditors. 0000005760 00000 n 0000006298 00000 n Residents of Magnolia Senior Apartments are confused and angry after being told to vacate the hotels they have stayed at since a water leak last month flooded their . Superior Coud rind pursuant to demand of Hie Association the undersigned will expose lor sale at public: auction lo the hiqtwst bidder fer cash at ttie usual place ol sale in fhe Courthouse ol Mecklenburg County in ttie City nt Charlotte North Carolina at 11:30 am on the 23rd day of September 2010 alt that certain el of real estate including any undivided interest in common and a)l Improvements and fixtures located thereon in Mirkl(nburq County North Carolina more particularly described in Exhibit A and identified as fellows ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 17110 Cambridge Grove Drive Huntersville NC 28078 PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S) Gary J Sorensen and wife Christie M Sorensen BEING THE SAME PROPERTY described in the dead recorded In Deed Book 9871 Page 710 Mecklenburg County Public Registry The terms of the salo are that Ihe property will be sold lor cash to Ihe highest bidder and a cash deposit not to exceed ttie greater ot five percent (b4) of ttie amount ol ttie bid or Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750) may lx required at Ihe time of Hie sale The profierty to be ottered pursuant lo this Notice of Sate fe being ottered tor sale transfer and conveyance "As Is Where ts" Ttie Cambridge Grove Homeowners Association Inc does not make any representation or warranty relating to Ihe title or any physical environmental health or safety conditions existing in on at or relating to Hie property being ottered lor sale and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out nf or m any way relating to any such conditions are expressly disclaimed The property will tie sold subod to restrictions and easements of record any unpaid taxes prior liens and special assessments any transfer lax associated with the foreclosure and any tax required to be paid by NCGS 7A-30B(n)(l) The sale will be hold open for ten days fer upset bids as required by law That an order for possession of Ihe property may be Issued pursuant to N C G S 45-21 29 In lavor of the purchaser and against Hie party or parties In possession by the clerk ot superior court of the county In which the property is sold Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed nn cx after October 1 2007 may alter receiving Notice ot Sale terminate ttie rental agreement upon 10 days wrirton notice lo the landlord Upon termination of a rental agreement trie tenant is liable for rent due under the rental (Kjroement prorated to ttie effective date ot the termination This the 19th day ol August 2010 POSTED Sailers Hinshaw Ayers Dortch 8 Lyons P A Attorneys fix the Association By: Charfe8 E Lyons Witness to Posting EXHIBIT A Lying and being in Huntersvitto Township Mecklenburg County North Carolina and Ixjing Lot No 172 of Cambridge Grove Phase I Map 4 a map of said property being on ftlo In the Oflice ot ttie Register ot Lkreds tor Mecklenburg County North Carolina in Map Btxik 26 Page 705 specific reference thereto being hereby made for a more complete description thereof by metes and bounds Being the same property described In ttw deed recorded In Deed Book 9871 at Pegs nOoithe Mecklenburg IP6496692 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER CLAIM OF LIEN RE 10-SP-5949 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ot Hie power granted In Ihe recorded Declarations and North Carolina law (including NCGS Section 47F-3-1 16) which authorize the foreclosure of the Claim of Lien filed against Charles McFarlane by Ardrey Owners Association Inc (hereinafter "Association") filed April 22 2010 and tiled in Case Number 10-M-4956 in the Office of Ihe Clerk of Superior Court lor Mecklenburg County and teoause of a failuri to make timely jwymenl ot assessments and other charges levied tiy ttie Association and pursuant to an Order entered by ttie Clerk f Hie Superior Court and pursuant to demand nl the Association ttie undersigned will expose tor sate at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash at Hie usual place ol sate In the Courthouse of Mocklenbutg County in the City of Charlotte North Carolina at 11:30 am on the 16tn day of September 2010 alt that certain parcel ot real estate including any undivided interest in common aren and nil improvements and fixtures located thereon in Mecklenburg County North Carolina more particularly described tn Exhibit A and (denuded as follows: ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 18006 Meadow Bottom Road Charlotte NC 28277 PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Charles McFarlane married BEING THE SAME PROPERTY described in the deed recorded Dow) Book 24473 Page 845 Mecklenburg County Public Registry Ttw terms of the sale are that the property will be sold for cash to the highest bidder and a cash deposit not to exceed the greater ot fivp rwreent (5) ot the amount of the bid or Seven Hundred anq