Is Mr. Stempel inside?. Aaron scowled at the page. My own flesh and blood. Not because of what he could gain or what he stood to lose? A comfortable chair set a few feet away from him but tonight he chose to sit on the hard wood. Just read it, Aaron. Gingerly, Aaron returned the embrace, then leaned back to plop a quick peck on Candys cheek. Its all okay cause he didnt do anything illegal? Aaron watched the middle Bolts slow growing grin in trepidation. Everything will be exactly as youve always dreamed. Would serve Bolt right if they did lose the deal. Because you wanted to hurt him as much as hed hurt you. Shipped to the bluest skies youve ever seen are in Seattle from New Bedford, Massachusetts, the brides are in the post-Civil War Pacific Northwest to keep the lumberjacks happy, as one of the guys on the show puts it. A man like Stempel could never have Bolt blood in his veins. His father couldnt have loved another woman. The bride and groom had sneaked out more than an hour ago. Why are you taking his side?. Winning the mountain would have been like spitting in the face of all the people whod tried to stomp him into the dirt most of his life. Are you going to try to find this person? More and more pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, but Josh didnt think he yet saw the whole picture. Please, just stay put until I get there. But it was a betrothal not of his own choosing. Maybe finding out they had a previously unknown half-brother wouldnt hurt so badly if it hadnt been Aaron Stempel. Everything bad in his life could be traced back to a Bolt. Not a whimper when three guys are beating on them but let a woman try to clean them up and they start to fuss. A fire grew in his eyes but it was a muted fire. A deafening quiet greeted Jason as he entered the cabin he shared with his two younger brothers. You know, in spite of everything, Ive always respected Aaron Stempel. He was told over and over just how grateful he should be, if only he werent too much of a little beast to be appreciative. He didnt want to think. Contracted yellow fever crossing the Isthmus. Aaron stepped into the lamplight, his expression unreadable. The curtain try pulling it back, says the runaway bride, lifting her veil as she checks her Ubers ETA. Are you sure? If only Maddie werent so sick, I would accept the consequences of my past mistakes and find a way to bring the boy into my family. Now he wished he had. You know what a clam he can be. Not me and Jeremy. This lightens my heart some, but I still long to be back with the women who have been birthing babies in my tribe for more seasons than I have been alive. He looked up at his uncle when the edge was off his hunger. It was just terrible what they did, Red and his friends., A muscle in Aarons jaw jumped. Oh, posh, just an old lady feeling sorry for herself. Who he was didnt change just because he now knew how old he really was. Mostly he just growls like a sore-pawed bear., I think Jasons letting him stew for awhile. Dont know why yet., Damned half-breed tryin to pass for white! Reds shout rose about their whispered conversation. Turning away, Aaron took a step for the door. The last few days you have seemed rathermelancholy.. I learned my lesson last time I was here. As the uproar created by General Ashlands announcement died down, Jason scanned the crowd for Aaron. His day on the mountain had been long and tiring. What kind of farce is this?, No game, just a family vote. Jasons gaze pinned him. Or was he just Aaron? Just try to keep him out of the way when Thompsons here., Slapping his friend on the shoulder, Jason grinned. After a long sleepless night, Jason stormed into Aaron Stempels office without knocking. He didnt need to hear the result of this vote. With a wrinkling of his nose, he subsided. Its in every word she writes. Who else would they send after him? I ask readers to be frank about my writing, accepting criticism as constructive. Stiff pride held him straight as he strode from the building. 2) Why are there such wide gaps in their ages? Pleasantly intoxicated himself, Jason grinned with contentment. Hed thought he could handle the situation by himself, but it seemed to be going from bad to worse. Against his will, Josh felt some kinship to this unmet woman. And who was he trying to prove himself to? You're the richest man in town. A harsh chuckle rumbled in his chest as he recalled the foolish fantasies hed harbored as a boy. Which leaves me where Ive always been. Even though he had all the windows open, Aarons office felt close and stifling. But neither of us has ever hated the other., A game? Have faith, Aaron, Jason declared, but with a little less than his usual enthusiasm. Interesting take on the "half-sibling" plot so popular in our fandom. Dont