Their daughter, Elizabeth Virginia Stewart (aka, Jennie or Ginnie)(1861-1939?) Additionally, a man was pressed beneath heavy stones until he died. In total 14 women and 6 men were executed for witchcraft, and another five others died while awaiting their trials in prison. Omissions? He was first accused by his servant, Sarah Churchill, who also accused his granddaughter Margaret Jacobs. Between 1692 and May 1693, a series of investigations and persecutions caused 19 convicted witches to be hanged and several others to be imprisoned. My ancestor, Mehitabel Braybrooke Downing was one of the accused. In total 19 people were executed after being charged with witchcraft: 14 women and 4 men Some of their children remained in Essex County, while some moved with them to Bristol County and elsewhere. Visit this site's About page to find out more about Rebecca. Its a sad reality of human nature. After Governor Phipss wife was accused, he again interceded and ordered that a new court be established that would not allow so-called spectral evidence. Know about new tour launches, get exclusive access to sales and much more. The girls then accused a local slave, Tituba, and two other women of bewitching them. Some scholars believe that they were of African heritage, while others think that they may have been of Caribbean Native American heritage.). The Salem witch trials followed in 169293, culminating in the executions of 20 people. Elizabeth Howe (Age: 57)Elizabeth Howe lived in Topsfield and was the wife of farmer James Howe. Just think of how many witches there would be today if we didnt take care of them back then. Death in Salem: The Private Lives Behind the 1692 Witch Hunt, A Delusion of Satan: The Full Story of the Salem Witch Trials, View all posts by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks, History of Winter Island in Salem, Massachusetts. The female prisoners breasts were often examined multiple times a day for signs of lactation or breastfeeding and the appearance of their breasts were recorded and discussed in the courtroom. Corey had a reputation for being a pious member of the community despite the well-known fact that she had a child out of wedlock in the 1670s. Burning at the stake was more popular in countries with a strong Catholic church because it did not involve the shedding of blood, which was not allowed in the Roman Catholic doctrine, and it ensured that the victim would not have a body to take with them to the after life. The trials consisted of accusations of witchcraft against hundreds of Ive only found she was arrested or accused! Scott was brought to trial on September 17 and executed on September 22, 1692. To listen to the complete stories of these accused witches, download the Salem Witch Trials Tours app today from the App Store or Google Play Store. As a result, it is not surprising that many of the accused witches were outspoken women, Quakers, slaves, colonists with criminal backgrounds and/or prior witchcraft accusations or colonists who criticized the witch trials, according to the book The Societal History of Crime and Punishment in America: A number of historians have speculated as to why the witch hunts occurred and why certain people were singled out. Due to the large number of accused witches, the prisoners were kept in multiple jails in Salem, Ipswich and Boston. The Putnams were Rebecca Nurses main accusers during the witch trials and many of them testified against her. Burroughs holds the distinction of being the only clergyman ever to be convicted of witchcraft in American history. The stone dungeons of Salem Town prison were discovered in the 1950s in St. Peter Street when the site was excavated to build a New England Telephone Company building. Poor little Dorcus hoar is the saddest. Theyd claim the accused spirit hurt or attacked someone and ta da conviction. His son, George Jacobs, Jr, was accused as well but he evaded arrest. Other victims include two dogs who were shot or killed after being suspected of witchcraft. Thats very interesting, could I get ur Email, and Interview you for a history project? They are estimated to have resulted in the death of between 500 and 1000 people, 90 percent of whom were women. Are dogs allowed on the Newport Cliff Walk? How many people died in the Salem witch trials in The Crucible? To determine if there was an actual case against the accused, they were usually taken either to the Salem Village meetinghouse, to Reverend Samuel Parris house, to Ingersoll Tavern at Salem Village or to Beadles Tavern in Salem Town. The young girls knowing that dabbling at slight of hand with their maid may have been wrong, amongst people who didnt even allow children to play. Martin was accused of witchcraft by the afflicted girls in the spring of 1692. Good was one of the first people accused of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials, along with Sarah Osbourn and Tituba. Willard was accused a second time by his wifes grandfather, Bray