Fifty Dollars ($7501 may be required at Ihe time of ttie sale The (xoperfy to tie ottered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offerer I for sale transfer and conveyance "As Is Where Is The Ardrey Owners Association Inc' does not make an' reixesentalion or warranty relating to the title or any physical environmental health or safely conditions existing In on at or relating lo the property being ottered tor sate arid any and all responsibilities nr liabilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such conditions are oxpressfy disclaimed The property will he sold subject to restrictions and easements of record any unpaid taxes prior linns and special assessmonts any transfer tax associated with tin foreclosure and any tax required to ho paid tiy NQG S 7A-3(tH(a)(1) The sate will be held open tor ten days lor upset bids as required by law That An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant lo N C G S 45 21 29 in lavor ol the purchaser and agamst the party or parties in possession by the clerk ot superior court ot Hie county in winch the property is soki Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agr(trni?nl entered into or renewed on or after October 1 2007 may alter receiving Notice of Sate terminate the rental agreement uxn 10 (fays written notice to the landlord Llpon termination of a rent it agreement the tenant is liable for rent due under ttie rental agreement prorated to Ihe effective date of the termination This the I2tti day ol August 2010 POSTED Sellers Hinshaw Ayers Dortch 8 Lyons RA Attorneys for the Association Charles E Lyons Witness to Posting EXHIBIT A Being all of Lot 37 ARDREY Phase 1 Map 0 as shown on that map recorded in Map Book 43 Page 45b and revised in Map Book 44 Page 373 ol ttie Mecklenburg County Registry Being ttie same property described In the deed recorded m Deed Book 24473 at Page 845 ot the Mecklenburg County Public Registry LP6495491 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER CLAIM OF UEN RE 1U-SP-6049 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power granted In the recorded Declarations and North Carolina law (including NCGS Section 47F-3-1 1 6) which authorize Ihe foreclosure of Ihe Claim ot Linn tiled aqninsl Phillip A Wellington and Edwins C Wellington by Overlook Owners Association Tne (hereinafter "Association") filed Juno 2 2010 and Hied in Case Number 10-M-6830 in ttie Office ot the Clerk ol Superior Court for Mecklenburg County and because of a failure to make timely payment ol assessments and other charges levied by the Association and xtrsuanl to an Order entered by the Clark ot Ihe Superior Court and pursuant In demand of Hie Association the undersigned wilt expose for sale al public auction to the highest bidder tor cash al the usual place ol sale in the Courthouse ot Mecklenburg County tn the City of Charlotte North Carolina at 11:30 am on the 16th day of September 2010 all that certain parcel ot real estate Including any undivided interest in common area and all improvements and lixlures located thereon in Mecklenburg County North Carolina more particularly described In Exhibit A and-identified as toilows ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 3639 Mountain Cove Drive Charlotte NC 28216 PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): PbHIip A Wellington and wife Edwina C Wellington BEING THE SAME PROPERTY described In the deed recorded in Deed Book 17961 Page 824 Mecklenburg County Public Registry The terms of the safe are that the property will be sold lor cash to tho highest bidder and a cash deposit not lo exceed the greater ot five percent (5) ol the amount ot the bid or Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750) may tie requited at the time ot ttie sale Ttie property to be ottered pursuant to this Notice of Sale fe being ottered tor sate (funster and conveyance "As Is Where Is Ttie Overlook Owners Association fnc does not make any reixesentalion or warranty relating to Ihe title or any physical environmental health or safety conditions existing in on at or relating lo the property being ottered for sate and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out ol or in any way relating tu any such conditions are expressly disclaimed The property will tie soid subject to restrictions and easements ot record any unpaid taxes prior liens and special assessments any transfer tax associated with the toreclqpure and any tax required to tie jiiiirf by N CG S 7A 308(a)(1) The sate will tie held open tor ten days tor upsel bids as required by law That An order lor possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to NCGS 45-21-29 in favor of the purchaser anti against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court ot the county in which the property is sold Any person wtio occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1 2007 may after receiving Notice ot Sale terminate the rental agreetnent upon 10 days written notice to the landlord Upon termination ot a rental agreement the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreemenl