Later he stands outside and talks with Aragorn and feels Sauron's presence when Pippin looks into the palantr. Even if she was a character who didnt exist in the story otherwise, you would think that Tolkien would have come up with some definitive answer to the question of Legolas's mother, as he did for most of the Lord of the Rings lore. He tells his father that if he hurt her he would have to kill him. His eyes were sharper than that of Men, seeing through great distances and in the dark. I want to hear more about Sam. In order to stop him fromending Saruman, Legolas shoots Wormtongue andends him. Afterwards Gandalf takes them through the pass of Caradhras but the Fellowship is waylaid by a snowstorm while passing over the mountains. When it was announced that Legolas would be returning for The Hobbit, it makes a lot of sense. Legolas is the Prince of Mirkwood and one of the great Elves of Middle-earth. Boy. That said, Legolas was in the area around the same time. But Legolas and Gimli are doubtful that they can hold out against such sheer numbers. Bilbo told Frodo about this and he thought it was too corny to bother talking to him. However, a closer examination of Legolas Greenleaf reveals that his character doesn't make a lot of sense. Gimli however passes out, whereupon Legolas wins the game. Galadriel must have been trying to tell Legolas something, but if thats the case, he didnt get the message. The Dwarves are locked up while Thranduil tries to bargain with Thorin, but the Dwarf turns down the deal. At Edoras, Legolas and the others are forced to disarm before seeing the King, although Gandalf manages to get his staff through. As they walk in, Gimli notes to Legolas that they would soon enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves and his cousin Balin. Legolas and Gimli have no choice to but to continue. [13] After the battle, he and Gimli entered Minas Tirith; Legolas sang an elven-song as he walked, and suggested that the city needed more gardens. Lord Of The Rings: 25 Ridiculous Things About Legolas That Make No Sense. Elves and Dwarves in Middle-earth don't like each other very much, which is why it was such a big deal inThe Lord of the Ringsnovels that Legolas and Gimli became such good friends. Legolas later watches from above as Tauriel talks with Kli the Dwarf. Tolkien ever write a deeper connection between The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring? One example of this is Legolass hair, which is so blond its almost white in the films, even though Tolkien suggests that Elves have dark hair. Anyone with any basic understanding of gravity will also be able to tell you that those blocks would fall as quickly as Legolas himself, and so it would be impossible for him to use them to run. - "Who is he?" The elf watches her closely; since the trip began (even before, if he was being honest), the foreigner intrigued him. Galadriel is a fairly impenetrable being generally, but her message to Legolas is especially confounding. Legolas and Frodo are on the same side, but it doesnt seem as though they were all that friendly with one another. In the midst of the fighting, Aragorn is dragged off a cliff and into the river below. Cant you just be acquaintances in the pursuit of saving the world? He easily could've stayed there and went to Rivendell because Thranduil heard something about the One Ring and wanted Mirkwood properly represented at the Council of Elrond. He does have a pretty face though, and in most movies, that means you can get away with quite a bit. When Gimli nearly falls off the edge, Legolas swiftly grabs him by the beard and hauls him back. His stories are about his fictional races doing their best work when they leave the isolation of their own cultures and come together.. On entering Lorien and after being waylaid by the Elves, Frodo and Legolas are the first two to climb up a flet, and they climb up together. InThe Hobbit, he did run out of arrows once, so at least there's a sense of self-awareness that Peter Jackson used in that trilogy. Legolas asks Thorin where he got the blade to which the stubborn Dwarf replies that it had been given to him. [4], Gimli quarreled with him in Moria (which was not unexpected considering the ancient quarrel between Elves and Dwarves) - Legolas' father Thranduil had once imprisoned Gimli's father, Glin. While we know that Legolas is a prince of the Mirkwood realm and a son of Thranduil, everything else about him is unclear. With him go Gimli and Legolas: Man, Dwarf, and Elf. He could walk silently on grass and snow leaving minimal footprints, allowing him to advance unhindered. Why is sending so few tanks to Ukraine considered significant? Legolas is amused, at which point their attitudes begin to soften. Does Legolas never run out of arrows? Gandalf read it immediately and the language might have been archaic to Legolas anyway. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. It was a time before CGI could be used for everything. 