Wilkins, after Wilkins fell ill upon receiving a cross look from Willard in May of 1692. Be it declared and enacted by His Excellency, the Governor, Council and Representatives authority of the same, That the several convictions, in General Court assembled, and by the judgments and attainders against the said George Burroughs, John Proctor, George Jacobs, John Willard, Giles Corey, Martha Corey, Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Good, Elizabeth Howe, Mary Easty, Sarah Wildes, Abigail Hobbs,Samuel Wardwell, Mary Parker, Martha Carrier, Abigail Faulkner, Anne Foster, Rebecca Eames, Mary Post, Mary Lacey, Mary Bradbury, Dorcas Hoar, and any of them be and are hereby reversed made and declared to be null and void to all intents, constitutionalism and purposes whatsoever as if no such convictions, judgments and attainders had ever been had or given, and that no penalties or forfeitures of goods or chattels be by the said judgments and attainders or either of them had or incurred. The hunts were efforts to identify witches rather than pursuits of individuals who were already thought to be witches. She was accused again, a few days after her release, and arrested. Imagine how you might feel if you had to witness the execution of one of your loved ones . Held up in a cell while the legal system at the time tried to figure out how to proceed. Toothaker was accused of witchcraft during theSalem Witch Trialsbut his case never went to trial because he died in jail. History of Massachusetts Blog. If you need a refresher, check out the blog post in full. Im related to the Colsons thru my fathers side. Also have the Carys. I am related to John and Elizabeth Proctor, the Hobbes, and to Lewis, one of the accusers. On August 28, 1957, Massachusetts Governor Foster Furcolo signed a bill into law that officially apologized for the Salem Witch Trials and cleared the name of some of the remaining victims not listed in the 1711 law: One Ann Pudeator and certain other persons yet did not state the other victims names. They enclosed as much agony as anywhere human beings could have lived. Now here is where things get fuzzy. He later settled in Salisbury, Mass for a while before being asked to serve as the new minister in Salem Village in 1680. 100. WebOver 200 people were accused of witchcraft at the Salem witch trials, and those found guilty were not burned to death. Have land someone wanted? II, Wiggin and Lunt, 1867.Nevins, Winfield S. Witchcraft in Salem Village in 1692. A second arrest warrant was issued and Willard was hunted down and arrested in Nashua, NH. Agreed. These arent Holocaust numbers, but any innocent human life means something to me. Very, very fascinating. Their initial accusations gave way to trials, hysteria, and a frenzy that resulted in further accusations, often between the differing factions. According to various sources, over 200 people were accused of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials. Mary Parker (Age: about 40)Mary Parker was a widow from Andover. It is not known what happened to the unclaimed bodies, or if there were any unclaimed bodies, but if there are they are most likely still buried in shallow graves at the execution site. Alice Parker (Age: unknown)Alice Parker was the wife of fisherman John Parker. He was one of the first people in Salem to speak out against the witch trials. Eight victims were hanged on the same day, and every single one of them was innocent. In three days of vivid testimony, she described encounters with Satans animal familiars and with a tall, dark man from Boston who had called upon her to sign the devils book, in which she saw the names of Good and Osborn along with those of seven others that she could not read. DaCapo Press, 2009.Hearn, Daniel Allen. By May 1693 everyone in custody under conviction or suspicion of witchcraft had been pardoned by Phips. Source. 200. Accusations followed, often escalating to convictions and executions. The results of the examinations were reduced to written reports, going into details, and, among other evidences in the trials, spread before the court and jury.. When he stopped being paid all together, he left Salem and returned to Maine. Parris, whose largely theological studies at Harvard College (now Harvard University) had been interrupted before he could graduate, was in the process of changing careers from business to the ministry. More than two hundred people were accused. A total of 25 people died because of the Salem witch trials. Jacobs family reportedly retrieved his body from the execution site and buried him on the family property. WebBy the end of the Salem witch trials, 19 people had been hanged and 5 others had died in custody. Although it provided no answers, its baking outraged Parris, who saw it as a blasphemous act. Please select which sections you would like to print: How many people were killed during the Salem witch trials? Rebecca Beatrice Brooks is the author and publisher of the History of Massachusetts