prorated to the effective date of the termination This Hie 12th day of August 2010 POSTED: Setters Hinshaw Ayers Dortch 8 Lyons PA Attorneys tor ttie Association Witness to PosHng Ihartes E Lyons EXHIBIT 4 Being all of Lof 50 ot THE OVERLOOK AT MOUNTAIN ISLAND LAKE as same Is shown on map thereof recorded in Map Book 27 Page 551 In Ihe Mecklenburg County Public Registry TOGETHER wtth fhe Assignment and Assumption of Boatslip Loase of BOATSLIP 48 DOCK H See Memorandum of Boatslip Lease at Book 11819 Page 972 ot the Mecklenburg County Public Registry and Assignment and Assumption of Boatslip Lease at Book 1 1819 Paqe 975 ot the Mecklenburg County Public Registry tor e more complete description Being the same proiwrty described In the deed recorded Deed Book 17981 at Public Registry LP6495492 I at Page 824 of the Mecklenburg County NOTICE OF SEHVfCE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION CASE NO 09 CVD 62 JULENE LASSWELL ft DENELLE LA1L V MARIO PEICASTRE-PALAFOX ft ALBERTO PELCASTRE To: Alberto Pefcastre TAKE NOTICE that pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In the ebove-tttled action The nature of the relief sought is as follows: damages arising out of a motor vehicle collision which occurred on July 7 2007 You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than September 30th 2010 and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court lor the relief sought This the 22nd day of August 2010 Michael J Greer Attorney for Plaintiffs Mills ft Levine PA 109 Professional Park Drive Suite 200 PO Box 3306 (704)660-1770 LP6494990 Mooreevliie NC 28117 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA LINCOLN COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION CASE NO 10 CVS 28 EZEKIEL ANCRUM JR V JOSE AHCE GOMEZ ft MIGUEL ANGEL CASTELLANOS To: Jose Arce Gomez TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you h been filed In the above-tilleo action The nature of the relief sought Is as follows: damages arising out of a motor vehicle collision which occurred on Aprli 01 2007 You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than September 30th 2010 and upon your (allure to do bo the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief aougnt This the 22nd day ol August 2010 Michael J Greer Attorney for Plaintiffs Mills ft Levine PA 109 Professional Park Drive Suite 200 PO Box 3306 Mooreevliie NC 28117 (704)660-1770 LP6495020 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina County ol Mecklenburg In the General Court ot Just Dfelnct Court Division File No IO-JA-388 In Hie Matter of: Mannerlco Hernandez Vazquez minor child TO: Mldelma Vazquez Alvarez Mother Ullberto Hernandez Garcia Father TAKE NOTICE that a Juvenile Petition pertaining to the above-referenced juvenile has been Hied In the above-entitled action The nature of the relief sought Is a determination of the status of the luvemte and a determination of whether or not the juvenile Is tn need of the care protection and discipline of the State You are here by summoned to appear tn Juvenile Court Mecklenburg County Courthouse 832 East Fourth Street 8th Floor Charlotte NC 28202 on the 18th day of October at 11:45 am said date being more than torty (40) days from the first publication of this notice and from the date the petition was Hied lor a AdjudicationDfepositi'jn heanng In the metier discussed herein Upon your failure to appear the parties seeking service against you may apply to the court tor the relief sought AND may upon proper notice and hearing and a Hnding based on the criteria set out In G S 7B-1 1 1 1 terminate the parental rights ot the respondent parent This the 12th day ot August 2010 Knilh S Smith Attorney for Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services Youth 8 Family Services Division 720 Easl Fourth Street Charlotte NC 20202 (704)336 4967 LP6495019 NORTH CAROLINA STANLY COUNTY In the Matter of MARK T LOWDER Public Administrator ) Ot the Estate ot ) CAROLYN DREECE DRYE Deceased GEORGE MITCHELL DRYE JEFFHEY TODD HUNEYCUTT RODNEY SCOTT HUNEYCUTT and TAMRA MEDLIN MULLIS IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION tO-SP-242 TO: GEORGE MITCHELL DRYE JEFFREY TODD HUNEYCUTT RODNEY SCOTT HUNEYCUTT and TAMRA MEDLIN MULLIS TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has i tiled in the above-entitled Special Proceeding The nature oi the reliel being sought 16 as fellows Petition for sale o) real eslale located al 16102 Trailblazers d Oakboro North Carolina to make assets You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than October 1 2010 and upon your failure lo do so the party seeking service against you will apply to tho court for the rellof sought A hearing shall be held at 10 45 A M October 6 2010 at the oHice ol the Stanly County Clerk of Superior Court 201 S ond St Albemarle NC 28001 All Interested parties should This the 22nd day of August 2010 BYMARK T LOWDER M T Lowrter 8 Associates Attorney fer Petitioner PO Box 1284 Albemarle NC 28002 704-982-0558 LP6495016 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualHied