The contentious and potentially scary incident occurred late in the evening of Wednesday, 26 August, when two buses containing high school student members of the Regional Childrens Choir were returning to Baradine from a camp-fire evening at Odells Crossing. THE PILLIGA MONSTER, Is it legit is a TV Pilot of an Australian Yowie Documentry - Yowies in the PilligaThis is a Pilot episode of a new Australian mystery T. There were no placental mammals (except bats) in Australia until the aborigines showed up with their dingoes 40,000 years ago or so. The Pilliga Yowie, - or 'Jingra' - has haunted the Australian outback for centuries, stalking a remote part of New South Wales, where men seldom dare . Although the image was fleeting and nobody could describe exactly what they saw, the incident adds mystery to a story that has its roots in Aboriginal folklore. Smells like shit there and dead animals all up in the bush in piles .very odd place, Thanks for finally talking about > "Bongo's Pilliga Yowie Hoax Proves That Some Australians Are Just As Capable As Some Americans And Russians When It Comes To Hoaxing" < Liked it!Visit my weblog diet that works. Yowiehunters Witness Audio Reports writes The is a re-interview by Sarah, of an Interview we did back in 1999. However, most of the kids said they had seen something, but there was such a lot of commotion and noise which really must have scared the creature away. The driver of the second bus, Cliff Matthews, said that he really could not make a comment other than there was definitely something or someone on the track. by Moree Ed Tue Jul 30, 2019 1:45 pm, Unread post A Yowie is an apelike creature with no neck likened to Big Foot or the Yeti. She is said to have a mop of wild white hair, and even glowing eyes, according to some reports. The Pilliga Yowie, - or 'Jingra' - has haunted the Australian outback for centuries, stalking a remote part of New South Wales, where men seldom dare tread, content to keep to itself. The incident was reported in the local newspaper at the time.. People are naturally Apeman Near cooroo lands up qld. I had a man working for me some years ago who said he had seen a yowie out here and there was no way he was staying out in the forest after dark. All the Following Yowie Evidence footprints were too large to have been made by any human being." It must be emphasized here that the world Yowie meant Hairy man or Hairy people, not because these hominids were/are covered in long thick hair, but because of the animal [ie marsupial] hide garments they wore like the early Aboriginal tribespeople. After enjoying the camp fire stories and billy tea and damper in the heart of the forest, the group set off on the return drive. Blokish truck driver Jay and his cameraman buddy Dylan journey into the PIlliga National Park with Liz and Tammy, two good time girls they meet in a pub. The Pilliga Yowie. It is a vast unusual western woodland characterised by native white cypress and iron bark forests, broom bush plants and vivid spring flowers. Australian Yowie Research Centre Est1976 by Rex Gilroy for the sole purpose of Scientific Study of the Australian Hairy - man. They sometimes sport a halo or helmet like head dress; others have short antennae. This is more frequent where non-indigenous settlement has been less dense, particularly in Central Australia and the Top End. This blog brought to you by Braun Transport Brisbane Darwin. The outback is arguably to scariest character of them all! Mel, back on her spooky sh*t, scares the bejesus out of Josie with some terrifying tales of NSW's Pilliga Princess, a real-life woman who is now believed to haunt the Newell Highway. As the first bus approached Odells Crossing, driver Daisy Matthews was startled to see something she believes resembled a strange human moving between the trees. Here's some must see spots: Baradine which passes through the Pilliga Forest country, a region encompassing hundreds of square miles of vast bushland where Yowies have been seen by settlers since the earliest years of European presence thereabouts. Informacin. Near Dandry Creek, The Pilliga National Preserve. Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 7:23:00AM PST, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 9:08:00AM PST, Monday, October 8, 2012 at 8:42:00PM PDT, Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 5:53:00AM PDT, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 10:22:00AM PST, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 10:52:00AM PST, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 11:09:00AM PST, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 11:21:00AM PST, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 3:53:00PM PST, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 6:08:00PM PST, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 6:20:00PM PST, Monday, September 3, 2012 at 1:17:00AM PDT, Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 2:31:00AM PDT, Monday, October 8, 2012 at 8:37:00PM PDT, Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 6:20:00AM PDT, Wednesday, November 21, 2012 at 5:21:00PM PST, Tuesday, January 1, 2013 at 6:07:00PM PST, Tuesday, January 1, 2013 at 6:18:00PM PST, Thursday, January 3, 2013 at 6:12:00PM PST, Saturday, March 9, 2013 at 4:04:00AM PST, Thursday, April 18, 2013 at 11:28:00PM PDT, Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 3:20:00AM PDT, Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 9:40:00AM