need it. Just saying what I heard. Youre late, Candy scolded with a mock-frown on her face. Unless you enjoy the taste of blood.. The mountain!? He says we will wait until we reach the land of his birth to have his peoples ritual to name our child. I wonder if he even thought of me at all. Jason watched his face carefully, waiting for the moment when Aaron reached the important section. Is this something you really want to hear, lad?, Jason pondered. But if there was punching to do, hed do it himself; he had no need to call in a bunch of coyotes. I wasnt even two when she died., If youveI dont understandwhy this trouble now?. Get that long look off your face. The morning sun added a golden halo to her hair and gilded her fair skin. It scared him how good it felt. No one here speaks my tongue or knows the rites of my people. Although Clancey and Biddie have a solution, the town decides to go to Canada to secure their b. If. You can make it three to one or a tie vote.. For two days and two nights, Jonathan Bolts journals lay on the mantel of Aarons fireplace untouched. Yeah, I should. But Jason looked as if he dreaded it more than hed ever dreaded anything in his life. Afternoon, Aaron, Jason greeted, his voice unusually soft, almost gentle. No, you dont understand, Aaron sighed. Please consider turning it on! But I care about you, Aaron. Did Mirimanto have to die so we could live?, Nae, lad, nae. Duncan grabbed for his hand. These are general trivia questions about the TV show, "Here Come The Brides", that was on the air from 1968-1971. He clamped his mouth shut, embarrassed by how much hed revealed. Thank you, Miss Cloom. A spontaneous cheer rose from the loggers in the congregation. I want to do whatever I can to help. But why do you care what Stempel feels? Hey, be careful with my wife, Jeremy shouted, laughter spilling into his voice. He denied it! A hint of pain showed through Aarons fury. If only I could see a good direction to move., Duncan stole a glance at Joshua. Have patience.. If you were on your own at that age with nothing but the clothes on your back? A girl has to make a living. What game are you playing now, Bolt? The suspense is killing us, Jason replied with a slight grin. Itll all work out for the best, Aaron, youll see.. Its so strange. May I sit? He stalked off to join the rest of the crew. Are you all right? she whispered, worried eyes scanning up and down his body. How did a person ever know the right thing to do? The resounding thud of the book hitting the wall did nothing to satisfy the need in his soul. Jon is so happy. Acts like I should be grateful to be called a Bolt! Aaron countered as best he could with the extensive knowledge hed worked years to obtain. Joshua opened to the first page of the diary. Thats the one thing I really cant understand. Then why did it still gnaw at his belly when he saw them together? If not for the letter the girl left for him, I think he would tracked her to the ends of the earth.. When he was sick he asked for me and I was holding his hand when he died. You know your father and mother were betrothed very young, do you nae? At their nods, he continued, They had known each other their whole lives. Miri made it very plain in her letter she wanted nothing more to do with the white mans world. There might be a way to come close., I know your father kept a journal. Ever since the party began, Aaron had been acting most peculiar. A kick to a delicate table crumbled it and the bric-a-brac it had displayed into a messy heap on the floor. He clasped Candys hand in his and together they joined the other congregation members strolling toward church. Whoever itd been, Jason had known about her. He hadnt noticed how tender they were until now. I havent been in the exact situation youre talking about, but Ive been close enough that I wouldnt wish it on anyone else., Of all the people in Seattle, Jason understood the situation to which Lottie referred. It didnt happen like that., You never had to worry where your next meal was coming from. He and his mother so easily replaced. TV ShowsHere Come the Brides Follow/FavHere Come The Brides, Story 6, Demon In Disguise By:April D. Wade After more than five years of marriage, Aaron and Jemma are as in love and adoring of each other as the day they married. Why, thank you, Aaron. To BridalVeil Mountain Logging and Stempels mill.. He decided to take his chances and hope he wouldnt have to listen to a Jason Bolt soliloquy in payment. Just pride, Aaron guessed. But I hope you Bolts dont start thinking all this brotherly mush is going to be an every day occurrence.. All right. She circled the railing, never relinquishing her grip on his hand. Well, you better wait until after the wedding for that.. Wasnt lookin out for anybody but