as Administrator o) the Estate of Edward Miller deceased late ol Mecklenburg County North Carolina the undersigned hereby notifies all persons firms and corporations having claims agamst said Estate to present them duty verified to the undersigned at 7257 Pinevilte-Matthews Road Suite 2100 ' Charlotte NC 28226 on or before November 15 2010 or this Notice ot Administration will be pleaded In bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said Estate will please make Immediate settlement with the undersigned This 10th day ol August 2010 R Michael Allen Administrator ot the Estate of Edward Miller 7257 Ptnevule-Matthews Road Suite 2100 Chartotte North Carolina 28226 LP6493156 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER CLAIM OF UEN RE 10-SP-6306 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of' the power granted In the recorded Declarations and North Carolina law (including NC G S Section 47C-3-1 1 6) which authorize Ihe foreclosure of the Claim of Lien filed agamst Charlie Jones Jr aka Charles Jones Jr by Hunting Ridge Homeowners' Association Ltd (hereinafter Association") Hied June 1 2010 and filed in Case Number 10-M-6763 In the Office of fhe Clerk of Superior Court tor Mecklenburg County and because of a failure to make timely payment of assessments and other charges levied by fhe Association and pursuant to an Order entered by the Clerk of the Suieuor Court and pursuant to demand of the Association the undersigned will expose for sale at public auction lo the highest bidder tor cash at the usual place ot sate In the Courthouse of Mecklenburg County in the City of Chartotte North Carolina at 11:30 am on the 23rd day of September 2010 all that certain parcel of real estate including any undivided interest in common area and all Improvements and fixtures located thereon In Mecklenburg County North Carolina more particularly described In Exhibit A and Identified as follows: ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 6019-E Hunting Ridge Lane Chartotte NC 26212 PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Charlie Jonee Jr BEING THE SAME PROPERTY described in the deed recorded in Deed Book 20534 Page 210 Mecklenburg County Public Registry The termof the sale are that the property will be sold for cash to fhe highest bidder and a cash deposit not to exceed Ihe greater of five percent (5) of the amount ol the bid or Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750) may be required al (ho time o( the sale The property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sate is being ottered for sale transfer and conveyance "As Is Where Is Ttie Hunting Ridge Homeowners AssocialionLtd does not make any representation or warranty relating lo fhe title or any physical environmental health or safety conditions existing tn on at or relating to the property being oHered for sale and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or In any way relating to any such conditions are expressly disclaimed The property will be sold subject to restrictions and easements of record any unpaid taxes prior liens and special assessments any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure and any tax required to be paid by NCGS 7A 308(a)(1) The sale will be held open tor ten days for upset bids as required by law That An order for possession of the property may be I pursuant to NCGS 45 2129 In favor of Ihe purchaser and against the party or parties m possession by the clerk ol superior court ot Ihe county In which the property Is soid Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreemenl entered Into or renewed on or after October 1 2007 may afler receiving Notice of Sate terminate Ihe rental aqreemenf upon 10 days written notice lo Ihe landlord Upon termination of a rental agreement the tenant is liable tor rent due under the rental agreement prorated lo Ihe effective dale of the termination This the 19th day of August 2010 POSTED: Sellers Hinshaw Ayers Dortch 8 Lyons PA Attorneys tor the Association By: Christine F Ackerman Witness to Posting EXHIBIT A Being ail that condominium unit known as 5019E Hunting Ridge Lane of the Hunting Ridge Condominiums as described in the Declaration of the Hunting Ridge Condominiums under Norih Carolina Unit Ownership Act recorded In Deed Book 4345 at Page 749 and in Unit Ownership File No 94 of the Mecklenburg County Public Registry (which documents and Plans are referred to and Incorporated herein by reference in the their entirety) together with a 75427 percent undivided interest in the Common Areas and Facilities oi the Hutting Ridge Condominiums as hereinabove described Being the same property described In the deed recorded in Deed Book 20534 at Page 210 of the Mecklenburg County Public Registry LP649771 5 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER CLAIM OF LIEN RE 10-SP-6431 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power granted In the recorded Declarations and Nodh Carolina law (Inducting NCGS Section 47F-3-1 1 6) which authorize the foreclosure of the Claim of Lion Hied against Anthony