PDT,, Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 9:02:00PM PDT. Somehow I really doubt the aborigines gave a boat ride to a Yowie. Cheers, Americans are the biggest liars, even there non existent animals have to be bigger than the rest.. take the yeti it is suppose to be 6 ft tall and weigh 200-250lbs, then the yowie 7-8 foot tall 400-500 lbs, then you got the Yankee bigfoot 9-10 ft tall and 700-800lbs.Finding bigfoot in Ausralia you have that simpleton Cliff explaining the surgical cuts on the guy who had his goats supposedly killed by a yowie, could not have been done by people.. Wtf an animal has supposedly been taken, had its guts slit, organs and brain removed and that evidence suggests it was not done by people lol i almost wet myself at that stupid comment.If you had your goats taken in the night from your farm&found them the next day 14 ft up in a tree with there organs and brains removed, what would you think could have done this? Over the years there have been many stories of yowie sightings in the Pilliga, in fact there have been more reported yowie sightings in the forest than anywhere else in Australia and it is often known as a hot spot for yowie hunters. She is said to wear a red fishing hat, pulled down to eye level, and a World War I army coat. by Moree Ed Tue Jul 30, 2019 1:51 pm, Unread post carcass of beef from the butchers shop.The butcher had left the carcass hanging in his shop overnight and locked up gone, explained Polly. Plot Summary:The Pilliga Yowie, - or 'Jingra' - has haunted the Australian outback for centuries, stalking a remote part of New South Wales, where men seldom dare tread, content to keep to itself. It appeared by gregvalentine Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:31 pm, Unread post If I kind in hanryu,it gives ms a graph showing me that there are more yahoo individuals looking up for that specific niche term. A recent sighting of what appeared to be a hairy creature lurking in the Pilliga has Baradine residents wondering if there is some truth to the primeval legend of the yowie. There was only one other car outside the pub. by sensesonfire Tue Jul 30, 2019 8:29 pm, Unread post to the Pilliga Forest, the Warrumbungles and Mt Kaputar National Park in search Ill pay for your trip if i can record it .lol scared as bro strait up. footprints in road side bush, similar to experiences in recent months of truck This is particularly so for Aboriginal communities, such as Maningrida in the Northern Territory. by Moree Ed Mon Aug 12, 2019 11:16 am, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. Listen to it; judge this slice of Australian folklore for yourself. Website by PMG Media Group. Plus, a bonus Pilliga Yowie story which will give you nightmares! Copyright Coonabarabran t Rex Gilroy 2009. by gregvalentine Mon Jul 29, 2019 10:15 pm, Unread post Tune in at 14:35. Bunyips have been used as scare tactics to get children to behave; for example, this clip from a 1977 animated movie of the Australian childrens classic, Dot and the Kangaroo scared a lot of Australian kids to death. Most people think that Yowie & Friends was named after the Pilliga yowienot so! Peter, our Witness still remembers the event like it was yesterday and tells it in a true Aussie style. The fact you barely see the creature also works. Was it a Bunyip removed from its waterhole? 338-356 Mitchell Rd ALEXANDRIA New South Wales Less is more in this case. I would be asking individuals questions separately. by bunyiper Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:27 am, Unread post Just ignore the idiots, no matter where they are from. Pilliga is a village 105 km west of Narrabri in the North West Plains section of the New England region of New South Wales, Australia. The indigenous people of NSW avoided the Pilliga scrub because they claimed there was a dark spirit occupying the area. My brother told me the story of the Pilliga Princess. She is even said to have been seen wandering around nearby truck stops. great search" and for me it is a fascinating one. Ocker truck driver Jay and his cameraman buddy Dylan journey into the Pilliga National Park with some drunken sheilas they met in a pub. Have you met bongo? On the Gold Coast a hiker saw a 12 ft creature Their descriptions of the entire animal might be a front end like a kangaroo and a hind end of a platypus. A Yowie is a creature Of Aboriginal folklore and said to be humanoid in appearance, but have a stature between seven and twelve feet tall. Hope you enjoy! on The Yowie, Rex Gilroy with two of the three plaster Big, hairy, scary, man-eating monster!!!! hominids' in remote hidden regions of the world has been called the "last It is a call in show and it appeals to residents of small towns and rural areas. Yowie researcher Dean Harrison has described his too-close encounters with the mysterious apelike creature, which is comparable to the North American Sasquatch or the Himalayan yeti. They have been around for a long time; aboriginal rock paintings depict them. Natural History Museum near Katoomba, and Australia's leading Authority on Yowies. They were told hair-raising Pilliga tales of the Yowie, they were preparing music and song based on the Yowie legend, and then a Shape/figure Yowie appears? There's Something in the Pilliga1080p,There's Something in the Pilliga, Est 1997, Unread post Blokish truck driver Jay and his cameraman buddy Dylan journey into the PIlliga National Park with Liz and Tammy, two good time girls they meet in a pub . The