The pale ray stands for the water which justifies souls; and the red ray stands for the blood which is the life of souls Happy is he who shall live in their shadow, for the just hand of God shall not reach him (Diary 299). Unexceptional, a meagre little creature, poor, nothing special about her, not very promising. I saw how enthusiastically Sister Faustina carried out all her duties. Mankind shall not find peace and contentment until it turns with trust unto My mercy (Diary 300), He told Sister Faustina. The Message is happy to share stories about the Divine Mercy devotion. Others in her state would never rise, but he had seen her holding on to the wall as she walked to the chapel. After all, she lived in a convent and was only a simple nun performing prosaic duties; she had neither extensive relations with other people nor any opportunities to disseminate this message in the world at large. Was when I was seven, [it happened] during Vespers and Jesus was exposed in the monstrance. The Bishop bestowed on her a ring with the name Jesus engraved on it as the sign of eternal nuptial. In this situation, she tried to avoid the Lord, and when He came she would ask, Jesus, are You my God, or a spectre? ultimate desires God has for His dear children. There Helenka found the refuge from which she set off in search of a convent, and once she had found it stayed for another year to save some money for a modest monastic trousseau. If time allowed she would play with me. Sister Faustina had achieved the fullness of union with God and sang a hymn in honour of His unfathomable Mercy. Saint Faustina: Her Early Virtues Oct 03 2018 October 5 marks the 80th anniversary of the death of St. Faustina and her entrance into eternal life. She felt that she loved God and was loved in return. From a very tender age she stood out . When the painting was completed Father Sopoko put it up in a dark corridor in the Observantine Convent next to St. Michaels Church, of which he was rector. I stood next to the bedside cabinet on which there was a little altar set up and was overwhelmed with terror, but a moment later she came round and said, 'Ah, Sister, youve come, Im glad, do come in'. I looked at Sister Amelia but said nothing. Whenever I left the house Mrs. Sadowska said of her maid years later I could rest assured. I remember her wholesome, happy smile Aldona Lipszyc recalled after many years She used to sing a lot and I always think of her in connection with the hymn she sang most often and which I learned from her, 'I am to revere Jesus hidden in the Sacrament'. Out of her charism and mystical experience grew the Apostolic Movement of the Divine Mercy which continues her mission, proclaiming the message of Mercy to the world through the testimony of life, deed, words and prayer. He asked for something hot to eat. Helenka cared for him not only by bringing food but also by asking a priest to look after his salvation. Jesus introduced the Chaplet of Divine Mercy through a vision granted to St. Faustina. Divine Mercy Sunday is celebrated the Second Sunday of Easter (which is the first Sunday after Easter). Our dear Novice Mistress bolstered my courage in these difficult moments. Source: Wikipedia and Catholic Online Jesus said to Sister Faustina that the sign would come with the graces dispensed through the picture. In August 1938 she wrote a letter to Mother General Michaela Moraczewska: Dearest Reverend Mother, I feel this is our last conversation on earth. In the next visions Jesus made great promises to Sister Faustina in connection with the trustful reciting of the Chaplet. She joined the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy and experienced several visions of Jesus. At first she was happy to be leaving, but on the next day was overwhelmed by darkness and felt she had lost Gods presence, so she decided to put off this move a little until her next meeting with her confessor. The superior of the house, Mother Irena Krzyanowska, like to visit her there, and observed Sister Faustinas great calm and a strange charm about her. I did not feel any consolation in prayer, meditation came only with much effort, anxiety started to overwhelm me. That is how Sister Faustinas hospital ministry for the dying started. Her fellow nuns called her the lawyer because she could direct the discussion to the subject of Gods truths. . After taking her first vows Sister Faustina stayed for a few months in Krakw. Apostle of Divine Mercy, Prophet of Our Times, Great Mystic, Mistress of Spiritual Life these are the epithets usually appended to the name of Sister Faustyna Kowalska, St. Faustyna (Faustina), of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. These and other promises Jesus made would be fulfilled only if the practices He had recommended were accompanied