Blog. Could be a subjective question. Sarah Osborne ( ne Warren) died in prison (May 10, 1692) before she could be tried. The victims were hanged by the neck by a rope tied to a tree. Certainly they were a breeding ground for diseaseBut accused witches were worse off than the other unfortunates [other prisoners.] When the court ordered that he plead guilty, he replied: More weight.. Scott was accused by two of Rowleys most notable families: the Wicoms and the Nelsons. She was in her 50s in 1692 when the witch hysteria reached its peak in Salem. Redd was accused of witchcraft in May of 1692 by the Salem Village afflicted girls and brought to Ingersoll Tavern in Salem Village for her examination. Susannah Martin (Age: 71)Susannah Martin was a poor widow who lived in Amesbury at the time of the Salem Witch Trials. There were many women from Gloucester, MA arrested. Thank you!! Any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. After each execution took place, the victims body was cut down and placed in a nearby rock crevice or buried in a shallow grave somewhere on the execution site, according to a paper written by William P. Upham for the Peabody Historical Society in 1903: It is well known that the victims executed as witches on Gallows Hill in Salem, in 1692, were thrown into mere shallow graves or crevices in the ledge under the gallows, where the nature of the ground did not allow complete burial, so that it was stated at the time that portions of the bodies were hardly covered at all.. Abigail Faulkner, SrBrought to trial on September 17 and found guilty. Tantor Media Inc, 2002.Upham, Charles W. Salem Witchcraft: With an Account of Salem Village and a History of Opinions on Witchcraft and Kindred Spirits. I will give details birth and date later.Her father is Richard North born 1590 died 1667 same as her mother born and died as her father..Her grandparents -John North born 1570 died 1619 and Anna Hadell born 1570 died 1633 . My mothers family(paternal) descended from the Aldens. He reportedly knew he was going to die, either in jail or on the gallows, and wanted to avoid being convicted before he did. A member of the Nelson family also sat on the grand jury that convicted her. He brought to Salem Village his wife, their three children, a niece, and two slaves who were originally from BarbadosJohn Indian, a man, and Tituba, a woman. Rebecca Nurse was executed on July 19, 1692. 20 were executed. Carrier was the first person in Andover accused during the Salem Witch Trials. She was accused by her neighbor Benjamin Abbot after the two had a dispute over land and Abbot immediately fell ill. Probably stimulated by voodoo tales told to them by Tituba, Parriss daughter Betty (age 9), his niece Abigail Williams (age 11), and their friend Ann Putnam, Jr. (about age 12), began indulging in fortune-telling. In the end, 25 people died as a direct result of the Salem Witch Trials. OhSusannahs mother is really Joan Ursula Scott Bartram. I just find out he Co n November 9 there is a new series about salem mass the witches of salem. A 12 year old girl named Ann Carr Putnam Jr. accused the most people during the Salem Witch Trials. Susannah North, an ancestor on my fathers side of the family. Susannah Martin was taken to Salem Village, brought to trial on June 29 and executed on July 19, 1692. Not every victim was named in the bill though because some families of the victims did not want their family member listed. On October 31, 2001, the state amended the 1957 apology, clearing the names of the remaining victims: Chapter 145 of the resolves of 1957 is hereby amended by striking out, in line 1, the words One Ann Pudeator and certain other persons and inserting in place thereof the following words:- Ann Pudeator, Bridget Bishop, Susannah Martin, Alice Parker, Margaret Scott and Wilmot Redd.. Edited by Benjamin F.Arrington, vol. She also disapproved of the controversial appointment of Samuel Parris, whom was a close friend of the Putnams, as the new Salem Village minister. Ann Foster (as well as her daughter Mary Lacey) languished in jail, but were not executed, as the religious and government figures tried to decide how to proceed. She was sentenced to death but never executed. She confessed and spent almost a year in jail but was not executed because of a ruling that came a day before prohibiting further executions. It was believed that they employed demons to accomplish magical deeds, that they changed from human to animal form or from one human form to another, that animals acted as their familiar spirits, and that they rode through the air at night to secret meetings and orgies. The Witch trials in England were conducted from the 15th century until the 18th century. The Salem Witch Trials Victims: Who Were They? Much like Bridget Bishop, Susannah Martin had also been accused of witchcraft before. 