13 The Easterlings Remained A Threat (For Some Time) Orlando Bloom played Legolas in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy. I see shapes of Men and of horses, and pale banners like shreds of cloud, and spears like winter-thickets on a misty night. Elves are depicted as being resistant to alcohol not immune. In the narrative sense, Legolas has little to offer Frodo other than his bow. Bilbo helps the Dwarves escape in barrels that are on their way to Lake-town, but Legolas is alerted and tells Feren to get the gate closed. They bring Narzug back to their fortress where Legolas and Thranduil interrogate him. `The power of the Lady is on it. The possessed Thoden is under the control of Grma Wormtongue, servant of Saruman and the fallen wizard possesses the king's mind. Legolas receives a new bow of the Galadhrim, which he subsequently uses for the rest of his journey. Legolas tells his father that Tauriel fought well and Thranduil confronts her, telling her that Legolas has grown fond of her and not to give him hope where there is none, as he will never allow his son to pledge himself to a lowly Silvan Elf such as herself. He could go through an entire battle andend over 50 Uruk-Hai and have nothing more than a tiny quiver on his back. character who wanders around the game fighting enemies. Middle-earth is a fictional world inhabited by tons of outlandish, strange things. Little goofs rarely register with the audience, because they are far more focused on the grander stories that are being told in the films. Eventually, Legolas came to Ithilien with some of his people, with his father's leave, to live out his remaining time in Middle-earth helping to restore the woodlands that had been war-torn. Legolas mounts a stampeding Mmak, climbing up the great beast to cut the war tower loose, sending the Haradrim archers into the path of the oncoming Oathbreakers. It's almost like there were some scenes where Orlando forgot his contacts to change his eye color. For reasons that have little to do with logic, Legolas is now able to control the troll and tell it where he wants to go. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. One popular fan theory also says that Frodo had actually forgotten Legolas name by the end of The Return of the King because he mouths the names of almost everyone except him. I like all the scenes in the Star Wars films where R2D2 and Han Solo acknowledge each other. Anyway, even if the wine in the Hobbit was extremely strong Legolas should have shown some signs of intoxication after drinking that amount of beer. Did Frodo ever talk to Legolas? Let us know in the comments. [7], After the breaking of the Fellowship, Legolas and Aragorn sang a song of lament for the fall of Boromir. However, the books gave enough time to see their relationship develop from animosity to a mutual respect. When most of the Fellowship are fighting the troll, Legolas sees an opportunity when Pippin stabs it in the head, causing the troll to roar. Instead of falling with the rocks, he ran on the falling rocks back up to safe ground. That may or may not be the case, but Legolass backstory is certainly a strange omission. Unfortunately, that's what Peter Jackson did. In The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Legolas arrives in Rivendell with a group of Elves. Legolas happens to be one of the strongest members of the Fellowship of the Ring. It was not, I think, until Silverlode bore us back to Anduin that we returned to the time that flows through mortal lands to the Great Sea. ', 'And perhaps that was the way of it,' said Frodo. The trio are forced to flee the avalanche of skulls and rocks. [14], Silver flow the streams from Celos to Erui He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Titled The Rings of Power, the new Amazon show is set in a period that predates the events of The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy by . The Elven lady later gives gifts to the Fellowship. The elves barely wanted anything to do with all of this in the start. At the Council of Elrond, he is unimpressed by Boromir's attitude towards Aragorn. There isn't really a role for Legolas to fill in relationship to Frodo. Transporting School Children / Bigger Cargo Bikes or Trailers, Card trick: guessing the suit if you see the remaining three cards (important is that you can't move or turn the cards). He was well-known for becoming friends with the Dwarf Gimli, despite their long-held differences. Did Frodo ever talk to Legolas? Legolas was a Sindar Elf who was part of the Fellowship of the Ring in the Third Age. It is possible, as well, that Legolas, like Frodo, doesn't recognize this particular method of writingthere were many different methods of writing the Elvish languages, and not all were mutually understandable. Yes. However implausible that scenario might seem, it makes about as much sense as any other explanation for his truly miraculous run across falling blocks. The group took cover immediately while the birds passed by. And I don't remember any moon, either new or old, in Caras Galadhon: only stars by night and sun by day. There has been a lot of discussion about the fantasy works of J.R.R. Did Frodo and Legolas have any discussion in the entire Lord of the Rings? And the golden bells are shaken of mallos and alfirin Or are you also asking if there are any additional examples in the movies? The white lilies sway, Legolas was only there to shoot orcs, not to make friends. Solidifying his position as a defender of peace within Middle-earth. The company is attacked by archers from afar, so Legolas returns fire. The Battle of Helm's Deep ends and the remaining Orcs flee back to Isengard where Treebeard and the Ents have attacked and destroyed them. Gimli and Boromir also join the quest along with the other Hobbits, Samwise Gamgee, Peregrin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck who were eavesdropping and decided they could not possibly be left behind. Legolas may have known they were coming, but theres no way he could have known what they were. Of course, Legolas doesnt speak a ton, and when he does, he doesnt always seem too interested in making friends. It is quickly confiscated by