audio quality in the old interview was semi corrupted and we needed the re-record because it's such a good story. Pilliga Yowie Bigfoot Sighting #577 New South Wales 2388 577..between pilliga and Burren junction I think the property was called buggle bone by memory 1977 was working in area went to shoot a rabbit for my dog and she chased it and I chased her it was pushing trees down running away it was more frightened of my dog than being aggressive there were footprints in the sand as well Australian truckers see some of the emptiest places in the country. AYR. Composer and musician, Dan Walker, has been working with the kids preparing music and song based on the yowie legend. The Yowie is about 9 foot tall,about 450-500 kilos, solid build, unusual long arms, dark brown / black long hair all over, walks on 2 feet just like a man. They arrive only to find the friend is missing. There appeared to be two calling to each other from a big distance. Coincidental? It's also not hard to follow. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. There were no exits on that stretch just trees on both sides. Check out this time lapse video of some amazing bigfoot artwork on the youtube channel Danielle Rimbert. Our Aborigines have been talking about them for centuries, they are a deeply spiritual race who don't invent stories for the amusement of dopey whites. Copyright 2019 Sasquatch Chronicles. Bathurst West Public School is Inner Regional school in Bathurst, New South Wales. The Producer Michael Pavlich was at the mike taking calls and reports from Trevor out in the pitch dark in the Pilliga, when he received the call from one Bongo. A bit of a yarn teller thats all that is one to get the kids wound up like a jack in the box on camping nights. Pilliga Yowie Search- New South Wales-1980, Coonabarabran, NSW--The Director of Mt York Natural History The writer, Erich Von Daniken suggests that the indigenous peoples were visited by extra-terrestrials as the only explanation for these massive creatures found in rock paintings. Dams are dotted all through the scrub, full of yabbies, and water the many native and feral creatures that inhabit the thick forest. Yowies and Bunyips are a real phenomenom, ask anyone who has spent any amount of time in the Australian bush. by Moree Ed Mon Jul 29, 2019 3:18 pm, Unread post Level 11 Tower B Zenith Centre 821 Pacific Hwy CHATSWOOD New South Wales. During the time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"..George Orwell. and Kyogle areas on the NSW north coast. I am always embarrassed by fellow Australians who try to impress with the "Aussie talk = Sheilas,Blokes,Shenanigans etc" and always overdo it. Dont listen if youre scare-able. hairy creature in jungle a few miles from town. They say that she died trying to hitch a ride with a trucker who didnt see her until it was too late. excited about these and other unexplained mysteries and want to read all the The Pilliga is a beaten-up burnt-out forest where the creeks flow underground and the trees grow barely as wide as a child's arm. Its grasses have been eaten and its soils pulverised, its timber ringbarked and wood-chipped. I do believe the degree of preposterousness (new word) should show that it's best heard over the foam of a good local ale. What is the English language plot outline for There's Something in the Pilliga (2014)? She is known as the Pilliga Princess. For gods sake people its a gee up. Crypto-linguists believe that the species known Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti/Yowie ect speak and understand a complex language, which by all accounts seems to stem from Asia. I bet if cliff got a prank call at 2am he would say it was probably a bigfoot pretending to be a person.. he is just as bad as simpleton Bobo and Moneymaker Matt.. neither have seen bigfoot, they just say they have, this impresses cliff&he wants to see one so accepts there lies and palms off there crap as fact.. at least Rannae has an open mind, the other 3 have bigfoot on the brain, Once it happens you lose doubt and kinda realise its just s big bush ape that hides good. Just another nutcase wanting attention. One night in March, 1993 she was hit and killed while crossing the highway. There are stories of many strange occurrences and even talk of yowies, but one phenomenon has been reportedly sighted many times. Another account says she was trying to catch a lift with a truck going the opposite direction. For many years drivers reported seeing a white haired woman dressed in a fishing hat and an old army coat pushing her processions in a shopping trolley along the Newell Highway and some of the unpaved tracks of the region. actually participating in the search for such creatures. The search for surviving 'relict Cliff ruled out people&said it was probably a yowie, Cliff is irritating and stupid, he is convinced every crackpot is telling the truth, any story told he accepts as fact,he makes the story fit the evidence even when any normal person can see a dozen other explanations. In north-western NSW, there is a huge section of dense scrub known as the Pilliga. But consider the tourist foolish enough to be driving this portion of the Newell Highway at night 100 miles in each direction from anywhere and coming upon this ghostly figure wandering alone by the side of the road pushing a shopping cart. Based on the Yowie, Rex Gilroy for the sole purpose of Scientific Study of Pilliga. 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