myself. He finally admitted it., All these years and you never said anything! Jason squalled. But try as he might, he couldnt unearth any of his usual enthusiasm for the books, the company or even the future. We dont need their damned jobs. Any comment might set him off and a Bolt comment was practically guaranteed to start fireworks. If you read morehe regretted what he said to you.. He reached to lay his own hand over their entwined fingers. The warmth from the brandy began to spread through his veins. Maybe I can calm him down a little.. There were times he couldnt believe his good luck. He staggered as the concept hit him. Here Come the Brides was a TV-series of 2 seasons that ran from September 1968 to April 1970. Entering the tent, he slumped down in his chair. She took a long and careful appraisal of him. How could he deny it now? His grip loosened and he took a half-step back. Hed never talked about any of this before. More than thirty years.. Or where you were gonna sleep without someone slitting your throat for your boots. His adversarys eyes grow dark and distant. Always together, while he stood on the outside, alone. Why, Jason?, Jason blinked his confusion at the assault. He cant touch me if I dont let him. How bad a beating was up to him. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I said we need a family vote.. He knew all the words; they were written in his heart. Believe your mother a fine woman, who loved you and did what she thought best for you., Hiding his face from the eldest Bolt, Aaron rubbed his burning eyes. If hed put a bet on her reaction, hed have won. Why cant you just relax and accept that there might be a place in our family for you?, Aaron jumped up from his chair, his movements sharp and jerky. To say, Father, am I doing this right? He smiled wistfully. With Maddie so sick, it would kill her if she knew. Bolt, when were your brothers gonna meet us?, He felt solid warmth as Jasons shoulder pressed against his. Jason gaped, his mouth moving but no sound coming out. Josh felt a slight flush of superiority. A mass of conflicting emotions flooded through Joshua. A princess bride a runaway bride a ghost bride. It didnt work. Oh, Candy, you dont really think hed do anything to ruin your wedding? Jason kept his voice confident although he had his own misgivings in that direction. Youve done it before for us., Aaron peeked out from between his spread fingers. Hed grown up in Jasons shadow. Had Jason been trying to show him what it could be like? Hed been too dazed with grief to even try to figure out who could have delivered that lumber. And hes never made any effort to be friendly with them. So you got mad., Stempel slammed his hand against the window frame. Make sure hes not hurt b-b-bad. The unwavering love Joshua had taken for granted seemed to have been entirely missing from Stempels childhood. Normally Joshua would have experienced a mix of admiration and irritation at Jasons embroidery of the truth. All right. Only grabbing onto the rainspout kept him on his feet. More of the strife theyd lived through for years? Could he trust Jason and the other two not to turn their backs on him - as their father had done - when he really needed them? Pain jolted up his arm as he connected solidly with Reds jaw. Trying to push Josh now will just make him more stubborn., She gave him a teasing slap on the arm. But they hadnt known and now they had few things they could say, this was my fathers. I do nae know what it said, but after reading it your father was heartbroken. I wasnt making fun of you. Here Come the Brides also debuted in Sept. 1968. Im prepared to offer the logging portion of the contract to your company, Mr. Bolt. With obvious effort, Aaron relaxed his stance and turned his back. Now you tell me, which man earned the title of father?, Jason leaned his chin into his hands, not able to think of a single word to refute Aarons argument. But Ive had to admit to things I was ashamed about before. He looked up into her sad eyes. Im not. Jeremy raised his hands in peace, but stood his ground. See. His grin turned into a wince as he stretched his split lip. Here Come the Brides; Relationships: Jason Bolt/Aaron Stempel; Jeremy Bolt/Candy Pruitt; Characters: Jason Bolt; Lottie Hatfield; Biddie Cloom; Joshua Bolt (Here Come the Brides) Jeremy Bolt (Here Come the Brides) Aaron Stempel; Language: English Stats: Published: 2022-12-23 Updated: 2023-01-10 Words: 4984 Chapters: 13/21 Kudos: 1 Hits: 34 But this is important. Im not sure if I should encourage a friendship between these two sons of mine. Jonathan loved the girl. And what are you going to do about it now that you know? Youve been acting like youre walking on hot coals all day., Jason took a deep fortifying breath. Theres nothing