Other Scriptures to study: 1 Samuel 6:19, Psalms 38:1, Psalms 100:2, Psalms 145:11, Psalms 147:1, Matthew 6:19, Mark 10:44, Luke 9:23, 2 Corinthians 10:5, Philippians 4:6, Colossians 3:5, 1 John 2:15. We will discuss the intercultural conversations that occur through classical studies and explore ways in which we bridge our differences as the interest in Classical Studies becomes increasingly globalized. In recent years due to increased cutbacks field trips for my students have become impossible. When planning Table Topics for Teens, seek topics that interest them or better yet, ask them to bring the Table Topics! They took that knowledge into a preach the virtue of self-fulfillment to their students? Moderator: Anne Groton (St. Olaf College) Moderator: Adrienne M. Hagen (Washington and Lee University) 30 Family Dinner Questions on How Does She. Finally, conclude by thanking participants and attendees in a quick 1-2 minute wrap up. Find a job at a place that supports the kinds of things you're looking for. ${ company.score } stars About 40 youth attended the Akimel Oodham/Pee Posh Youth Councils (AOPPYC) Youth Roundtable in District 4 on Jan. 2 and 3 over the break for discussions and sessions regarding the Community. It's a great opportunity to engage children in rich conversation, share important values and encourage lifelong interest in the news. Similarly, a representative said that youth were the backbone and future of society, and States must realize that young people might represent a risk factor if they were abandoned, and must think carefully about how to invest in the potential that youth represented. Copyright 2022 Cvent Inc.All rights reserved. In a virtual roundtable called Multiple Lenses of DEI, for example, the participants are Black women. A roundtable discussion is an organized conversation with one moderator, several chosen speakers that bring a variety of perspectives to a subject, and an audience who may simply observe or participate by asking questions. Young people did not want things to be done for them, but wanted to do those things for themselves, he said. However, the organizer would start the roundtable with an attitude of receptivity, and allow attendees to bring up issues for discussion. Web5. It also means ensuring that each person at the table is given equal time. They also may involve more expensive speaker fees if participants will be compensated. 1 Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. Each group member at the table contributes in turn. When responding to the first question: What got you into the DEI space?, participant Keni Dominguez, now a workplace strategist and career coach for Black and WOC introverts, said that as one of the only Black women working in tech, she became invested in wanting to see more people come through the door who looked like her. That was a real gap that needed to be filled, he said. Be mindful not to judge their responses and listen thoughtfully. A way to deal with this is to tell the student she must participate anyway, as she had ample time to prepare and notify the group of any difficulty. Anonymously rate your current or former employer now to unlock our one-of-a-kind resources. WebOpportunity youth are young people who are between the ages of 16 to 24 years old and are disconnected from school Education Employment & Training Program Development Adolescent Health Adolescence is an important time for promoting health and preventing disease. The question they explored was: Why its so important to know Black history? Includes the best of BusyTeacher: 13 Classroom Discussion Prompts and Strategies for Multilevel ESL, Rules of Discussion to Promote Higher-Level Thinking, 4 Challenges for a Roundtable Discussion, 3 Methods to Address Problems of a Roundtable Discussion. This round-table discussion, led by members of SCS Committee on Contingent Faculty, aims to provide a forum for sharing experiences, building group identity, and fostering mutual support in the challenges unique to professional life off the tenure track. Globalization affected young people, and young people often were not the ones who championed the globalization process, because they were being discriminated against. This type of roundtable discussion is more labor intensive because they are usually recurring or part of a series. Young people in rural areas bore the brunt of the recent and unprecedented periods of drought, water shortages and reduced harvests, forcing many to migrate to more economically developed areas to help feed their families. One participant highlighted the need for United Nations agencies to work together on youth development issues, noting that the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Bank were not closely collaborating on youth issues. Order the questions the way you would a good story: Set the scene, introduce the conflict, offer solutions, and end on a high note. Lastly, another representative suggested that each mission should be mandated or assisted to have a permanent youth representative to the United Nations, which he said would help to develop the ability of young persons to participate. She stressed that young people were the future, but were also very much a part of the present, which was why they required training and needed further opportunities. Learning how to run a roundtable discussion requires a keen understanding of what roundtables can and cannot do for brands, as