20 The Salem witch trials occurred in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693. The Salem Witch Trials began in January of 1692, after a group of girls began behaving strangely and a local doctor ruled that they were bewitched. Even if the difference is only 20 or 25, I truly believe it is worth exploring the truth. Five victims perished in prison. Thanx. He often borrowed money from the Putnam family to support his family. Well go through the 5 that are indisputable quickly: Lydia Dustin, her daughter, and grand-daughter all were accused and arrested of witchcraft, Both Lydia Dustin and Sarah were found not guilty by the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize and General Gaol Delivery in January or February, 1693, after the initial trials had been suspended when criticized for their use ofspectral evidence. 5 can be proven without any doubt. I do apologize for not keeping up with the comments here. Cases like Lydia Dustin and Mercy Good are perfect examples. Sarah Wildes had somewhat of a bad reputation due to previous brushes with law. Many locals, including Thomas Putnam, suspected Corey had paid a bribe for his freedom. When Giles Corey himself was accused of witchcraft and arrested in April, he refused to provide any more information on Martha or himself. I wonder if his collateral relatives could be related to any of the personages involved. Thats amazing that youre related to seven of the victims. Rebecca is a freelance journalist and history lover who got her start in journalism working for small-town newspapers in Massachusetts and New Hampshire after she graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a B.A. An act to remove the attainders of George Burroughs and others for Witchcraft. Some of the court records have been lost over the years, but the following is an almost complete list of the victims arrested for witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials: Arthur Abbott Nehemiah Abbott Jr John Alden Jr Abigail Barker Mary Barker William Barker, Sr William Barker, Jr Sarah Bassett Sarah Bibber Bridget Bishop Sarah Bishop Mary Black Mary Bradbury Mary Bridges, Sr Mary Bridges, Jr Sarah Bridges Hannah Bromage Sarah Buckley George Burroughs Candy Martha Carrier Richard Carrier Sarah Carrier Thomas Carrier Jr Bethia Carter, Sr Elizabeth Cary Sarah Churchill Mary Clarke Rachel Clinton Sarah Cloyce Sarah Cole (of Lynn) Sarah Cole (of Salem) Elizabeth Colson Giles Corey Martha Corey Deliverance Dane Mary De RichElizabeth Dicer Ann Dolliver Lydia Dustin Sarah Dustin Daniell Eames Rebecca Eames Mary Easty Esther Elwell Martha Emerson Joseph Emons Phillip English Thomas Farrer Edward Farrington Abigail Faulkner, Sr Dorothy Faulkner Elizabeth Fosdick Ann Foster Nicholas Frost Eunice Fry Dorcas Good Sarah Good Mary Green Elizabeth Hart Margaret Hawkes Sarah Hawkes Dorcas Hoar Abigail Hobbs Deliverance Hobbs William Hobbs Elizabeth Howe Elizabeth Hubbard Frances Hutchins Mary Ireson John Jackson, Sr John Jackson, Jr George Jacobs, Sr George Jacobs, Jr Margaret Jacobs Rebecca Jacobs Elizabeth Johnson, Sr Elizabeth Johnson, Jr Rebecca Johnson Stephen Johnson Mary Lacey, Sr Mary Lacey, Jr John Lee Mercy Lewis Jane Lilly Mary Marston Susannah Martin Sarah Morey Rebecca Nurse Sarah Osborne Mary Osgood Alice Parker Mary Parker Sarah Pease Joan Penney Hannah Post Mary Post Susannah Post Margaret Prince Benjamin Proctor Elizabeth Proctor John Proctor Sarah Proctor William Proctor Ann Pudeator Wilmot Redd Sarah Rice Susannah Roots Henry Salter John Sawdy Margaret Scott Ann Sears Susanna Sheldon Abigail Somes Martha Sparks Mary Taylor Tituba Job Tookey Mary Toothaker Roger Toothaker Johanna Tyler Martha Tyler Mercy Wardwell Samuel Wardwell Sarah Wardwell Mary Warren Sarah Wilds John Willard Sarah Wilson, Sr. Mary Witheridge. Edward died there in 1712, while Sarah died about 1725 Bristol County Probate Records). The influence and energy of the evil spirit so great at that time acting in and upon those who were the principal accusers and witnesses proceeding so far as to cause a prosecution to be had of persons of known and good reputation which caused a great dissatisfaction and a stop to be put thereunto until their majesties pleasure should be known therein; and upon a representation thereof accordingly made, her late Majesty, Queen Mary, the Second of Blessed Memory, by her Royal letter given at her court at Whitehall the fifteenth of April, 1693, was graciously pleased to approve the care and circumspection therein; and to will and require that in all proceedings against persons accused for witchcraft, or being possessed by the Devil, the greatest moderation and all due circumspection be used so far as the same may be without impediment to the ordinary course of justice. Ok, but thats not funny People died because of this. On March 1 two magistrates from Salem Town, John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin, went to the village to conduct a public inquiry. WebSarah osborne salem witch trials.In 1682, a young girl from Topsfield named Hannah Trumble began experiencing fits, and accused How of making her ill through witchcraft. She was released from prison in March, 1693. 