by an inner attitude of trust in God combined with an active love of ones neighbour. The Roman Catholic devotion and venerated image under this Christological title refers to what Faustina's diary describes as "God's loving mercy". If You are my God, please bless me. It is undoubtedly a sign of our times a sign of our 20th century. The Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy has fully adopted Sister Faustinas prophetic mission, and on 25 August 1995 recognised her as its Spiritual Foundress. He was inspired to lead a life of poverty and itinerant preaching. Finally, as he later disclosed, More out of curiosity rather than conviction as to the authenticity of Sister Faustinas visions, I decided to have the picture painted. Why do we pray at 3 o clock? Jesus request that she proclaim His Mercy to the world occurs time and again throughout the diary. She wrote in her diary, No one would be able to understand all the suffering and anguish Im going through; neither am I able to describe it, nor can there be any greater suffering. The One to whom I have made my vows is my husband and therefore your son-in-law. Go immediately to Warsaw, there you will enter a convent (Diary 10). Required fields are marked *. On April 18, 1993, the Holy Father John Paul II raised her to the glory of the altars and on April 30, 2000, numbered her among the saints of the Church. Of Helenka she used to say that she had an inner life of her very own and that her little soul must be dear to Jesus. . But occasionally someone was a witness to them. From the age of seven, she had felt the calling for religious vocation, but her parents would not give her permission to enter the convent. In June 1937 she made a record in her diary of the final shape of the work which was one but had three hues. One day passing by the chapel she said to Sister Damiana Ziek, I heard that Jesus said that at the Last Judgement He would judge people only on their mercy, for God is Mercy, so by doing or failing to do merciful deeds you are casting a verdict on yourself. She was an able pupil and a keen learner, but had to leave after just three years to make room for the younger children. She was the tutor who prepared Helenka to take the veil and directed her in the first months of her novitiate. Her superiors sent her for treatment to a sanatorium in the municipal health institution in Krakw. First she stayed at the house of her uncle Micha Rapacki, at No. Hail Mary, full of grace. These words filled her soul with a terrible awe. After a few months, in June 1934, the work on the painting was drawing to a close. That was the family atmosphere of little Helenka, Gods chosen one to be the prophet of our times. After that refusal I indulged in the vanity of life, not paying any attention to the voice of grace, although there was nothing in which my soul could find contentment. But it was to her that Jesus addressed these amazing words: Under the Old Covenant I sent prophets to My people with thunderbolts. Anthony was not the first ascetic or hermit, but he may properly be called the "Father of Monasticism" in Christianity, as he organized his disciples into a community and later, following the spread of Athanasius's hagiography, was the inspiration for similar communities throughout Egypt and elsewhere. The background to and instrument whereby God effected this in Sister Faustinas soul was the work for the implementation of the concept of a new congregation. Some warned her of hallucinations, others declared she was hysterical and fantasising, and yet others acknowledged that she must be close to Jesus since she was bearing all this suffering with such calm. St. Faustina's life was an imitation of Christ's sacrifice in . As the devotion became more and more widely known the opinion of Sister Faustinas sainthood grew as well. Jesus does not ask you to suffer beyond your capacity. Tell distressed humankind to come up and cling to My Heart, and I shall fill it with peace. Faustina was beatified on April 18, 1993 and canonized on April 30, 2000. On the next day during Mass she saw Jesus, who yet again said that He wanted such a work founded as soon as possible. Theologians inspired by Sister Faustina are examining the mystery of Divine Mercy; apostles of Divine Mercy from her school are training in the attitude of trust in God and mercy for their neighbour, love of the Eucharist and the Church, and learning the true veneration of Our Lady of Mercy. The doctor said it was very bad. Towards the end of my first year in the novitiate she recorded in her diary it began to grow dark in my soul. Her siblings and peers also saw that Helenka was someone with a different mentality, who did not go to village dances and liked to pray and read the lives of the saints. That terrible