Big words? An extruded tile (21) and batten (22) with mutually. Learn a new word every day. Beaten zone is a concept in indirect infantry small arms fire, specifically machine guns. opensubtitles2, Nakhimov spaced his battleships evenly in two lines, covering the entire harbor with, Sinop had substantial harbor defenses and forts with, The cavalrymen found well constructed and sited bunkers with. [citation needed], The tactic of using overlapping arcs of fire came to prominence during World War I where it was a feature of trench warfare. WikiMatrix 2. : an arrangement in which the operation of one part or mechanism automatically brings about or prevents the operation of another. Favorable fields of fire for a successful ambush include longer stretches of road, trail, or open areas. Les hommes de Wickham se prcipitent vers l'avant travers un champ dcouvert et rencontrent par des manuvres imbriques des tirs de mousquet, des salves d'obus partir des deux canons Parrott de 10 livres, et les tirs navals du Dawn. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); September 17, 2017 12 comments. Sample translated sentence: , Show algorithmically generated translations, These trenches, protected by barbed wire and, Ces tranches, protges par du fil barbel et les, monwealth troops followed British doctrine for the most part and developed their hilltops into "Forward Defended Localities" with all round defence and. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. En Angleterre, des hommes aviss commencent concevoir des vhicules automobiles blinds, arms et munis de chenilles de vritables navires terrestres pour mener lassaut. Are they any good, or worth the money? In railway signalling, an interlocking is an arrangement of signal apparatus that prevents conflicting movements through an arrangement of tracks such as junctions or crossings. To its advantage, it had an unobstructed field of fire downriver. The signalling appliances and tracks are sometimes collectively referred to as an interlocking plant. Senator Jim Webb, first published in 1978. Rourke-thanks for the helpful defensive tactics. On it, he could see the impress of his rough frieze, a pink trough of interlocking chainwork, where she had gripped him so hard. The Establishment of a DPP by your group is essential. Understanding where you and each member of your team should concentrate fire on an invading force is critical for operational efficiency and effectiveness. Fields of Fire is a novel by U.S. If not friendly fire incidences can take place. Translation of "interlocking fires" into French. Fourteen words that helped define the year. The courses are professionally taught, taking you from a no nothing to someone who can with some intelligence and initiative bring the fight to the enemy. This should create a "wall of steel". Pham scanned in all directions, trying to identify fields of fire and killing zones. It was first released as a single in the United Kingdom in 1983 and included on the band's debut album The Crossing. Il fit demi-tour dans une suite de boucles, cracha encore un peu de feu, puis revint finalement vers la ville. (DVD included), Interlocked Pipelined Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. feux croiss is the translation of "interlocking fires" into French. At the first of these points, a bullet will hit a standing man in the head, at the last of these points, as the bullet drops, it will hit a standing man in the feet. The advantage of siting weapons that mutually support one another is that it is difficult for an attacker to find a covered approach to any one . Fields of Fire is the third album by Corey Hart, released in 1986. A good example from history is the duels between Australian soldiers and German MG34 teams, during the 'April battles' and later, at Tobruk during 1941. Most comprehensive library of legal defined terms on your mobile device, All contents of the excluding publicly sourced documents are Copyright 2013-. To save this word, you'll need to log in. Par la suite, la plus grande partie de lescadron travailla sur le Crochet, avec trois compagnies de manoeuvres sudcorens, raison de trois priodes de relais de huit heures par jour. Wickham's men rushed forward across an open field and were met by. Start your free trial today and get unlimited access to America's largest dictionary, with: Field of fire. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, : alternate sources of information and interlock influence, A study of exchange of failed implant with intramedullary interlocking nail in fractures of femur and tibia, Integrating components into valve solutions improves efficiency, safety, Fortress' mGard interlock range receives approval, Transfer a load between cranes and monorails, Efectos de las Consecuencias de Soporte y Consecuencias Culturales en la Seleccion de Contingencias Conductuales Entrelazadas, Interlocking nailing, 3d ed. Les rations mises part, les Canadiens estimaient, linstar des Britanniques et des No-Zlandais, que, en raison de la simplicit de lorganisation logistique du Commonwealth, fonde sur des lments australiens dabord bass au Japon, il tait parfaitement logique davoir une formation du Commonwealth. The term originally came from the 'field of fire' in front of forts (and similar defensive positions), cleared so there was no shelter for an approaching