well as the steps you absolutely must take to pull it off. 2 Timothy 1:1011 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel: Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles. Instead, they wanted to be taught how to work with adults, and to be given access to skills and information. We invite Classicists to share ideas about causes and discuss possible solutions. It's a great opportunity to engage children in rich conversation, share important Transcribe the audio for hearing impaired audiences to enjoy. And theyre moderated, so they dont usually go wildly off track or turn into a fighting match. Also, be sure to get a good, diverse spread. Many of the Scriptures listed above support the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Ph.D. Surplus, Adjunctification, and Other Inconvenient Topics. He noted that the World Programme of Action of Youth had identified the needs of all young people, including disadvantaged groups, such as young migrants and indigenous youth. Use data from virtual roundtable discussions to get a better understanding of your audience. When discussing the topic, ask young open ended questions that deepen the conversation. ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS: Family Planning Advocacy in a Shifting Environment [FRENCH] English Facilitator: Claire Mathonsi Add a strong call to action such as signing up for your email newsletter to get invitations for future events or to follow up with speakers on their social media. If you enjoyed this article, please help spread it by clicking one of those sharing buttons below. Mind the Gap: Aligning Secondary and Post-Secondary Latin Expectations. In a roundtable, however, it becomes painfully obvious if someone has not prepared when the spotlight is on him or her when his or her turn comes up. My classroom is evolving into a more interactive learning environment as I begin to experiment with 3D printing of museum objects. Other Scriptures to study: Exodus 23:2, Exodus 34:12, Numbers 33:55, 1 Kings 11:2, 2 Chronicles 19:2, Psalms 1:1, Proverbs 4:14, Proverbs 24:1, Proverbs 28:7, John 15:19, John 18:17-20, Acts 2:40, 1 Corinthians 5:11, 2 Corinthians 6:14, Ephesians 5:11, 2 Thessalonians 3:6. Still, it was difficult to meet the demands of a growing youth population, particularly in rural areas. If your roundtable discussion is less about a debate and more about covering various aspects of one subject area, get a group of niche experts together to form a comprehensive education on the topic. A representative said that more had to be done to sufficiently prepare young people for life after education, while several participants said that Member States could not miss the current opportunity to take action regarding young people. CAMWSCorps, an oral history project modeled after NPRs StoryCorps, is now in its sixthyear of recording (as mp3 audio files) conversations with veteran CAMWS members. Young people firmly believed that they did not want to be set up for failure, he continued. Less than three percent of all graduate students studying classics in the U.S. hail from underrepresented groups, which raises many pressing issues for our field. In this roundtable, I will advertise the CAMWS workshop and panel put on by the Graduate Student Interest Committee, as well as our social media and blog presence. Who you invited as your roundtable participants depends very much on the topic youre discussing and what youre trying to accomplish. Not an official record. All Rights Reserved. With careful training and preparation, however, as well as some flexibility, an effective roundtable discussion can be held. What does a membership rally look like? First-time moderators often have slight problems with the timing of roundtable discussions or letting one participant take over the conversation. Change). Write this section with the audiences perspective in mind. Whats most important to you and your branch/lodge? If you dont like the topic, change it to something you would like to speak about. Jennifer and Jon Epstein joined the panel, sharing their experience in losing their son, Cal, after he consumed a counterfeit pain pill in late Docendo Discimus: Challenges for Teachers UsingLiving Latin Method. In addition, because they are in a circle, they are able to see and hear each other with ease, not always the case in a series of rows that a typical lecture is held in. Most roundtables have between two and eight people, and tend to run no more than one hour. Read more: Respect in the Workplace: 5 Inclusion-Driven Tactics That Lay the Groundwork. For example, if the roundtable speakers are a group of expert outbound marketers but the audience consists of first-year college students, quickly review the basics of the topic before diving in. While youth had all the right to be impatient and questioning, they should be innovative and creative. Take a look at this related resource: 7 Good Small Group Bible Studies, Resource Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, King James Version. You dont have to tell the truth the purpose of Table Topics is to be able to think on your feet, you dont have to give your true opinion/feelings about a topic this gives you the freedom to take a topic in whatever direction you would like. Themes/Activities Here are examples of some activities or topics that appeal to youth: This roundtable will present and discuss the educational foundations for the use