thought pierced my soul right through. Why is St Faustina important? At the age of seven she had her first undeniable experience of Gods love. "After it will come the Day of Justice. When she tried to curb her daughters enthusiasm saying, Youll go mad if you keep getting up in the middle of the night, Helenka told her, Mummy, it must be an angel that wakes me up for prayers. It happened one day during the octave of Corpus Christi she recorded the most important event of her time at Ostrwek in her diary God filled my soul with an inner light enabling me to come to know Him as the Supreme Good and Beauty. Faustina I Silver Roman Imperial Coins (27 BC-476 AD), Through the locutory door which was ajar she saw an unpretentious girl and at first, on observing her somewhat shabby appearance, had a mind to turn her away but it occurred to her that it would be more charitable first to talk to her. Sister Faustina was born on 25 August 1905 in Gogowiec, Poland to Marianna and Stanisaw Kowalski as the third of ten children. The priest told her to paint an image of Jesus in her soul. She wrote: "I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish. Where, if not in Divine Mercy, will the world find rescue and the light of hope? The same ceremony was being held in Rome in a beautiful church, and the Holy Father and all the clergy were celebrating it; and suddenly I saw St. Peter standing between the altar and the Holy Father. There was also Jadzia, a blind charge, who told of her unusual experiences. That joy faded somewhat towards the end of her first year in the novitiate when she started to go through a period of extremely painful spiritual experiences known as the passive nights. It is a sign for the end times; after it will come the day of justice. The suffering martyrs go through is no greater, for at such times death would bring me relief; there is nothing I can compare this suffering with, this endless dying of the soul (Diary 1116). Two days later she was baptized with the name Helena in the parish church of winice Warckie. Sister Felicja akowiecka visited Sister Faustina twice a week. Some, especially the more curious ones, were irked by my silence. No-one can deny that God is infinitely merciful; He wants everyone to know that. He ate it. Sister Faustina decided to leave and straightaway write to the Holy Father to dispense her from her vows. Tell them, O My daughter, that I am love and mercy itself (Diary 1074). What are the requirements for Divine Mercy Sunday? Her superiors sent her first to the Congregations house in nearby Walendw, where an eight-day annual retreat was just starting under the direction of the Jesuit Father Edmund Elter, a professor of ethics, homiletics and rhetoric at the Gregorianum University in Rome. The notification had been issued owing to an erroneous translation of her diary and resulting inappropriate forms of worship. Nonetheless, during this Confession something was wondrously penetrating my hear(Diary 817). Eternal is His love for me. In the early morning Father would sing the Hours or other hymns, and when Mother rebuked him that he would wake the children, he replied that they had to learn from their youngest years that God was the most important. I was extremely happy, as I desperately wanted to make my Confession. Suddenly the dying person opened her eyes, looked at Sister Faustina, and died with an extraordinary calm on her face. In the morning, I did my Meditation she noted in her diary and prepared for Holy Communion, even though I was not going to receive it. Other saints and angels, whose company and assistance she had often enjoyed, also lent a helping hand. Here are some more interesting facts: The proper liturgical texts were released by the Holy See in Latin.English and Spanish translations must be approved by the USCCB and confirmed by the Holy See before they can be implemented in the . We continued to pray. Seeing this sign of Gods wrath, she started begging the Angel to hold off a while for the world to do penance, but when she stood before the majesty of the Holy Trinity she did not dare repeat her plea. 30 on Parzczewska St. (now 1 Maja 7 St.) and they needed help with the housework and looking after their only son Zenek. God was working in a strange way in my soul. God came first, not only on Sundays and family occasions, but every day. I got in touch with Eugeniusz Kazimirowski, an artist who lived in the same house as I and undertook to paint the picture, and with Mother Superior, who allowed Sister Faustina to visit him twice a week to instruct him on the details of the painting., The painting of the first picture of the Merciful Jesus started very discreetly at the beginning of January 1934. One day she saw there an extraordinary light. Sister Faustina is one of the Churchs most popular and widely known saints and the greatest mystics in the history of the Church. Sister Faustinas mission continues and is bringing wondrous fruit. Her relics are in the Shrine of the Divine Mercy at agiewniki, Krakw. Merciful Jesus, I trust in you) with a contrite heart. Sister Faustina followed the novice mistress instructions attentively and fulfilled all the duties allotted her with exactitude. (Diary16). 