100. Competition Gets Fiercer In Salems Scare Industry According to The Boston Globe, 25 people were killed during the witch trials in Salem. The book will be out in early 2018. An arrest warrant was issued for John Willard but he had already fled Salem Village. By the end of the Salem witch trials, 19 people had been hanged and 5 others had died in custody. It is not known why Parker was accused but she stated during her examination that there was another woman in Andover named Mary Parker and suggested it was a case of mistaken identity. I recently watched an episode of the genealogy series, Who Do You Think You Are on the TLC network. My name is Scott Bromage. More than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraftthe Devils magicand 20 were executed. This made her unpopular with her neighbors. Mary Foster Lacey Sr. and Mary Foster Lacey Jr. and Ann Foster are ancestors on my mothers side. They are wrong. To be fair, they also mention This is adynamic listand may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. She had a reputation for being sharp-tongued and often quarreled with locals. WebThe Connecticut Witch Trials, also sometimes referred to as the Hartford witch trials, occurred from 1647 to 1663. In what years did the Salem Witch Trials occur? She gave birth in January was released from prison in May, 1693. Wilmot Redd (Age: unknown)Wilmot Redd lived in Marblehead and was the wife of fisherman Samuel Redd. During his examination at Beadles Tavern in Salem town, the incident with Bray Wilkins and Daniel Wilkins was brought up and the Wilkins family also accused Willard of beating his wife. Were they a little more advanced in understanding something?Im really curious nowis it any way that you can email me with a little piece of your knowledge? WebAnn Foster (ne Alcock) (Important in Salem) Mercy, infant daughter of Sarah Good. Sarah Good (Age: 39)Sarah Good lived in Salem Village and was the wife of William Good. But there are at least 10 more that are indisputably directly caused by the Salem Witch Trials. Many historians believe that a number of individuals in the colony, particularly the Putnam family, quickly took advantage of this witch hunt and mass hysteria by accusing rival neighbors or other colonists that they disapproved of or wanted revenge against. He died on the third day of his torture on September 19, 1692. Looking forward to more of your stories. There is little doubt that some individuals did worship the devil and attempt to practice sorcery with harmful intent. She had never met the afflicted girls before and when asked why they were afflicted she stated they were in a sad condition. She was indicted and several Marblehead residents testified against her. Hi every1, Ive recently found out im a descendent of Hannah Bromage of Haverhill! I began a blog about my family tree called Parriss orthodox Puritan theology and preaching also divided the congregation, a split that became demonstrably visible when he routinely insisted that nonmembers of the congregation leave before communion was celebrated. Joan Bartram was her biological mother, Ursula her step-mother who left Susannah next to nothing of her fathers in her will. Fourteen women and six men were executed for witchcraft, and five others died in prison during the trials. Sarah Good was brought to trial June 29 and executed on July 19, 1692. "All 19 who were executed through a hanging died at Proctor's Ledge. He was found guilty on August 5 and executed on August 19, 1692. Subscribe to our newsletter belowcoupon code on the next screen. Would like to network with other direct descendants regarding genealogical and historic research. Proctor was one of the males who was hung. I would love any information or stories you have about this side of the family. II, Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1922.The Social History of Crime and Punishment in America: An Encyclopedia. She was sentenced to death but pardoned by Governor Phips. The original inflicted girls were terrified theyd done wrong and went mute. The Salem witch trials and executions came about as the result of a combination of church politics, family feuds, and hysterical children, all of which unfolded in a vacuum of political authority. As a result, Giles Corey was tortured for three days in a field on Howard Street in Salem town in an attempt to force a plea out of him. How many Salem witches were hanged? She was sentenced to death but pardoned by Governor Phips. The last hangings in that years witch craze was on September 22. Redd was brought to trial in September and executed on September 22, 1692. She was sentenced to death but pardoned by Governor Phips. "Another four defendants died awaiting trial, according to History of And that no sheriff, constable, goaler or other officer shall be liable to any prosecution in the law for anything they then legally did in the execution of their respective offices. May the gods bless her soul for Eternal peace and harmony. John Proctor (Age: 61)John Proctor was a wealthy farmer who lived on the outskirts of Salem Village. Thanks, Stephen! Shepard, 1904.Site of the Salem Courthouse in 1692.The Salem Witch Museum, Clears 5 from Salem Witch Trials. New York Times, New York Times Company, 2 Nov. 2001, Witch Trials Descendants.The Salem Award Foundation,, John. He then confessed to making a pact with the devil but later recanted his confession. This self-guided walking tour of Salem, MA, leads you on a path through the town and history. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. This isnt an educational recap. She was brought to trial on June 2, found guilty and became the first person executed during the witch trials when she was hanged on June 10, 1692. Could someone please help? Her children were also accused and were coerced into testifying against her. Much like Bridget Bishop, Howe had also been accused of witchcraft before. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). None of my ancestors went to trial; but jail must have been cruel. All tours are valid for a lifetime. Pudeator was accused of witchcraft in May of 1692 by Sarah Churchill and several other afflicted girls of Salem Village. I havent added to it in some time, ashamed to say. February of 1692. Travel. PLEASE HELP! Your email address will not be published. After his wife, Elizabeth Proctor, was arrested on charges of witchcraft in April of 1692, the afflicted girls turned on John Proctor during Elizabeths examination and accused him as well. The haphazard fashion in which the Salem witch trials were conducted contributed to changes in U.S. court procedures, including rights to legal representation and cross-examination of accusers as well as the presumption that one is innocent until proven guilty. The over one hundred and fifty people singled out for social and legal ostracism over the course of 1692 included every age, social echelon, and background: rich and poor, young and old, feeble and sharp-witted. Lets break down that number: Nineteen victims were hanged. I was 8 years old at the time of his death and remember him with love. Elizabeth Johnson JrBrought to trial in January, 1693 and found guilty. My ancestral grandmother, Mary Prince of Gloucester along with her daughter and granddaughter were accused and arrested for witchcraft, then jailed in Ipswich. They screamed, made odd sounds, threw things, contorted their bodies, and complained of biting and pinching sensations. The Gould family were close friends with the Putnam family of Salem Village. The number of trials and executions varied according to time and place, but it is generally believed that some 110,000 persons in total were tried for witchcraft and between 40,000 to Enjoyable reading! The girls then accused a local slave, Tituba, and two other women of bewitching them. For as much in the year of Our Lord, one thousand six hundred and ninety-two several towns within the Province were infested with a horrible witchcraft or possessions of devils. The subject of that episode was actress Jean Smart who is a descendant of Dorcus. 325 years ago on this day (19 July 1692) my 7th Great Aunt, Sarah Averill Wildes, was hung on Gallows Hill Salem for a crime she did not commit. The English considered it an unacceptable death for women since it involved nudity. She was examined and indicted on two charges of witchcraft. It is believed that his work in the occult led to his witchcraft accusation. Willard was responsible for helping to arrest the accused witches but soon began to doubt so many people could be guilty of witchcraft and quit his job in protest. Giles Corey, an 81-year-old farmer, was pressed to death under heavy stones while extracting a confession. The logic seems to have been that physical contact with an actual witch would draw the evil spirits back out of the victim. There are documented deaths directly caused by the Salem Witch Trials that, for whatever reason or another, are not being included in this official death count. By the end of the Salem witch trials, 19 people had been hanged and 5 others had died in custody. Ann Pudeator (Age: 70s)Ann Pudeator was a widow who lived in Salem town where she also worked as a nurse and midwife. Hangings in that years witch craze was on September 22, 1692 ) before she could be to... Thought to be convicted of witchcraft at the time tried to figure how! 5 from Salem Town, John support his family accused a local slave, Tituba, and other... Stories you have about this side of the history of Massachusetts blog 5 and executed on 19! Of 25 people were killed during the witch trials he later settled in,. Hundreds of Ive only found she was sentenced to death but pardoned Governor. To identify witches rather than pursuits of individuals who were shot or killed after being suspected of witchcraft had pardoned... 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