of backchannels in large courses and results from the NSF study. Read more: Ageism: How Bias Affects Younger & Older Employees. This roundtable seeks to open a dialog among instructors who are implementing innovative approaches to Latin or Greek prose composition that get students actually composing in the classical languages, including gamifying the classroom, composition as fan fiction, imitating ancient writing processes, and beyond. A roundtable discussion is a guided conversation, usually to explore a specific topic and sometimes come up with recommendations. InHerSight matches job seekers and companies based on millions of workplace ratings from women. Choose a moderator who has credentials such as experience working with leading brands in your field or have award-winning media such as a book or well-respected podcast. How Does The Holy Spirit Restrain Evil In The World? Next are participant introductions. At the two-day event, the youth learned about GRIC governance, policies and historical events. circumlocution) during class discussions, therole of writing throughout the course, assessing different modes (spoke,written, etc.) Participants noted key themes and issues on post-its. WebDiscussion Topics Section 1: New and Prospective Members Brian Passehl How to talk to perspective members about joining BetterLife What to give to new members in a new Moderators: Peter Anderson (Grand Valley State University) and Ryan Joyce (International Baccalaureate) Participants will learn the benefits and challenges of including a backchannel in class and how they can conduct a study of backchannels in their own classes. The assurance that young people would be engaged in the future was a critical component of other themes. National Committee for Latin & Greek: Your Voice in Washington--and Elsewhere. Your job is not done after the event is over because you will need to send out resolutions or notes on the roundtable discussion topics that you covered during the meeting. Only then can the conversations be all-encompassing and meaningful. Thanks for stopping by! It was an important moment to decide how to improve activities concerning youth, who must be involved in designing related policies. Should the US government be involved in domestic issues of other countries? Moderator: Amy N. Pistone (University of Notre Dame) In the past decade, Arab youth had witnessed civil and military conflicts, violence and injustice. Isaiah 25:9 And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; We have waited for him, and he will save us: This is the LORD; we have waited for him, We will be glad and rejoice in his salvation. WebMost successful virtual roundtables feature an agenda, but it doesnt have to be too prescribed. In fact, this is again an expectation, the very nature of a round table, that various perspectives are entertained and build on each other. Moderator: William S. Duffy (St. Philip's College) Often these concerns are in the students mind onlyno one else notices, or cares, about the speech problem or accent. Does the undergraduate student population in Classics even approach the numbers for students of color at our institution? At InHerSight, we use data to help women find and improve companies where they can achieve their goals. Participants will discuss the current state of scholarship pertaining to the environmental history of the ancient world and will share their experiences researching and/or teaching within this interdisciplinary subfield. DANAH AL DAJANI, Representative of the Princess Basma Youth Resource Center in Jordan, said Arab youth grew up hearing the message that they lived in an area of conflict and instability. Here Are 4 Tips for Creating a Healthy Structure Between Jobs, Radancys Year of the People: How a New Team Is Changing the Company for the Better, 15 Interview Questions to Ask an HR Manager (& What Theyll Tell You About the Company), Insider Advice: 11 Experts Share Tips on Discussing Your Salary Expectations, 8 Realistic Networking Activities Youll Actually Enjoy, Free, unlimited access to career advice, inspiration, and job matching for women, By signing up or logging in, you agree to InHerSight's, Sign up today and say goodbye to popups forever. CAMWSCorps, an oral history project modeled after NPRs StoryCorps, is now in its sixthyear of recording (as mp3 audio files) conversations with veteran CAMWS members. And so can you! Or, the goal might simply be to discuss the future of an industry or a social justice issue like diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). CAMWSCorps: Recording the Past, Imagining the Future. Allow 5-10 minutes for a welcome, 45-70 minutes for the discussion, and 10 minutes at the end to close and say goodbye. Participants will be encouraged to share their own experiences and brainstorm new ideas. Their personal experiences added a level of depth to the discussion that would be missing if the participants were white men. While the shape of the table itself lends to this equal footing, the facilitator or moderator is ultimately responsible to ensure that everyone gets their chance to speak. Many had themselves been child soldiers. (LogOut/ This roundtable discussion will focus on developing workable ideas for incorporating service learning activities into Classics courses, in ways which are useful to and respectful of the needs of local communities. For example, a roundtable discussion on the future of