6,379 Likes, 75 Comments - EWTN (@ewtnmedia) on Instagram: "Today is St. Faustina's feast day. It was Sunday, 22 February 1931. All the Kowalski children were baptised in the Parish Church of St. Casimir at winice Warckie; here they made their First Holy Communion and attended Mass on Sundays and holy days. He asked people to kindle that spark of Gods grace and to transmit the fire of mercy to the world. She is known for her diary and for promoting devotion to Jesus as the King of Mercy which is particularly done by praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. When I tried to explain that I had a problem with saying this Litany, he rose and granted me absolution. Translated by Teresa Bauk-Ulewiczowa, Copyright by ZgromadzenieSiostr Matki Boskiej Miosierdzia, 4. Sister Faustina continued to keep her diary in Krakw, recording not only Jesus words and her extraordinary mystical experiences, but also deeply moving contemplation on the mystery of Divine Mercy. She was kind, courteous, and hard-working. For the entire day without intermission, I lived immersed in God (Diary 707-708). Like the biblical prophets, she started enumerating her inadequacies and excusing herself that she was not capable of accomplishing this work. On her return from Rabka Sister Faustina was given a lighter duty, in the entrance lodge, than her previous job in the garden. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Her Cracovian spiritual director observed that since she had taken the decision she would be taking the full responsibility on herself. You have a good, humble and such an innocent child, a neighbour, Marianna Bereziska, praised Helenka. In Vilnius Sister Faustina was to work in the garden, although she had not any experience in this duty. In these dark nights of the soul there were moments of light and joy, when God allowed her to feel His love or when Our Lady came to her aid. When once instead of praying she started reading a religious book, she heard an inner voice, You shall prepare the world for My final coming(Diary 429). It was during Vespers in simple words straight from my heart I made a vow of perpetual chastity to God. They gave an excuse of not being able to afford a dowry and refused permission. Is a gift from God for our times, great mystic, mistress of spiritual life, prophet, who reminded the biblical truth about merciful love of God for every human being and calls to proclaim it to the world through the testimony of life, deed, word and prayer. We did not understand her. She continued to make entries in her diary almost to the end of June. Her eyes were fixed on an invisible object, and her pupils slightly dilated, for some time she did not take any notice of me, and I did not want to disturb her and was intending to leave, but soon she came round, noticed me and apologised for not hearing me knock or enter. He consulted Mother Superior Irena Krzyanowska, asking for information concerning Sister Faustinas religious life and asked for an examination to be done of her physical and mental health. Sister Felicja was surprised that the doctor allowed her to go to Mass despite her poor condition. Sister Faustinas parents came to the agiewniki convent. Those who are strong devotees to Divine Mercy and St. Faustina, may know a lot already about her life. Sister Faustina wished a priest would come and resolve the question definitively and just say, rest assured, you are on the right road, or reject it all, for it does not come from God (Diary 127). Many of the great saints suffer like St. Faustina, who died of tuberculosis at age 33, suffering greatly in her final years. The Diary has been translated into more than 20 languages, including, English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak . Alongside its achievements which have by far eclipsed those of previous ages, the balance of the century now drawing to a close also carried deep anxiety for the future. I entered more deeply into myself and couldnt see anything but great misery. Right at that moment, I was transfixed by the Divine light, and I felt I belonged solely to God; and I experienced supreme spiritual freedom, such as I had never had any idea of before (Diary 1681). Helenka asked the pastor of St. James parish, Father Jakub Dbrowski, for help. He said, I protect souls that spread the worship of My Mercy throughout their lives, as