enemy. You must there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one thats only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary. interlocking. For other uses, see, Plainclothes and Off-duty Officer Survival: 0398055289 Podran ser colocados a travs de un battlefield con interlocking campos de fuego. The phrase has come to mean any injury, damage or harm (physical or otherwise) caused to a third party due to the action of belligerents (collateral damage). [citation needed] Un peloton qui attaquait une maison dun ct de la rue se trouvait couvert par le peloton qui tait de lautre ct, tandis que les tirs dappui isolaient limmeuble derrire un cran de feu et de fume23. Field of Fire - an area which a weapon can cover effectively from a given position. It has won Games Magazine's award for Best New Historical Simulation Game in their 2010 Games 100 issue. Working in concert they provided a defensive system of. GG58. Part of a DPP is establishing fields of fire. Skink Fighters wearing full body armor with interlocking helmets had been infiltrating all day, crawling under the trees slowly and quietly enough that neither the motion nor the audio detectors picked them up. Send us feedback. Become engaged or intermeshed with one another, Coordinate in such a way that all parts work together effectively. WikiMatrix An interlock prevents firing unless the toggle is fully closed. In this configuration, the fields of fire are working complementary to each other by massing firepower across a relatively small area. Lightlymanned concrete pillboxes, sited in depth and invulnerable to anything but a direct hit by a heavy shell, could bring down. Define Interlocking. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference. The hologram had the plotted positions of Posleen and probable fields of fire. Literature Because of reluctance to begin the property destruction involved in felling trees and razing houses for fields of fire and in digging trenches, no definite order for these major measures had been given. Stocking up on guns and ammo is NOT a defensive plan. The front line changed very little after the blockade was established, allowing the German forces to build a dense defensive network of strong points in the area, interconnected by trenches, protected by extensive obstacles and. L'invention porte sur un mcanisme retard autodestructeur de fuse de sous-munition comprenant un rcipient rempli d'un liquide d'activation, un rupteur d'ampoule ressorts brisant le rcipient lors du dploiement de la munition, un percuteur ressorts d'autodestruction amorant un dtonateur secondaire voisin du dtonateur primaire et une bille de verrouillage solidaire du rupteur d'ampoule et verrouillant le percuteur pour le maintenir distance du dtonateur secondaire. When each letter can be seen but not heard. Fire can then be called in by spotters to engage specific points in the guns' field of fire, even if out of sight of the machine gunners. Nous allons accrocher une force hostile numriquement suprieure en progressant couvert, par surprise en faisant appel au tir crois et l'agressivit naturelle du Marine. A crossfire (also known as interlocking fire) is a military term for the siting of weapons (often automatic weapons such as assault rifles or sub-machine guns) so that their arcs of fire overlap. How many can you get right? Idalement cet espace mort devraient tre couverts par une autre position proximit, et/ou par des tirs indirects pr-planifies, avec des mortiers ou d'autres formes d'artillerie. La ligne de front a trs peu chang depuis que le blocus a t tabli ; les forces allemandes ont construit un rseau dense de sites dfensifs relis entre eux par des tranches et protgs par de vastes zones d'obstacles positionnes sous le feu de l'artillerie et des mortiers. linked or locked closely together as by dovetailing [syn: interlacing, interlinking, interwoven], n. contact by fitting together; "the engagement of the clutch"; "the meshing of gears" [syn: engagement, mesh, meshing], the act of interlocking or meshing; "an interlocking of arms by the police held the crowd in check" [syn: mesh, meshing, interlock]. Start studying 3/3 Kilo Basic Knowledge. While in the defense, ensuring fire from one gun position interlocks with with the fire of other machine guns to prevent gaps that can be exploited by enemy forces. 1632, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense. Tuile extrude (21) et volige (22) prsentant des parties s'embotant l'une dans l'autre et composes d'U.P.V.C. vb. MAS Defense is good too. Tyson noticed that his eyes darted everywhere at once, taking in the whole scene, noticing possible ambush sites, registering places of cover and concealment, heeding signs of booby traps, and discerning good fields of fire. Des systmes d'extinction praction inter-verrouillage simple devraient tre utiliss pour toutes les salles d'ordinateurs. Enfilade Fire- The long axis of the beaten zone coincides with or nearly coincides with the long axis of the target. You must build maps for missions and then use turn-based strategic actions. Use of armour, air support, indirect fire support, and stealth are tactics that may be used to assault a defensive position. Ranging flags are also useful for communications .. Its pretty easy to get shook up and underestimate distances etc Cependant, le dploiement des dtachements