P Davis by Planters Walk Homeowners Association Inc (hereinafter Association") tiled May 19 2010 and tiled in Case Number 10-M-6287 in the Office ot the Clerk of Supenor Coud for Mecklenburg County and because of a failure lo make timely payment ol assessments and other charges levied by the Association and pursuant lo an Order entered by the Clerk of the Supenor Court and pursuant to demand of (he Association the undersigned will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash at the usual place ol sale in the Courthouse ot Mecklenburg County in the City of Charlotte North Carolina at 11:30 am on the 23rd day of September 2010 all that certain 'parcel of real estate including any undivided interest in common area and all improvements and fixtures located thereon in Mecklenburg County North Carolina more particularly described In Exhibit A and Identified as follows: ADDRESS OF PROPERTY 4414 Golden View Drive Charlotte NC 28276 PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S) Anthony P Davis BEING THE SAME PROPERTY described tn the deed recorded In Deed Book 17305 Page 481 Mecklenburg County Public Registry The terms of the sate are that the property will be sold for cash to the highest tedder and a cash deposit not to exceed the greater of five percent (5) of the amount of the bid or Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750) may he required at the tune of the sale Ttie property to be offered pursuant lo this Notice of Sale is bemq ottered tor sale transfer and conveyance "As Is Where Is' The Planters Walk Homeowners Association Inc does not make an' representation or warranty relating to the lit le or any physical environmental health or safety conditions existing In on at or relating to the projierty being offered for sale arid any and all res)onsihilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating fh any such conditions are expressly disclaimed The property will be sold subject lo restrictions and easements of record any unpaid taxes prior liens and special assessments any transfer tax associated with ttie foreclosure and any lax required fe lie paid by N CG S 7A 308(a)(1) The sate will be held open tor fen days for upset bids as required by law That An order for possession of the property may be Issued pursuant to NCGS 45 2129 in tavor ol ttie purchaser and against ttie party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court ot tfie county in which the property is sold Any person who occupies fhe property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1 2007 may atter receiving Notice ot Sate terminate ttie rental agreement upon 10 days written notice to the landlord Upon termination ot a rental agreemenl ttie tenant is liable for rent due uncter the rental agreement prorated fe ttie effective date ot Ihe termination This the 19th day ot August 2010 POSTED: Sellers Hinshaw Ayers Dortch 8 Lyons PA Attorneys lor the Association By Christina F Ackerman Witness to Posting EXHIBIT A Belnq all of Lof 459 ot Planters Walk Phase 2B Map 10 as same Is shown on a map thereof recorded in Map Book Map 39 al Page 900 in (lie Mecklenburg County Public Registry Being tho same property described In fhe deed recorded in Deed Book 17305 a) Page 481 of the Mecklenburg County Public Registry LP6497714 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER CLAIM OF UEN RE 10-SP 6427 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power granted in the recorded Declarations and North Carolina law' (including NCGS Section 47F-3-1 16) which authorize the foreclosure of the Claim ot Lion Hied against Melissa B Lawler and Brian E Lawler by Ttie Crossings Community Association Inc (hereinafter "Association") filed June 18 2010 and fifed in Case Number 10-M 7503 In the Office ot ttie Clerk ot Superior Court for Mecklenburg County and because ot a failure to make timely payment of assessments and other charges levied by ttie Association and pursuant to an Order entered by ttie Clerk of fhe Superior Court and pursuant lo demand of tne Association the undersigned will expose tor sate at public auction lo Ihe highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale tn tho Courthouse of Mecklenburg County in ttie City ot Charlotte North Carolina at 11:30 sm bn the 23rd day of September 2010 all that certain parcel ot real estate including any undivided interest in common area and all improvements and fixtures located ihereon In Mecklenburg County North Carolina more particularly described in Exhibit A and identittud as follows: ADDRFSS OF PROPERTY 12304 Ridge Cove Circle Charlotte NC 28273 PRFSENT RECORD OWNER(S): Melissa B Lawler and hue-band Brian E Lawler BEING THE SAMF PROPERTY described In the deed recorded In Deed Book 10399 Page 568 Mecklenburg County Public Registry Ttie terms of the sate are that the property will be sold tor cash to the highest tedder and a cash deposit not to exceed Ihe greater ol five percent (5) ot ttie amount ot the bid or Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750) may lx? 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