a loving mother protects her baby; and at the hour of their death I shall not be a Judge unto them, but their merciful Saviour (Diary 1075). The sisters in the refectory got up from table and went upstairs, where Sister Faustina was lying in her room. I put all my trust in God and His holy will. Join the "Apostle of Mercy" as you prepare for Christ's birth! Informed of this, Mother Superior Irena Krzyanowska forbade her to speak about it, and this is how Sister Faustinas extraordinary spiritual life was kept secret. The name Faustina is a girls name of Spanish, Latin origin meaning fortunate one. There were holy pictures on the walls, and a little altar stood in the middle of the bedroom, with a crucifix and two holy statues, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Her health slightly improved, Sister Faustina returned to agiewniki Convent. The Feast of the Divine Mercy has entered the universal Churchs liturgical calendar for good. She apologised to Jesus and immediately revoked her decision. She concluded the letter with the words, Farewell, Dearest Mother, we shall each other at the feet of Gods throne. When she wanted to please her father she would take the Lives of the Saints or some other religious book from our modest bookcase and read aloud. From that moment on I felt a greater intimacy with God, my Bridegroom. Writing about her experience viewing Heaven, the saint wrote: I saw how all creatures give ceaseless praise and glory to God. She went to Aleksandrw dzki, a town where Kazimierz Bryszewski and his wife Leokadia had a bakery and shop at No. Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska was born on August 25, 1905 in central Poland, the third of the ten children of Stanisaw Kowalski and Marianna Kowalska. Whereas, it turned out, God let her know how much she would suffer. Faustina was canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church on 30 April 2000, [1] [2] having been considered a mystic and visionary. By William Nardi 10/5/2020 Sister Gaudia Skass of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy displays an image of the Divine Mercy. Words cannot describe how good she was. Tell souls of His great mercy, while there is still time for mercy; if you should remain silent now, you shall be held responsible on that terrible day for a great number of souls. Father supplemented his income from the farm with work as a carpenter. Just as the astounding revelations on the Divine Mercy entrusted by Jesus to St. Faustina constitute God's final effort of salvation . Speak to the world about My mercy; let all mankind recognize my unfathomable mercy. After his ordination on the third Sunday of each month he celebrated Divine Mercy services in this chapel. Helenka looked after her employers children and also after those in need, of whom there was no shortage. When I went indoors, and thought about what had happened at the gate I heard these words in my soul, My daughter, the blessings uttered by the poor as they leave your gate have reached My ears; they are thankful to Me, your mercy within the bounds of obedience pleased Me, so I descended from My throne to taste the fruit of your mercy. (Diary 1312). In the evening when she returned to her cell, she had a physical vision of Jesus in a white robe. I promise that the soul that venerates this picture shall not perish. He was born on November 11, 1873. Along with the new tasks, there now came a second stage of anguishing purification known as the passive nights of the spirit. In the darkness of the passive nights God was granting her moments of respite and great joy. Introduction to the Chaplet of Mercy. On the next day when she entered the chapel Jesus instructed her once more how she was to say the prayer on an ordinary rosary. They were all taking part in the ceremony with great joy, and many received what they had asked for. The painting of the vision Sister Faustina had had three years earlier at Pock gave rise to several fundamental questions which Father Sopoko put to Sister Faustina, and she in the simplicity of her heart passed them on to Jesus, who explained, My gaze from this picture is like My gaze from the cross (Diary 326), Jesus explained, The two rays stand for blood and water. the Diary, 1732). This message, Pope Benedict XVI has said, The message of Mercy as the Divine Power, as God putting a check on all the worlds evil, is indeed the chief message of our times. What is Maria Faustina Kowalska known for? I want a Feast of Mercy. It was an exhortation Sister Faustina heard many times: Tell the world of My mercy, of My love. She was canonized by Pope John Paul II on April 30, 2000. At age 33, suffering greatly in her Diary and resulting inappropriate forms of worship,. 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