the hotel industry may want subject matter experts who can touch on marketing, technology, the travel industry as a whole, climate change, and hospitality economics. Do you think celebrities/rap musicians are good role models for young people today? Why Were Some Books Excluded From The Bible? WebFind National Service Center content below for each segment of the virtual roundtable format. Moderators: Krishni Burns (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and Samantha Lindgren (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) There are those students who are averse to speaking in public at all. More than 200 million of them lived in poverty; 88 million were unemployed; and millions were illiterate or suffering from HIV/AIDS. Check back frequently to see what has They were the right participants because they each have a unique lived experience and perspective that non-Black people dont have. We will consider what the perceived gap in knowledge and skills might be; and how we might align the desired outcomes of secondary and post-secondary programs, driven as they are by the varied philosophies of teachers, governments, and external organizations. The challenges they faced were largely internal, she said, highlighting the difficulty of every day survival of Palestinian youth living under occupation. How to Run a Roundtable Discussion in 7 Simple Steps, The Ultimate Guide to Cabaret Style Seating . If fact, without young families and their youth, the church will surely die. Email. If your roundtable discussion is around a hot topic or a highly-debated one, choose at least two people who will represent both extreme ends of a given spectrum and one person who falls somewhere in the middle or offers a wildcard in terms of their experience. Should a minimum wage be guaranteed? Families often want to discuss news stories and other timely societal events. A roundtable discussion may be used to receive feedback on the progress of National Water Safety Plan implementation, providing a platform for stakeholders to share their Say each panelists name, occupation, and a one-sentence description about what makes them an expert on the subject. During the discussion that followed, representatives stressed that youth participation was key to development, and said there was a serious challenge to involve youth effectively. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Have the moderator introduce themselves too, along with their credentials. At its highest level, the goal is to share expert advice or relevant industry trends. Conversation Starters for Families on The Dating Divas. Young people and States had to make commitments matter. (Flyers, social media, text, email, phone, etc. Segment 3: Young People and Their Well-Being. At the round table we will reflect on what CAMWSCorps has accomplished so far and brainstorm about what else it might attempt in the years ahead. Each member must be prepared and have developed his or her own thoughts and some expertise on the topic. Virtual Roundtable: New Performance Metrics in a Post-Pandemic World. The round table, comprising three segments: young people in the global economy; young people in civil society; and young people and their well-being, served as a forum to discuss concrete, practical ways to further implement the 1995 World Programme of Action for Youth. Collaborative event management software that saves time, boosts revenue and drives loyalty. The right to health, education, and all basic requirements and needs must be guaranteed by Member States and also by international youth organizations, and must be guaranteed and enshrined in actions. How do you spread the word of your events? According to the report, children living in poverty are less likely to have access to school and drop out sooner. Some examples for a DEI-based roundtable might include: What advancements have you seen at your place of work? Keep in mind that being recognizable does not necessarily mean they are famous on social media or otherwise, but that may be the case. If you could get a job on a major movie, would you like to be the Director, one of the actors or the screen play writer? If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you like to visit? Webprogram for youth. WebAbout Table Talk Families often want to discuss news stories and other timely societal events. Impacts on our immune systems as we age. Lastly, a participant called for the creation of a council of young people at the United Nations, which he believed would be very productive and effective, and would ultimately make a real impact. It was also necessary to launch awareness campaigns and to create social equality, which required access to basic health services, education, and employment. New Directions in Latin and Greek Prose Composition. of Latin learning, translation as a tool rather than a goal,creating a Living Latin classroom within a non-Living Latin department,preparing students to transition to and succeed in a grammar-translationbased program. Societal events students of color at our institution supports the kinds of things you looking... Moderators often have slight problems with the audiences perspective in mind our institution government be involved designing. Other countries million were unemployed ; and millions were illiterate or suffering from HIV/AIDS suffering from HIV/AIDS webabout Talk... 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