montre clairement que le point de mire se situait au sud, puisque les arcs d'observation et les arcs de tir complmentaires convergeaient tous vers la partie sud du complexe du gnie. Their fields of fire incorporate the beaten zone. By interlocking a more secure defense is established. An interlocking is designed so that it is impossible to display a signal to proceed unless the route to be used is proven safe. Accessed 18 Jan. 2023. Supporting Fields of Fire has the purpose of providing intense fire from different angles and multiple positions. Hear a word and type it out. Holstering the pistol, I fished inside for more plasticuffs, putting three interlocking strips together to make one long one. Lightning. You must there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one that's only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary. Men today we will execute an ambush against a numerically superior hostile force by using cover, surprise, Nous allons accrocher une force hostile numriquement suprieure en progressant couvert, par surprise en faisant appel au tir crois et l' agressivit naturelle du Marine, Ideally, this dead space should be covered by the. John Charles Cheek, Tony Lesce - 1988 "Bunching up nullifies any chance of catching an adversary in a cross-fire. Delivered to your inbox! Traduction de "interlocking" en franais, ensemble implantation dans un dispositif d'occlusion l'camarade d'un mcanisme de couplage verrouillage mcanique, The interlocking system locks automatically and is easy to use, Le systme de verrouillage se bloque automaacarienment et est simple utiliser, Check 'interlocking fire' translations into French, Look through exfconds of interlocking fire translation in dlations, listen . Selon l'analyse de risque d'incendie, l'installation d'un systme d'extinction praction inter-verrouillage simple est recommande pour toutes les salles de traitement lectronique des donnes (TED) de niveau III. It is in the shape of a rectangle with the longer sides parallel to the direction of fire because artillery tends to deviate more forwards and backwards than right and left. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Le mcanisme de lancement comporte un verrou mcanique (6, 27) libr par pression extrieure applique par un utilisateur de faon essentiellement simultane, sparment, sur deux composants espacs (5, 13) du mcanisme de lancement. 2. A Remote Terminal may contain active electronics such as digital loop carriers, fiber hubs, DSLAMs, etc. Great book. OPSS 355 for Interlocking concrete pavers suitable for its intended use. It enables a pair of combatants to catch an opponent from two directions at once. Period. Really good info, I have much to learn in this area! Combatant nations quickly recognised the value of machine-guns on the battlefield, installing placements that allowed them to repel charges with sweeping and. Coordination of fire. Designated walkways are used, when available.B. To put it simply everyone needs to know what area they are covering/engaging and make sure that ALL areas are covered. Your email address will not be published. They fumbled with levers embedded in their integral backpacks, setting in motion some powerful, hidden engine that dragged them off the streets and into the air as the belt-pulley turned, its powerful cogs interlocking and hauling the dark, bulky figures back up into the belly of their airship. Look through examples of interlocking fire translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. fields of fire The area that can be reached by ammunition fired from a gun or a group of guns. To do less is being caught up in a wet dream. This is one of the main reasons higher numbers of groupmembers are recommended over the lone wolf concept. This article is about the military term. The obverse of the gypsum panel, out in the hall, was covered in the faded Jugendstil paper, a pattern of tall interlocking poppies, that decorated all the hallways of the building. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for interlock, Nglish: Translation of interlock for Spanish Speakers. The field of fire of a weapon (or group of weapons) is the area around it that can easily and effectively be reached by gunfire. n. (context railways English) An arrangement of signal apparatus that prevents conflicting movements through a set of tracks such as junctions or crossings. Usually the machine guns will be mounted on a tripod and indirect fire sights (such as a dial sight) fitted in addition to, or instead of, direct fire ones. This is similar to flanking in that advantageous angles and positions are used to create a more effective and diverse defense. Firefighter means a member of an organized fire department, including a volunteer member or a member paid on call, who is responsible for, or is in a capacity that includes responsibility for, the extinguishment of fires, the directing of the extinguishment of fires, the prevention and detection of fires, and the enforcement of the general fire laws of this state. LASER-wikipedia2 Define field of fire. Men today we will execute an ambush against a numerically superior hostile force by using cover, surprise. together as a single unit, or in a coordianted manner. The defenders at the top would have an advantageous field of fire. 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