worse than being an outsider to your own family. Misty blue eyes lifted to his. He had nothing personal against injuns in general or Stempel in particular, but any excuse for trouble was enough for him. Im still all mixed up. He just wanted this to be over so he could go off and lick his wounds. best man. Your father knew, as the younger son, there would nae be much for him to inherit. He gave a reluctant snort of laughter. Theyd been able to stop trying to cover up their misdeeds and deal with the solution. Beyond a doubt, Jonathan Bolt loved his family and would do anything for them. Did he love her? If I remember correctly, of course it was many years ago, but Im sure your mother said you were born October twenty-fourth.. Duncan, you knew? Jason had suspected, but he hadnt been sure. Not taking it personally?! The only thing hes ever fought is the paper on his desk.. But the only way they could possibly have found out was from the Bolts. I just dont know. What was the right thing to do? Without drinking he pressed the cool glass against his brow. Trust you, Jason, to take something that could be answered in one sentence and turn it into a speech. With a chuckle, Lottie got up to refill their cups. And if theyd jumped anyone else, theyd be in jail right now, not just fired. Aaron spat scarlet on Jasons boots. Reaching up, he pushed an errant lock of hair back off his forehead. Why dont you let me be the judge of that? She shouldered him aside and walked in his house. Though it made me feel like I was being unfaithful to Maddie, I couldnt refrain from asking about her. Did she love him? Choices was always a favorite of mine! It was better than digging deep enough to find the true reason. Despite all the reasons Aaron has to hate the Bolts, weve become friends, he and I., Truly? Duncans eyebrows rose. With a young woman who carried his babe in her arms.. "Why did you stop?" she murmured. Jeremy, what are you really here for?, Jeremy settled on the ground beside him. How do you remember it, Aaron?, For six months, hed been avoiding me, Stempels voice came out tight and strained. I have a sister whos not and three brothers who would just as soon see me dead. An abstraction. The determined expression made him appear to Aaron suddenly more adult, a man to be reckoned with. Cmon then! He struggled furiously against the firm hold Jason had around his shoulders. I knew I could count on you for a warm shoulder and a willing ear., Its part of the job when you own a saloon. She cracked her dishtowel in his direction. Hed hoped Jason would volunteer the information he needed, but it looked like his brother was going to force him to ask. Hed never kept it a secret. I never knew you felt like that., What could you have done? Is there anything I can to do help?. It can nae be undone.. Seems I remember you carrying on about how Mary Kate was the girl for you. Thompson opened his mouth to reply just as Aaron walked into the saloon. Damned coward. My mothers tribe lived near here. If you go over to Aarons house demanding he start acting like your brother, the only thing youll get is a fancy shoe print on your derriere. You put everyone else to shame.. Jason: Robert Brown. Why was Jason forcing this on them? Will wonders never cease? And why did he want Jason to drop the subject now? They should be fairly easy if you remember this wonderful show! The gathering gloom of evening matched the darkness in his heart. He ran with the futile hope of leaving all the fear and anger raging inside him behind. Passages flashed by his eyes, passages about Bolts journey to America with his new wife. You should read it, Uncle. She didnt do anything wrong. Aaron paused for a moment at the fork of the path and pondered. Intelligent, strong, industrious sons. She truly did love your father and wanted what was best for him., We offered to raise the bairn as a proper Bolt. Enough! Josh lurched upright. Captain Roland Clancy brings the disease via his ship to the port of Seattle, Washington Territory. Jeremy grimaced at Candys question. Ive discovered the picture of our family has gapping holes and I have to find the pieces to make it whole again., All right, lad. Jason reached for him but Josh evaded the effort. Were betrothed very young, do you nae your next meal was coming from your brothers gon sleep! Wanted nothing more to do disease via his ship to the ends of the strife theyd lived through years! Might, he subsided time I was being unfaithful to Maddie, I think Jasons letting him stew for.... Josh now will just make him more stubborn., she gave him a teasing slap on the mountain had acting. Now they had a previously unknown half-brother wouldnt hurt so badly if it hadnt been sure me the. 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