Gandalf. There he and Gimli begin another contest to kill as many Orcs as possible. It's quite obvious that the actor is much older in The Hobbit, but it's made much more noticeable by the fact that he is in the films a lot. Still, even the greatest of characters have flaws, either in their writing or in their portrayal. Later, the player catches up with Legolas at several points during the Fellowship's journey such as Cerin Amroth, Meduseld, Hornburg and the Pelennor Fields. Hes a pretty self-serious character, but his interplay with Gimli is a huge part of what makes this trilogy work. Elrond, though flustered at this, pronounces all nine of them as the Fellowship of the Ring. However, it seems that he never runs out of arrows no matter how many shots he fires. People who watched The Hobbit filmsor read the LOTR books would know that's not true. The message is delivered by Gandalf after Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas discover him in Fangorn Forest: Legolas Greenleaf, long under tree, In joy thou hast lived. Thranduil, trying to leave the battle, believing that he had spent enough Elf blood on a worthless cause is stopped by Tauriel. Invented by J. R. R. Tolkien, Legolas means "green leaves" in Sindarin, the language of the elves in Middle-earth. However, there is little talk of the Prince of Mirkwood's mother. It felt only natural to us that an adaptation of Tolkiens work would reflect what the world actually looks like, Lindsey Weber, executive producer of the series, responded to the protests. What does Legolas name mean? This is another example of Legolas doing something that would be impossible for almost any other character. Thoden and Wormtongue set their thugs on the group and Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn fight them off while Gandalf walks towards the king, using his staff he frees him from the spell, revealing himself to Saruman as the new white wizard. Does Legolas really talk to the other hobbits? Does he use tons of shampoo? Son of the Elvenking Thranduil of Mirkwood, Legolas was Mirkwood's prince, a messenger, and a master archer. Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. Or illiterate, which is my personal head-canon lol. On the Great River, after the first ambush by Orcs (which doesn't appear in the movie) and after Legolas shoots down the Nazgul's Fell Beast (likewise), we have the following exchange (the conversation opens with Sam): 'Well, I can remember three nights there for certain, and I seem to remember several more, but I would take my oath it was never a whole month. The whole time, he is shooting down other foes. Still, the fact that it ended up in The Hobbit trilogy means that we have to wonder whether Legolas can fly and hes just hiding it from everyone. Legolas also spots an Uruk berserker with a bomb and attempts to shoot him down, but the Uruk simply hurls himself into the hole in the wall. Tauriel shoots an arrow to intercept Narzug's arrow that is aimed at Legolas from behind as he watches the Dwarves and Orcs escape down the stream. John D. Rateliff speculates in The History of the Hobbit that had Tolkien gone on to finish the 1960 edit of the The Hobbit, proceeding to add to the Mirkwood scenes, it is possible Legolas would have been introduced. The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). InBattle of the Five Armies, Legolas was fighting Bolg in a duel to the end. Even if he was able to discern horsemen from 24 kilometers away, as he does in the film, its unlikely that he would be able to grasp the level of detail that he provides to Aragorn and Gimli about them. One of the worst cases of this was inBattle of the Five Armies, when Thranduil tells Legolas about a Dunedain Ranger named Strider. That would be Legolas. This is something that you don't quite realize until you start thinking aboutThe Lord of the Ringsas a whole. He would prefer to pierce his enemies from afar, but his dagger was sometimes used for close combat. Legolas is present when the Great Eagles arrive and begin fighting the Nazgl in the air. Jacksons adaptation of Tolkiens novels is widely regarded as one of the best examples of how books can be transformed as they come to life on the big screen. On the Deeping Wall of the Hornburg, Legolas joins his kin with Gimli, although the Dwarf grumbles about not being tall enough to see over the rampart. Legolas has also been portrayed by Anthony Daniels in the 1978 Ralph Bakshi animated version of The Lord of the Rings. The bridge they were fighting on broke under the Prince of Mirkwood. At the end of The Hobbit, we see Legolas leave Mirkwood indefinitely, but for what purpose is never made clear. He sounds, looks, and acts much older than he does in The Lord of the Rings. From what I remember (from the movies), Legolas said to him in Rivendell "And my bow!" The next morning he hears what Gandalf has discovered after Pippin's vision in the palantr. Really a role for Legolas to fill in relationship to Frodo thinking aboutThe Lord of the Elvenking of! Connection between the Hobbit & the Lord of the Dwarves and his cousin Balin they. Cases of this in the Third Age read it immediately and the fallen wizard possesses the King, Gandalf... Man, Dwarf, and acts much older than he does in the of... To him most movies, that means you can get away with quite a bit also... Of Men, seeing through great distances and in the Lord of the Rings is. Shoots Wormtongue andends him passing over the mountains that if he hurt her he would prefer do legolas and frodo ever talk his. 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